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Web services: API Documentation

API Documentation


Get the signup required settings and profile fields.


General structure
object {
namefields list of (
string //The order of the name fields
)passwordpolicy string Optional //Password policy
sitepolicy string Optional //Site policy
sitepolicyhandler string Optional //Site policy handler
defaultcity string Optional //Default city
country string Optional //Default country
profilefields Optional //Required profile fields
list of (
object {
id int Optional //Profile field id
shortname string Optional //Password policy
name string Optional //Profield field name
datatype string Optional //Profield field datatype
description string Optional //Profield field description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //Profield field category id
categoryname string Optional //Profield field category name
sortorder int Optional //Profield field sort order
required int Optional //Profield field required
locked int Optional //Profield field locked
visible int Optional //Profield field visible
forceunique int Optional //Profield field unique
signup int Optional //Profield field in signup form
defaultdata string Optional //Profield field default data
defaultdataformat int //defaultdata format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
param1 string Optional //Profield field settings
param2 string Optional //Profield field settings
param3 string Optional //Profield field settings
param4 string Optional //Profield field settings
param5 string Optional //Profield field settings
)recaptchapublickey string Optional //Recaptcha public key
recaptchachallengehash string Optional //Recaptcha challenge hash
recaptchachallengeimage string Optional //Recaptcha challenge noscript image
recaptchachallengejs string Optional //Recaptcha challenge js url
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [namefields] => Array ( [0] => string ) [passwordpolicy] => string [sitepolicy] => string [sitepolicyhandler] => string [defaultcity] => string [country] => string [profilefields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string [name] => string [datatype] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [categoryname] => string [sortorder] => int [required] => int [locked] => int [visible] => int [forceunique] => int [signup] => int [defaultdata] => string [defaultdataformat] => int [param1] => string [param2] => string [param3] => string [param4] => string [param5] => string ) ) [recaptchapublickey] => string [recaptchachallengehash] => string [recaptchachallengeimage] => string [recaptchachallengejs] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="namefields"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="passwordpolicy"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sitepolicy"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sitepolicyhandler"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultcity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profilefields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="datatype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="required"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forceunique"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="signup"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultdata"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultdataformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param3"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param4"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param5"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="recaptchapublickey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recaptchachallengehash"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recaptchachallengeimage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recaptchachallengejs"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds a new user (pendingto be confirmed) in the site.

username (Required)

General structure
string //Username
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[username] => string
REST (POST parameters)
username= string
password (Required)
        Plain text password

General structure
string //Plain text password
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
firstname (Required)
        The first name(s) of the user

General structure
string //The first name(s) of the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[firstname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
firstname= string
lastname (Required)
        The family name of the user

General structure
string //The family name of the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lastname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
lastname= string
email (Required)
        A valid and unique email address

General structure
string //A valid and unique email address
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[email] => string
REST (POST parameters)
email= string
city (Default to "")
        Home city of the user

General structure
string Default to "" //Home city of the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[city] => string
REST (POST parameters)
city= string
country (Default to "")
        Home country code

General structure
string Default to "" //Home country code
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[country] => string
REST (POST parameters)
country= string
recaptchachallengehash (Default to "")
        Recaptcha challenge hash

General structure
string Default to "" //Recaptcha challenge hash
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[recaptchachallengehash] => string
REST (POST parameters)
recaptchachallengehash= string
recaptcharesponse (Default to "")
        Recaptcha response

General structure
string Default to "" //Recaptcha response
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[recaptcharesponse] => string
REST (POST parameters)
recaptcharesponse= string
customprofilefields (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
value string //Custom field value, can be an encoded json if required
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[customprofilefields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
customprofilefields[0][type]= string customprofilefields[0][name]= string customprofilefields[0][value]= string
redirect (Default to "")
        Redirect the user to this site url after confirmation.

General structure
string Default to "" //Redirect the user to this site url after confirmation.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[redirect] => string
REST (POST parameters)
redirect= string

General structure
object {
success int //True if the user was created false otherwise
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Confirm a user account.

username (Required)
        User name

General structure
string //User name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[username] => string
REST (POST parameters)
username= string
secret (Required)
        Confirmation secret

General structure
string //Confirmation secret
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[secret] => string
REST (POST parameters)
secret= string

General structure
object {
success int //True if the user was confirmed, false if he was already confirmed
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Checks if age digital consent verification is enabled.


General structure
object {
status int //True if digital consent verification is enabled, false otherwise.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Requests a check if a user is a digital minor.

age (Required)

General structure
int //Age
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[age] => int
REST (POST parameters)
age= int
country (Required)
        Country of residence

General structure
string //Country of residence
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[country] => string
REST (POST parameters)
country= string

General structure
object {
status int //True if the user is considered to be a digital minor, false if not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Requests a password reset.

username (Default to "")
        User name

General structure
string Default to "" //User name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[username] => string
REST (POST parameters)
username= string
email (Default to "")
        User email

General structure
string Default to "" //User email
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[email] => string
REST (POST parameters)
email= string

General structure
object {
status string //The returned status of the process: dataerror: Error in the sent data (username or email). More information in warnings field. emailpasswordconfirmmaybesent: Email sent or not (depends on user found in database). emailpasswordconfirmnotsent: Failure, user not found. emailpasswordconfirmnoemail: Failure, email not found. emailalreadysent: Email already sent. emailpasswordconfirmsent: User pending confirmation. emailresetconfirmsent: Email sent.
notice string //Important information for the user about the process.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => string [notice] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notice"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the list of badges awarded to a user.

userid (Default to "0")
        Badges only for this user id, empty for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //Badges only for this user id, empty for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
courseid (Default to "0")
        Filter badges by course id, empty all the courses

General structure
int Default to "0" //Filter badges by course id, empty all the courses
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int
search (Default to "")
        A simple string to search for

General structure
string Default to "" //A simple string to search for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
onlypublic (Default to "")
        Whether to return only public badges

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to return only public badges
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlypublic] => int
REST (POST parameters)
onlypublic= int

General structure
object {
badges list of (
object {
id int Optional //Badge id.
name string //Badge name.
description string //Badge description.
badgeurl string //Badge URL.
timecreated int Optional //Time created.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
usercreated int Optional //User created.
usermodified int Optional //User modified.
issuername string //Issuer name.
issuerurl string //Issuer URL.
issuercontact string //Issuer contact.
expiredate int Optional //Expire date.
expireperiod int Optional //Expire period.
type int Optional //Type.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
message string Optional //Message.
messagesubject string Optional //Message subject.
attachment int Optional //Attachment.
status int Optional //Status.
issuedid int Optional //Issued id.
uniquehash string //Unique hash.
dateissued int //Date issued.
dateexpire int //Date expire.
visible int Optional //Visible.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [badges] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [badgeurl] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usercreated] => int [usermodified] => int [issuername] => string [issuerurl] => string [issuercontact] => string [expiredate] => int [expireperiod] => int [type] => int [courseid] => int [message] => string [messagesubject] => string [attachment] => int [status] => int [issuedid] => int [uniquehash] => string [dateissued] => int [dateexpire] => int [visible] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="badges"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="badgeurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="issuername"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="issuerurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="issuercontact"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expiredate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expireperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messagesubject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="issuedid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uniquehash"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dateissued"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dateexpire"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns blocks information for a course.

courseid (Required)
        course id

General structure
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
blocks //List of blocks in the course.
list of (
//Block information.
object {
instanceid int //Block instance id.
name string //Block name.
region string //Block region.
positionid int //Position id.
collapsible int //Whether the block is collapsible.
dockable int //hether the block is dockable.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [blocks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [instanceid] => int [name] => string [region] => string [positionid] => int [collapsible] => int [dockable] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="blocks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="instanceid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="region"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="positionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dockable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create calendar events

events (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //event name
description string Default to "null" //Description
format int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
courseid int Default to "0" //course id
groupid int Default to "0" //group id
repeats int Default to "0" //number of repeats
eventtype string Default to "user" //Event type
timestart int Default to "1570118730" //timestart
timeduration int Default to "0" //time duration
visible int Default to "1" //visible
sequence int Default to "1" //sequence
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [format] => int [courseid] => int [groupid] => int [repeats] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [visible] => int [sequence] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
events[0][name]= string events[0][description]= string events[0][format]= int events[0][courseid]= int events[0][groupid]= int events[0][repeats]= int events[0][eventtype]= string events[0][timestart]= int events[0][timeduration]= int events[0][visible]= int events[0][sequence]= int

General structure
object {
events list of (
object {
id int //event id
name string //event name
description string Optional //Description
format int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
courseid int //course id
groupid int //group id
userid int //user id
repeatid int Optional //repeat id
modulename string Optional //module name
instance int //instance id
eventtype string //Event type
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //time duration
visible int //visible
uuid string Optional //unique id of ical events
sequence int //sequence
timemodified int //time modified
subscriptionid int Optional //Subscription id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [format] => int [courseid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [visible] => int [uuid] => string [sequence] => int [timemodified] => int [subscriptionid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uuid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sequence"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete calendar events

events (Required)

General structure
list of (
//List of events to delete
object {
eventid int //Event ID
repeat int //Delete comeplete series if repeated event
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [eventid] => int [repeat] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
events[0][eventid]= int events[0][repeat]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get calendar action events by course

courseid (Required)
        Course id

General structure
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
timesortfrom (Default to "null")
        Time sort from

General structure
int Default to "null" //Time sort from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortfrom= int
timesortto (Default to "null")
        Time sort to

General structure
int Default to "null" //Time sort to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortto= int
aftereventid (Default to "0")
        The last seen event id

General structure
int Default to "0" //The last seen event id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[aftereventid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
aftereventid= int
limitnum (Default to "20")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "20" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
)firstid int //firstid
lastid int //lastid
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) ) [firstid] => int [lastid] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get calendar action events by courses

courseids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int
timesortfrom (Default to "null")
        Time sort from

General structure
int Default to "null" //Time sort from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortfrom= int
timesortto (Default to "null")
        Time sort to

General structure
int Default to "null" //Time sort to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortto= int
limitnum (Default to "10")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "10" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
groupedbycourse //groupedbycourse
list of (
object {
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
)firstid int //firstid
lastid int //lastid
courseid int //courseid
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groupedbycourse] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) ) [firstid] => int [lastid] => int [courseid] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groupedbycourse"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get calendar action events by tiemsort

timesortfrom (Default to "0")
        Time sort from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Time sort from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortfrom= int
timesortto (Default to "null")
        Time sort to

General structure
int Default to "null" //Time sort to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timesortto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timesortto= int
aftereventid (Default to "0")
        The last seen event id

General structure
int Default to "0" //The last seen event id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[aftereventid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
aftereventid= int
limitnum (Default to "20")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "20" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int
limittononsuspendedevents (Default to "")
        Limit the events to courses the user is not suspended in

General structure
int Default to "" //Limit the events to courses the user is not suspended in
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limittononsuspendedevents] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limittononsuspendedevents= int

General structure
object {
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
)firstid int //firstid
lastid int //lastid
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) ) [firstid] => int [lastid] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the day view data for a calendar

year (Required)
        Year to be viewed

General structure
int //Year to be viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[year] => int
REST (POST parameters)
year= int
month (Required)
        Month to be viewed

General structure
int //Month to be viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[month] => int
REST (POST parameters)
month= int
day (Required)
        Day to be viewed

General structure
int //Day to be viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[day] => int
REST (POST parameters)
day= int
courseid (Default to "1")
        Course being viewed

General structure
int Default to "1" //Course being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
categoryid (Default to "null")
        Category being viewed

General structure
int Default to "null" //Category being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int

General structure
object {
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
islastday int //islastday
calendareventtype string //calendareventtype
popupname string //popupname
mindaytimestamp int Optional //mindaytimestamp
mindayerror string Optional //mindayerror
maxdaytimestamp int Optional //maxdaytimestamp
maxdayerror string Optional //maxdayerror
draggable int //draggable
)defaulteventcontext int //defaulteventcontext
filter_selector string //filter_selector
courseid int //courseid
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
neweventtimestamp int //neweventtimestamp
date object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
periodname string //periodname
previousperiod object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
previousperiodlink string //previousperiodlink
previousperiodname string //previousperiodname
nextperiod object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
nextperiodname string //nextperiodname
nextperiodlink string //nextperiodlink
larrow string //larrow
rarrow string //rarrow
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [islastday] => int [calendareventtype] => string [popupname] => string [mindaytimestamp] => int [mindayerror] => string [maxdaytimestamp] => int [maxdayerror] => string [draggable] => int ) ) [defaulteventcontext] => int [filter_selector] => string [courseid] => int [categoryid] => int [neweventtimestamp] => int [date] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [periodname] => string [previousperiod] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [previousperiodlink] => string [previousperiodname] => string [nextperiod] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [nextperiodname] => string [nextperiodlink] => string [larrow] => string [rarrow] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="islastday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendareventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="popupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="draggable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaulteventcontext"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filter_selector"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="neweventtimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="date"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="periodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiod"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiodlink"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiod"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiodlink"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="larrow"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rarrow"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get calendar events

events (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Event details

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Event details
object {
eventids Default to "Array ( ) " //List of event ids
list of (
int //event ids
)courseids Default to "Array ( ) " //List of course ids for which events will be returned
list of (
int //course ids
)groupids Default to "Array ( ) " //List of group ids for which events should be returned
list of (
int //group ids
)categoryids Default to "Array ( ) " //List of category ids for which events will be returned
list of (
int //Category ids
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[events] => Array ( [eventids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [courseids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [groupids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [categoryids] => Array ( [0] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
events[eventids][0]= int events[courseids][0]= int events[groupids][0]= int events[categoryids][0]= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Options
object {
userevents int Default to "1" //Set to true to return current user's user events
siteevents int Default to "1" //Set to true to return global events
timestart int Default to "0" //Time from which events should be returned
timeend int Default to "0" //Time to which the events should be returned. We treat 0 and null as no end
ignorehidden int Default to "1" //Ignore hidden events or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [userevents] => int [siteevents] => int [timestart] => int [timeend] => int [ignorehidden] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[userevents]= int options[siteevents]= int options[timestart]= int options[timeend]= int options[ignorehidden]= int

General structure
object {
events list of (
object {
id int //event id
name string //event name
description string Optional //Description
format int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
courseid int //course id
categoryid int Optional //Category id (only for category events).
groupid int //group id
userid int //user id
repeatid int //repeat id
modulename string Optional //module name
instance int //instance id
eventtype string //Event type
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //time duration
visible int //visible
uuid string Optional //unique id of ical events
sequence int //sequence
timemodified int //time modified
subscriptionid int Optional //Subscription id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [format] => int [courseid] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [visible] => int [uuid] => string [sequence] => int [timemodified] => int [subscriptionid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uuid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sequence"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get calendar event by id

eventid (Required)
        The event id to be retrieved

General structure
int //The event id to be retrieved
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[eventid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
eventid= int

General structure
object {
event object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [event] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="event"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the monthly view data for a calendar

year (Required)
        Month to be viewed

General structure
int //Month to be viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[year] => int
REST (POST parameters)
year= int
month (Required)
        Year to be viewed

General structure
int //Year to be viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[month] => int
REST (POST parameters)
month= int
courseid (Default to "1")
        Course being viewed

General structure
int Default to "1" //Course being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
categoryid (Default to "null")
        Category being viewed

General structure
int Default to "null" //Category being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int
includenavigation (Default to "1")
        Whether to show course navigation

General structure
int Default to "1" //Whether to show course navigation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includenavigation] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includenavigation= int
mini (Default to "")
        Whether to return the mini month view or not

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to return the mini month view or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[mini] => int
REST (POST parameters)
mini= int

General structure
object {
url string //url
courseid int //courseid
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
filter_selector string Optional //filter_selector
weeks //weeks
list of (
object {
prepadding //prepadding
list of (
int //prepadding
)postpadding //postpadding
list of (
int //postpadding
)days //days
list of (
object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
year int //year
yday int //yday
istoday int //istoday
isweekend int //isweekend
timestamp int //timestamp
neweventtimestamp int //neweventtimestamp
viewdaylink string Optional //viewdaylink
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
islastday int //islastday
calendareventtype string //calendareventtype
popupname string //popupname
mindaytimestamp int Optional //mindaytimestamp
mindayerror string Optional //mindayerror
maxdaytimestamp int Optional //maxdaytimestamp
maxdayerror string Optional //maxdayerror
draggable int //draggable
)hasevents int //hasevents
calendareventtypes //calendareventtypes
list of (
string //calendareventtypes
)previousperiod int //previousperiod
nextperiod int //nextperiod
navigation string //navigation
haslastdayofevent int //haslastdayofevent
popovertitle string //popovertitle
)daynames //daynames
list of (
object {
dayno int //dayno
shortname string //shortname
fullname string //fullname
)view string //view
date object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
periodname string //periodname
includenavigation int //includenavigation
initialeventsloaded int //initialeventsloaded
previousperiod object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
previousperiodlink string //previousperiodlink
previousperiodname string //previousperiodname
nextperiod object {
seconds int //seconds
minutes int //minutes
hours int //hours
mday int //mday
wday int //wday
mon int //mon
year int //year
yday int //yday
weekday string //weekday
month string //month
timestamp int //timestamp
nextperiodname string //nextperiodname
nextperiodlink string //nextperiodlink
larrow string //larrow
rarrow string //rarrow
defaulteventcontext int //defaulteventcontext
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [url] => string [courseid] => int [categoryid] => int [filter_selector] => string [weeks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prepadding] => Array ( [0] => int ) [postpadding] => Array ( [0] => int ) [days] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [istoday] => int [isweekend] => int [timestamp] => int [neweventtimestamp] => int [viewdaylink] => string [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [islastday] => int [calendareventtype] => string [popupname] => string [mindaytimestamp] => int [mindayerror] => string [maxdaytimestamp] => int [maxdayerror] => string [draggable] => int ) ) [hasevents] => int [calendareventtypes] => Array ( [0] => string ) [previousperiod] => int [nextperiod] => int [navigation] => string [haslastdayofevent] => int [popovertitle] => string ) ) ) ) [daynames] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dayno] => int [shortname] => string [fullname] => string ) ) [view] => string [date] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [periodname] => string [includenavigation] => int [initialeventsloaded] => int [previousperiod] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [previousperiodlink] => string [previousperiodname] => string [nextperiod] => Array ( [seconds] => int [minutes] => int [hours] => int [mday] => int [wday] => int [mon] => int [year] => int [yday] => int [weekday] => string [month] => string [timestamp] => int ) [nextperiodname] => string [nextperiodlink] => string [larrow] => string [rarrow] => string [defaulteventcontext] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filter_selector"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weeks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="prepadding"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="postpadding"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="days"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="istoday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isweekend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="neweventtimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewdaylink"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="islastday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendareventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="popupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="draggable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasevents"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendareventtypes"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navigation"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="haslastdayofevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="popovertitle"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="daynames"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="dayno"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="view"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="date"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="periodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="includenavigation"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="initialeventsloaded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiod"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiodlink"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousperiodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiod"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="seconds"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minutes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hours"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mon"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="year"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weekday"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="month"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiodname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextperiodlink"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="larrow"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rarrow"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaulteventcontext"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the upcoming view data for a calendar

courseid (Default to "1")
        Course being viewed

General structure
int Default to "1" //Course being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
categoryid (Default to "null")
        Category being viewed

General structure
int Default to "null" //Category being viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int

General structure
object {
events //events
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
islastday int //islastday
calendareventtype string //calendareventtype
popupname string //popupname
mindaytimestamp int Optional //mindaytimestamp
mindayerror string Optional //mindayerror
maxdaytimestamp int Optional //maxdaytimestamp
maxdayerror string Optional //maxdayerror
draggable int //draggable
)defaulteventcontext int //defaulteventcontext
filter_selector string //filter_selector
courseid int //courseid
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
isloggedin int //isloggedin
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [events] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [islastday] => int [calendareventtype] => string [popupname] => string [mindaytimestamp] => int [mindayerror] => string [maxdaytimestamp] => int [maxdayerror] => string [draggable] => int ) ) [defaulteventcontext] => int [filter_selector] => string [courseid] => int [categoryid] => int [isloggedin] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="events"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="islastday"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendareventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="popupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mindayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdaytimestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdayerror"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="draggable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaulteventcontext"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filter_selector"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isloggedin"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Submit form data for event form

formdata (Required)
        The data from the event form

General structure
string //The data from the event form
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[formdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
formdata= string

General structure
object {
event object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
validationerror int Default to "" //Invalid form data
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [event] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) [validationerror] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="event"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="validationerror"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the start day (but not time) for an event.

eventid (Required)
        Id of event to be updated

General structure
int //Id of event to be updated
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[eventid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
eventid= int
daytimestamp (Required)
        Timestamp for the new start day

General structure
int //Timestamp for the new start day
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[daytimestamp] => int
REST (POST parameters)
daytimestamp= int

General structure
object {
event object {
id int //id
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
categoryid int Optional //categoryid
groupid int Optional //groupid
userid int Optional //userid
repeatid int Optional //repeatid
eventcount int Optional //eventcount
modulename string Optional //modulename
instance int Optional //instance
eventtype string //eventtype
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //timeduration
timesort int //timesort
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
category object {
id int //id
name string //name
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Optional //description
parent int //parent
coursecount int //coursecount
visible int //visible
timemodified int //timemodified
depth int //depth
nestedname string //nestedname
url string //url
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
subscription object {
displayeventsource int //displayeventsource
subscriptionname string Optional //subscriptionname
subscriptionurl string Optional //subscriptionurl
canedit int //canedit
candelete int //candelete
deleteurl string //deleteurl
editurl string //editurl
viewurl string //viewurl
formattedtime string //formattedtime
isactionevent int //isactionevent
iscourseevent int //iscourseevent
iscategoryevent int //iscategoryevent
groupname string Optional //groupname
url string //url
action object {
name string //name
url string //url
itemcount int //itemcount
actionable int //actionable
showitemcount int //showitemcount
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [event] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [categoryid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [repeatid] => int [eventcount] => int [modulename] => string [instance] => int [eventtype] => string [timestart] => int [timeduration] => int [timesort] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) [category] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [parent] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [nestedname] => string [url] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [subscription] => Array ( [displayeventsource] => int [subscriptionname] => string [subscriptionurl] => string ) [canedit] => int [candelete] => int [deleteurl] => string [editurl] => string [viewurl] => string [formattedtime] => string [isactionevent] => int [iscourseevent] => int [iscategoryevent] => int [groupname] => string [url] => string [action] => Array ( [name] => string [url] => string [itemcount] => int [actionable] => int [showitemcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="event"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repeatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modulename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeduration"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nestedname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscription"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayeventsource"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subscriptionurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedtime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactionevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscourseevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscategoryevent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showitemcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds cohort members.

members (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
cohorttype object {
type string //The name of the field: id (numeric value of cohortid) or idnumber (alphanumeric value of idnumber)
value string //The value of the cohort
usertype object {
type string //The name of the field: id (numeric value of id) or username (alphanumeric value of username)
value string //The value of the cohort
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[members] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cohorttype] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) [usertype] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
members[0][cohorttype][type]= string members[0][cohorttype][value]= string members[0][usertype][type]= string members[0][usertype][value]= string

General structure
object {
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new cohorts.

cohorts (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
categorytype object {
type string //the name of the field: id (numeric value of course category id) or idnumber (alphanumeric value of idnumber course category) or system (value ignored)
value string //the value of the categorytype
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string Optional //cohort description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int Optional //cohort visible
theme string Optional //the cohort theme. The allowcohortthemes setting must be enabled on Moodle
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cohorts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [categorytype] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
cohorts[0][categorytype][type]= string cohorts[0][categorytype][value]= string cohorts[0][name]= string cohorts[0][idnumber]= string cohorts[0][description]= string cohorts[0][descriptionformat]= int cohorts[0][visible]= int cohorts[0][theme]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //cohort id
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string //cohort description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //cohort visible
theme string Optional //cohort theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes all specified cohorts.

cohortids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //cohort ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cohortids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
cohortids[0]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes cohort members.

members (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
cohortid int //cohort record id
userid int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[members] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cohortid] => int [userid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
members[0][cohortid]= int members[0][userid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns cohort details.

cohortids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        List of cohort id. A cohort id is an integer.

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //List of cohort id. A cohort id is an integer.
list of (
int //Cohort ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cohortids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
cohortids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the cohort
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string //cohort description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //cohort visible
theme string Optional //cohort theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns cohort members.

cohortids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Cohort ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cohortids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
cohortids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
cohortid int //cohort record id
userids list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [cohortid] => int [userids] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cohortid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search for cohorts.

query (Required)
        Query string

General structure
string //Query string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string
context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "parents")
        What other contexts to fetch the frameworks from. (all, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "parents" //What other contexts to fetch the frameworks from. (all, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        limitfrom we are fetching the records from

General structure
int Default to "0" //limitfrom we are fetching the records from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "25")
        Number of records to fetch

General structure
int Default to "25" //Number of records to fetch
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
cohorts list of (
object {
id int //ID of the cohort
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string //cohort description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //cohort visible
theme string Optional //cohort theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [cohorts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cohorts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates existing cohorts.

cohorts (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the cohort
categorytype object {
type string //the name of the field: id (numeric value of course category id) or idnumber (alphanumeric value of idnumber course category) or system (value ignored)
value string //the value of the categorytype
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string Optional //cohort description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int Optional //cohort visible
theme string Optional //the cohort theme. The allowcohortthemes setting must be enabled on Moodle
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cohorts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [categorytype] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
cohorts[0][id]= int cohorts[0][categorytype][type]= string cohorts[0][categorytype][value]= string cohorts[0][name]= string cohorts[0][idnumber]= string cohorts[0][description]= string cohorts[0][descriptionformat]= int cohorts[0][visible]= int cohorts[0][theme]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns comments.

contextlevel (Required)
        contextlevel system, course, user...

General structure
string //contextlevel system, course, user...
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Required)
        the Instance id of item associated with the context level

General structure
int //the Instance id of item associated with the context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int
component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
itemid (Required)
        associated id

General structure
int //associated id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= int
area (Default to "")
        string comment area

General structure
string Default to "" //string comment area
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[area] => string
REST (POST parameters)
area= string
page (Default to "0")
        page number (0 based)

General structure
int Default to "0" //page number (0 based)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int

General structure
object {
comments //List of comments
list of (
object {
id int //Comment ID
content string //The content text formated
format int //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
timecreated int //Time created (timestamp)
strftimeformat string //Time format
profileurl string //URL profile
fullname string //fullname
time string //Time in human format
avatar string //HTML user picture
userid int //User ID
delete int Optional //Permission to delete=true/false
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [content] => string [format] => int [timecreated] => int [strftimeformat] => string [profileurl] => string [fullname] => string [time] => string [avatar] => string [userid] => int [delete] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="comments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="strftimeformat"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="time"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="avatar"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="delete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add the competency to a course

courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add the competency to a learning plan

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add the competency to a template

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds a related competency

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
relatedcompetencyid (Required)
        The related competency id

General structure
int //The related competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[relatedcompetencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
relatedcompetencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Approve a plan.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log event competency framework viewed

id (Required)
        The competency framework id

General structure
int //The competency framework id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the event competency framework was logged

General structure
int //True if the event competency framework was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log event competency viewed

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the event competency viewed was logged

General structure
int //True if the event competency viewed was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Complete learning plan.

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

True if completing learning plan was successful

General structure
int //True if completing learning plan was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Count a list of a competencies.

filters (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
column string //Column name to filter by
value string //Value to filter by. Must be exact match
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filters] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
filters[0][column]= string filters[0][value]= string

The number of competencies found.

General structure
int //The number of competencies found.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the competencies in a course

id (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The number of competencies in this course.

General structure
int //The number of competencies in this course.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Count a list of a competencies for a given template.

id (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The number of competencies in this learning plan template.

General structure
int //The number of competencies in this learning plan template.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Count a list of a competency frameworks.

context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "children")
        What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "children" //What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string

The number of competency frameworks found.

General structure
int //The number of competency frameworks found.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the courses using a competency

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The number of courses using this competency

General structure
int //The number of courses using this competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Count a list of a learning plan templates.

context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "children")
        What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "children" //What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string

The number of learning plan templates found.

General structure
int //The number of learning plan templates found.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Count a list of a learning plan templates for a given competency.

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The number of learning plan templates using this competency

General structure
int //The number of learning plan templates using this competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new competencies.

competency (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Default to "" //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int Default to "0" //sortorder
parentid int Default to "0" //parentid
path string Default to "/0/" //path
ruleoutcome int Default to "0" //ruleoutcome
ruletype string Default to "null" //ruletype
ruleconfig string Default to "null" //ruleconfig
scaleid int Default to "null" //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string Default to "null" //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int Default to "0" //competencyframeworkid
timecreated int Default to "0" //timecreated
timemodified int Default to "0" //timemodified
usermodified int Default to "0" //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
competency[shortname]= string competency[idnumber]= string competency[description]= string competency[descriptionformat]= int competency[sortorder]= int competency[parentid]= int competency[path]= string competency[ruleoutcome]= int competency[ruletype]= string competency[ruleconfig]= string competency[scaleid]= int competency[scaleconfiguration]= string competency[competencyframeworkid]= int competency[timecreated]= int competency[timemodified]= int competency[usermodified]= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new competency frameworks.

competencyframework (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string Default to "" //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int Default to "1" //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int Optional //The context id
contextlevel string Optional //The context level
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id
taxonomies string Default to "" //taxonomies
timecreated int Default to "0" //timecreated
timemodified int Default to "0" //timemodified
usermodified int Default to "0" //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyframework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int [taxonomies] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
competencyframework[shortname]= string competencyframework[idnumber]= string competencyframework[description]= string competencyframework[descriptionformat]= int competencyframework[visible]= int competencyframework[scaleid]= int competencyframework[scaleconfiguration]= string competencyframework[contextid]= int competencyframework[contextlevel]= string competencyframework[instanceid]= int competencyframework[taxonomies]= string competencyframework[timecreated]= int competencyframework[timemodified]= int competencyframework[usermodified]= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates a learning plan.

plan (Required)

General structure
object {
name string //name
description string Default to "" //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int Default to "null" //templateid
origtemplateid int Default to "null" //origtemplateid
status int Default to "0" //status
duedate int Default to "0" //duedate
reviewerid int Default to "null" //reviewerid
timecreated int Default to "0" //timecreated
timemodified int Default to "0" //timemodified
usermodified int Default to "0" //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[plan] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
plan[name]= string plan[description]= string plan[descriptionformat]= int plan[userid]= int plan[templateid]= int plan[origtemplateid]= int plan[status]= int plan[duedate]= int plan[reviewerid]= int plan[timecreated]= int plan[timemodified]= int plan[usermodified]= int

General structure
object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new learning plan templates.

template (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string Default to "" //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int Default to "0" //duedate
visible int Default to "1" //visible
contextid int Optional //The context id
contextlevel string Optional //The context level
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id
timecreated int Default to "0" //timecreated
timemodified int Default to "0" //timemodified
usermodified int Default to "0" //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
template[shortname]= string template[description]= string template[descriptionformat]= int template[duedate]= int template[visible]= int template[contextid]= int template[contextlevel]= string template[instanceid]= int template[timecreated]= int template[timemodified]= int template[usermodified]= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create an evidence of prior learning relationship with a competency.

userevidenceid (Required)
        The user evidence ID.

General structure
int //The user evidence ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userevidenceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userevidenceid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID.

General structure
int //The competency ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

General structure
object {
userevidenceid int //userevidenceid
competencyid int //competencyid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userevidenceid] => int [competencyid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userevidenceid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a competency.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a competency framework.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the framework

General structure
int //Data base record id for the framework
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete an evidence

id (Required)
        The evidence ID

General structure
int //The evidence ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a learning plan.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the learning plan

General structure
int //Data base record id for the learning plan
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a learning plan template.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the template

General structure
int //Data base record id for the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
deleteplans (Required)
        Boolean to indicate if plans must be deleted

General structure
int //Boolean to indicate if plans must be deleted
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[deleteplans] => int
REST (POST parameters)
deleteplans= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete an evidence of prior learning.

id (Required)
        The user evidence ID.

General structure
int //The user evidence ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete an evidence of prior learning relationship with a competency.

userevidenceid (Required)
        The user evidence ID.

General structure
int //The user evidence ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userevidenceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userevidenceid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID.

General structure
int //The competency ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if the delete was successful

General structure
int //True if the delete was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Duplicate a competency framework.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the framework

General structure
int //Data base record id for the framework
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Duplicate learning plan template.

id (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the values for a specific scale

scaleid (Required)
        The scale id

General structure
int //The scale id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scaleid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scaleid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //Scale value ID
name string //Scale value name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Grade a competency.

userid (Required)
        User ID

General structure
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        Competency ID

General structure
int //Competency ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
grade (Required)
        New grade

General structure
int //New grade
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grade] => int
REST (POST parameters)
grade= int
note (Default to "null")
        A note to attach to the evidence

General structure
string Default to "null" //A note to attach to the evidence
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[note] => string
REST (POST parameters)
note= string

General structure
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Grade a competency from the course page.

courseid (Required)
        Course id

General structure
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Required)
        User id

General structure
int //User id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        Competency id

General structure
int //Competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
grade (Required)
        New grade

General structure
int //New grade
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grade] => int
REST (POST parameters)
grade= int
note (Default to "null")
        A note to attach to the evidence

General structure
string Default to "null" //A note to attach to the evidence
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[note] => string
REST (POST parameters)
note= string

General structure
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Grade a competency from the user plan page.

planid (Required)
        Plan id

General structure
int //Plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int
competencyid (Required)
        Competency id

General structure
int //Competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
grade (Required)
        New grade

General structure
int //New grade
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grade] => int
REST (POST parameters)
grade= int
note (Default to "null")
        A note to attach to the evidence

General structure
string Default to "null" //A note to attach to the evidence
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[note] => string
REST (POST parameters)
note= string

General structure
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a list of a competencies.

filters (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
column string //Column name to filter by
value string //Value to filter by. Must be exact match
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filters] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
filters[0][column]= string filters[0][value]= string
sort (Default to "")
        Column to sort by.

General structure
string Default to "" //Column to sort by.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
order (Default to "")
        Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "" //Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
skip (Default to "0")
        Skip this number of records before returning results

General structure
int Default to "0" //Skip this number of records before returning results
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[skip] => int
REST (POST parameters)
skip= int
limit (Default to "0")
        Return this number of records at most.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Return this number of records at most.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a list of a competencies for a given template.

id (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a list of a competency frameworks.

sort (Default to "shortname")
        Column to sort by.

General structure
string Default to "shortname" //Column to sort by.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
order (Default to "")
        Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "" //Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
skip (Default to "0")
        Skip this number of records before returning results

General structure
int Default to "0" //Skip this number of records before returning results
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[skip] => int
REST (POST parameters)
skip= int
limit (Default to "0")
        Return this number of records at most.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Return this number of records at most.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "children")
        What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "children" //What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string
onlyvisible (Default to "")
        Only visible frameworks will be returned if visible true

General structure
int Default to "" //Only visible frameworks will be returned if visible true
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlyvisible] => int
REST (POST parameters)
onlyvisible= int
query (Default to "")
        A query string to filter the results

General structure
string Default to "" //A query string to filter the results
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the competencies in a course

id (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
coursecompetency object {
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
sortorder int //sortorder
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [coursecompetency] => Array ( [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [sortorder] => int [ruleoutcome] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the competencies in a plan

id (Required)
        The plan ID.

General structure
int //The plan ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
usercompetencyplan object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
planid int //planid
sortorder int //sortorder
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) [usercompetencyplan] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [planid] => int [sortorder] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a list of a learning plan templates.

sort (Default to "")
        Column to sort by.

General structure
string Default to "" //Column to sort by.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
order (Default to "")
        Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "" //Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
skip (Default to "0")
        Skip this number of records before returning results

General structure
int Default to "0" //Skip this number of records before returning results
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[skip] => int
REST (POST parameters)
skip= int
limit (Default to "0")
        Return this number of records at most.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Return this number of records at most.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "children")
        What other contexts to fetch the templates from. (children, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "children" //What other contexts to fetch the templates from. (children, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string
onlyvisible (Default to "")
        If should list only visible templates

General structure
int Default to "" //If should list only visible templates
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlyvisible] => int
REST (POST parameters)
onlyvisible= int

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a list of a learning plan templates for a given competency.

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List a user's learning plans.

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Re-order a competency.

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Re-order a competency.

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Cancel the review of a plan.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Request for a plan to be reviewed.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Start the review of a plan.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Stop the review of a plan.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a competency.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a competency framework.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the framework

General structure
int //Data base record id for the framework
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a learning plan.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the plan

General structure
int //Data base record id for the plan
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a learning plan template.

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the template

General structure
int //Data base record id for the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Read an evidence of prior learning.

id (Required)
        The user evidence ID.

General structure
int //The user evidence ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
userid int //userid
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
url string //url
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competencycount int //competencycount
competencies //competencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)filecount int //filecount
files //files
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)hasurlorfiles int //hasurlorfiles
urlshort string //urlshort
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [url] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competencycount] => int [competencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [filecount] => int [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [hasurlorfiles] => int [urlshort] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="filecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasurlorfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urlshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove a competency from a course

courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove the competency from a learning plan

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove a competency from a template

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove a related competency

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
relatedcompetencyid (Required)
        The related competency id

General structure
int //The related competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[relatedcompetencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
relatedcompetencyid= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Reopen learning plan.

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

True if reopening learning plan was successful

General structure
int //True if reopening learning plan was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Move a course competency to a new relative sort order.

courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
competencyidfrom (Required)
        The competency id we are moving

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidfrom= int
competencyidto (Required)
        The competency id we are moving to

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidto= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Move a plan competency to a new relative sort order.

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int
competencyidfrom (Required)
        The competency id we are moving

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidfrom= int
competencyidto (Required)
        The competency id we are moving to

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidto= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Move a template competency to a new relative sort order.

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
competencyidfrom (Required)
        The competency id we are moving

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidfrom= int
competencyidto (Required)
        The competency id we are moving to

General structure
int //The competency id we are moving to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyidto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyidto= int

True if successful.

General structure
int //True if successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Send user evidence competencies in review

id (Required)
        The user evidence ID.

General structure
int //The user evidence ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if all competencies were send to review

General structure
int //True if all competencies were send to review
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search a list of a competencies.

searchtext (Required)
        Text to search for

General structure
string //Text to search for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[searchtext] => string
REST (POST parameters)
searchtext= string
competencyframeworkid (Required)
        Competency framework id

General structure
int //Competency framework id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyframeworkid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyframeworkid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Modify the ruleoutcome value for course competency

coursecompetencyid (Required)
        Data base record id for the course competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the course competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[coursecompetencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
coursecompetencyid= int
ruleoutcome (Required)
        Ruleoutcome value

General structure
int //Ruleoutcome value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ruleoutcome] => int
REST (POST parameters)
ruleoutcome= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Set a new parent for a competency.

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
parentid (Required)
        The new competency parent id

General structure
int //The new competency parent id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[parentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
parentid= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check if a template has related data

id (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the template has related data

General structure
int //True if the template has related data
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log event template viewed

id (Required)
        Data base record id for the template

General structure
int //Data base record id for the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

True if the log of the view was successful

General structure
int //True if the log of the view was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Unapprove a plan.

id (Required)
        The plan ID

General structure
int //The plan ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Unlink a plan form it template.

planid (Required)
        Data base record id for the plan

General structure
int //Data base record id for the plan
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

True if the unlink was successful

General structure
int //True if the unlink was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a competency.

competency (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string Optional //shortname
idnumber string Optional //idnumber
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
parentid int Optional //parentid
path string Optional //path
ruleoutcome int Optional //ruleoutcome
ruletype string Optional //ruletype
ruleconfig string Optional //ruleconfig
scaleid int Optional //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string Optional //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int Optional //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int Optional //timecreated
timemodified int Optional //timemodified
usermodified int Optional //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
competency[shortname]= string competency[idnumber]= string competency[description]= string competency[descriptionformat]= int competency[sortorder]= int competency[parentid]= int competency[path]= string competency[ruleoutcome]= int competency[ruletype]= string competency[ruleconfig]= string competency[scaleid]= int competency[scaleconfiguration]= string competency[competencyframeworkid]= int competency[id]= int competency[timecreated]= int competency[timemodified]= int competency[usermodified]= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a competency framework.

competencyframework (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string Optional //shortname
idnumber string Optional //idnumber
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int Optional //visible
scaleid int Optional //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string Optional //scaleconfiguration
contextid int Optional //The context id
contextlevel string Optional //The context level
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id
taxonomies string Optional //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int Optional //timecreated
timemodified int Optional //timemodified
usermodified int Optional //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyframework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
competencyframework[shortname]= string competencyframework[idnumber]= string competencyframework[description]= string competencyframework[descriptionformat]= int competencyframework[visible]= int competencyframework[scaleid]= int competencyframework[scaleconfiguration]= string competencyframework[contextid]= int competencyframework[contextlevel]= string competencyframework[instanceid]= int competencyframework[taxonomies]= string competencyframework[id]= int competencyframework[timecreated]= int competencyframework[timemodified]= int competencyframework[usermodified]= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the course competency settings

courseid (Required)
        Course id for the course to update

General structure
int //Course id for the course to update
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
settings (Required)

General structure
object {
pushratingstouserplans int //New value of the setting
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[settings] => Array ( [pushratingstouserplans] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
settings[pushratingstouserplans]= int

True if the update was successful.

General structure
int //True if the update was successful.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates a learning plan.

plan (Required)

General structure
object {
name string Optional //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int Optional //userid
templateid int Optional //templateid
origtemplateid int Optional //origtemplateid
status int Optional //status
duedate int Optional //duedate
reviewerid int Optional //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int Optional //timecreated
timemodified int Optional //timemodified
usermodified int Optional //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[plan] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
plan[name]= string plan[description]= string plan[descriptionformat]= int plan[userid]= int plan[templateid]= int plan[origtemplateid]= int plan[status]= int plan[duedate]= int plan[reviewerid]= int plan[id]= int plan[timecreated]= int plan[timemodified]= int plan[usermodified]= int

General structure
object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a learning plan template.

template (Required)

General structure
object {
shortname string Optional //shortname
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int Optional //duedate
visible int Optional //visible
contextid int Optional //The context id
contextlevel string Optional //The context level
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id
id int //id
timecreated int Optional //timecreated
timemodified int Optional //timemodified
usermodified int Optional //usermodified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
template[shortname]= string template[description]= string template[descriptionformat]= int template[duedate]= int template[visible]= int template[contextid]= int template[contextlevel]= string template[instanceid]= int template[id]= int template[timecreated]= int template[timemodified]= int template[usermodified]= int

True if the update was successful

General structure
int //True if the update was successful
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Cancel a review request.

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID

General structure
int //The competency ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log the user competency plan viewed event.

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id

General structure
int //The user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

True if the event user competency plan viewed was logged

General structure
int //True if the event user competency plan viewed was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Request a review.

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID

General structure
int //The competency ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Start a review.

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID

General structure
int //The competency ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Stop a review.

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        The competency ID

General structure
int //The competency ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

The success

General structure
int //The success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log the user competency viewed event.

usercompetencyid (Required)
        The user competency id

General structure
int //The user competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[usercompetencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
usercompetencyid= int

True if the event user competency viewed was logged

General structure
int //True if the event user competency viewed was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log the user competency viewed in course event

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id

General structure
int //The user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

True if the event user competency viewed in course was logged

General structure
int //True if the event user competency viewed in course was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log the user competency viewed in plan event.

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id

General structure
int //The user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

True if the event user competency viewed in plan was logged

General structure
int //True if the event user competency viewed in plan was logged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the activities completion status for a user in a course.

courseid (Required)
        Course ID

General structure
int //Course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Required)
        User ID

General structure
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
statuses //List of activities status
list of (
object {
cmid int //comment ID
modname string //activity module name
instance int //instance ID
state int //completion state value: 0 means incomplete, 1 complete, 2 complete pass, 3 complete fail
timecompleted int //timestamp for completed activity
tracking int //type of tracking: 0 means none, 1 manual, 2 automatic
overrideby int Optional //The user id who has overriden the status, or null
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [statuses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cmid] => int [modname] => string [instance] => int [state] => int [timecompleted] => int [tracking] => int [overrideby] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="statuses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tracking"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overrideby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns course completion status.

courseid (Required)
        Course ID

General structure
int //Course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Required)
        User ID

General structure
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

Course completion status

General structure
//Course completion status
object {
completionstatus //Course status
object {
completed int //true if the course is complete, false otherwise
aggregation int //aggregation method 1 means all, 2 means any
completions list of (
object {
type int //Completion criteria type
title string //Completion criteria Title
status string //Completion status (Yes/No) a % or number
complete int //Completion status (true/false)
timecompleted int //Timestamp for criteria completetion
details //details
object {
type string //Type description
criteria string //Criteria description
requirement string //Requirement description
status string //Status description, can be anything
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [completionstatus] => Array ( [completed] => int [aggregation] => int [completions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => int [title] => string [status] => string [complete] => int [timecompleted] => int [details] => Array ( [type] => string [criteria] => string [requirement] => string [status] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="completionstatus"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregation"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="complete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="details"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="criteria"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requirement"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the course completion status for the current user (if course self-completion is enabled).

courseid (Required)
        Course ID

General structure
int //Course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status, true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update completion status for a user in an activity by overriding it.

userid (Required)
        user id

General structure
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
cmid (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
cmid= int
newstate (Required)
        the new activity completion state

General structure
int //the new activity completion state
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[newstate] => int
REST (POST parameters)
newstate= int

General structure
object {
cmid int //The course module id
userid int //The user id to which the completion info belongs
state int //The current completion state.
timecompleted int //time of completion
overrideby int //The user id who has overriden the status, or null
tracking int //type of tracking: 0 means none, 1 manual, 2 automatic
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [cmid] => int [userid] => int [state] => int [timecompleted] => int [overrideby] => int [tracking] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overrideby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tracking"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update completion status for the current user in an activity, only for activities with manual tracking.

cmid (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
cmid= int
completed (Required)
        activity completed or not

General structure
int //activity completed or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[completed] => int
REST (POST parameters)
completed= int

General structure
object {
status int //status, true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check if there is updates affecting the user for the given course and contexts.

courseid (Required)
        Course id to check

General structure
int //Course id to check
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
tocheck (Required)
        Instances to check

General structure
//Instances to check
list of (
object {
contextlevel string //The context level for the file location. Only module supported right now.
id int //Context instance id
since int //Check updates since this time stamp
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tocheck] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextlevel] => string [id] => int [since] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
tocheck[0][contextlevel]= string tocheck[0][id]= int tocheck[0][since]= int
filter (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Check only for updates in these areas

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Check only for updates in these areas
list of (
string //Area name: configuration, fileareas, completion, ratings, comments, gradeitems, outcomes
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filter] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
filter[0]= string

General structure
object {
instances list of (
object {
contextlevel string //The context level
id int //Instance id
updates list of (
object {
name string //Name of the area updated.
timeupdated int Optional //Last time was updated
itemids Optional //The ids of the items updated
list of (
int //Instance id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [instances] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextlevel] => string [id] => int [updates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [timeupdated] => int [itemids] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="instances"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextlevel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="updates"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeupdated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create course categories

categories (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //new category name
parent int Default to "0" //the parent category id inside which the new category will be created - set to 0 for a root category
idnumber string Optional //the new category idnumber
description string Optional //the new category description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
theme string Optional //the new category theme. This option must be enabled on moodle
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categories] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [parent] => int [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [theme] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
categories[0][name]= string categories[0][parent]= int categories[0][idnumber]= string categories[0][description]= string categories[0][descriptionformat]= int categories[0][theme]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //new category id
name string //new category name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create new courses

courses (Required)
        courses to create

General structure
//courses to create
list of (
object {
fullname string //full name
shortname string //course short name
categoryid int //category id
idnumber string Optional //id number
summary string Optional //summary
summaryformat int Default to "1" //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
format string Default to "weeks" //course format: weeks, topics, social, site,..
showgrades int Default to "1" //1 if grades are shown, otherwise 0
newsitems int Default to "5" //number of recent items appearing on the course page
startdate int Optional //timestamp when the course start
enddate int Optional //timestamp when the course end
numsections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) number of weeks/topics
maxbytes int Default to "0" //largest size of file that can be uploaded into the course
showreports int Default to "0" //are activity report shown (yes = 1, no =0)
visible int Optional //1: available to student, 0:not available
hiddensections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) How the hidden sections in the course are displayed to students
groupmode int Default to "0" //no group, separate, visible
groupmodeforce int Default to "0" //1: yes, 0: no
defaultgroupingid int Default to "0" //default grouping id
enablecompletion int Optional //Enabled, control via completion and activity settings. Disabled, not shown in activity settings.
completionnotify int Optional //1: yes 0: no
lang string Optional //forced course language
forcetheme string Optional //name of the force theme
courseformatoptions Optional //additional options for particular course format
list of (
object {
name string //course format option name
value string //course format option value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [categoryid] => int [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [format] => string [showgrades] => int [newsitems] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [numsections] => int [maxbytes] => int [showreports] => int [visible] => int [hiddensections] => int [groupmode] => int [groupmodeforce] => int [defaultgroupingid] => int [enablecompletion] => int [completionnotify] => int [lang] => string [forcetheme] => string [courseformatoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
courses[0][fullname]= string courses[0][shortname]= string courses[0][categoryid]= int courses[0][idnumber]= string courses[0][summary]= string courses[0][summaryformat]= int courses[0][format]= string courses[0][showgrades]= int courses[0][newsitems]= int courses[0][startdate]= int courses[0][enddate]= int courses[0][numsections]= int courses[0][maxbytes]= int courses[0][showreports]= int courses[0][visible]= int courses[0][hiddensections]= int courses[0][groupmode]= int courses[0][groupmodeforce]= int courses[0][defaultgroupingid]= int courses[0][enablecompletion]= int courses[0][completionnotify]= int courses[0][lang]= string courses[0][forcetheme]= string courses[0][courseformatoptions][0][name]= string courses[0][courseformatoptions][0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //course id
shortname string //short name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete course categories

categories (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //category id to delete
newparent int Optional //the parent category to move the contents to, if specified
recursive int Default to "0" //1: recursively delete all contents inside this category, 0 (default): move contents to newparent or current parent category (except if parent is root)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categories] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [newparent] => int [recursive] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
categories[0][id]= int categories[0][newparent]= int categories[0][recursive]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes all specified courses

courseids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes all specified module instances

cmids (Required)
        Array of course module IDs

General structure
//Array of course module IDs
list of (
int //course module ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
cmids[0]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Duplicate an existing course (creating a new one).

courseid (Required)
        course to duplicate id

General structure
int //course to duplicate id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
fullname (Required)
        duplicated course full name

General structure
string //duplicated course full name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[fullname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
fullname= string
shortname (Required)
        duplicated course short name

General structure
string //duplicated course short name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[shortname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
shortname= string
categoryid (Required)
        duplicated course category parent

General structure
int //duplicated course category parent
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int
visible (Default to "1")
        duplicated course visible, default to yes

General structure
int Default to "1" //duplicated course visible, default to yes
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[visible] => int
REST (POST parameters)
visible= int
options (Default to "1")

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //The backup option name: "activities" (int) Include course activites (default to 1 that is equal to yes), "blocks" (int) Include course blocks (default to 1 that is equal to yes), "filters" (int) Include course filters (default to 1 that is equal to yes), "users" (int) Include users (default to 0 that is equal to no), "enrolments" (int) Include enrolment methods (default to 1 - restore only with users), "role_assignments" (int) Include role assignments (default to 0 that is equal to no), "comments" (int) Include user comments (default to 0 that is equal to no), "userscompletion" (int) Include user course completion information (default to 0 that is equal to no), "logs" (int) Include course logs (default to 0 that is equal to no), "grade_histories" (int) Include histories (default to 0 that is equal to no)
value string //the value for the option 1 (yes) or 0 (no)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
id int //course id
shortname string //short name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Performs an action on course module (change visibility, duplicate, delete, etc.)

action (Required)
        action: hide, show, stealth, duplicate, delete, moveleft, moveright, group...

General structure
string //action: hide, show, stealth, duplicate, delete, moveleft, moveright, group...
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[action] => string
REST (POST parameters)
action= string
id (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
sectionreturn (Default to "null")
        section to return to

General structure
int Default to "null" //section to return to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sectionreturn] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sectionreturn= int

html to replace the current module with

General structure
string //html to replace the current module with
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Performs an action on course section (change visibility, set marker, delete)

action (Required)
        action: hide, show, stealth, setmarker, removemarker

General structure
string //action: hide, show, stealth, setmarker, removemarker
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[action] => string
REST (POST parameters)
action= string
id (Required)
        course section id

General structure
int //course section id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
sectionreturn (Default to "null")
        section to return to

General structure
int Default to "null" //section to return to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sectionreturn] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sectionreturn= int

Additional data for javascript (JSON-encoded string)

General structure
string //Additional data for javascript (JSON-encoded string)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


** DEPRECATED ** Please do not call this function any more. Return activities overview for the given courses.

courseids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Course id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
courses //List of courses
list of (
object {
id int //Course id
overviews list of (
object {
module string //Module name
overviewtext string //Overview text
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [overviews] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [module] => string [overviewtext] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overviews"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="module"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overviewtext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return category details

criteria (Default to "Array ( ) ")

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //criteria
list of (
object {
key string //The category column to search, expected keys (value format) are:"id" (int) the category id,"ids" (string) category ids separated by commas,"name" (string) the category name,"parent" (int) the parent category id,"idnumber" (string) category idnumber - user must have 'moodle/category:manage' to search on idnumber,"visible" (int) whether the returned categories must be visible or hidden. If the key is not passed, then the function return all categories that the user can see. - user must have 'moodle/category:manage' or 'moodle/category:viewhiddencategories' to search on visible,"theme" (string) only return the categories having this theme - user must have 'moodle/category:manage' to search on theme
value string //the value to match
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
criteria[0][key]= string criteria[0][value]= string
addsubcategories (Default to "1")
        return the sub categories infos (1 - default) otherwise only the category info (0)

General structure
int Default to "1" //return the sub categories infos (1 - default) otherwise only the category info (0)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[addsubcategories] => int
REST (POST parameters)
addsubcategories= int

General structure
list of (
//List of categories
object {
id int //category id
name string //category name
idnumber string Optional //category id number
description string //category description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
parent int //parent category id
sortorder int //category sorting order
coursecount int //number of courses in this category
visible int Optional //1: available, 0:not available
visibleold int Optional //1: available, 0:not available
timemodified int Optional //timestamp
depth int //category depth
path string //category path
theme string Optional //category theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [parent] => int [sortorder] => int [coursecount] => int [visible] => int [visibleold] => int [timemodified] => int [depth] => int [path] => string [theme] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleold"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="depth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get course contents

courseid (Required)
        course id

General structure
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Options, used since Moodle 2.9

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Options, used since Moodle 2.9
list of (
object {
name string //The expected keys (value format) are: excludemodules (bool) Do not return modules, return only the sections structure excludecontents (bool) Do not return module contents (i.e: files inside a resource) includestealthmodules (bool) Return stealth modules for students in a special section (with id -1) sectionid (int) Return only this section sectionnumber (int) Return only this section with number (order) cmid (int) Return only this module information (among the whole sections structure) modname (string) Return only modules with this name "label, forum, etc..." modid (int) Return only the module with this id (to be used with modname
value string //the value of the option, this param is personaly validated in the external function.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //Section ID
name string //Section name
visible int Optional //is the section visible
summary string //Section description
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
section int Optional //Section number inside the course
hiddenbynumsections int Optional //Whether is a section hidden in the course format
uservisible int Optional //Is the section visible for the user?
availabilityinfo string Optional //Availability information.
modules //list of module
list of (
object {
id int //activity id
url string Optional //activity url
name string //activity module name
instance int Optional //instance id
description string Optional //activity description
visible int Optional //is the module visible
uservisible int Optional //Is the module visible for the user?
availabilityinfo string Optional //Availability information.
visibleoncoursepage int Optional //is the module visible on course page
modicon string //activity icon url
modname string //activity module type
modplural string //activity module plural name
availability string Optional //module availability settings
indent int //number of identation in the site
contents list of (
object {
type string //a file or a folder or external link
filename string //filename
filepath string //filepath
filesize int //filesize
fileurl string Optional //downloadable file url
content string Optional //Raw content, will be used when type is content
timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
sortorder int //Content sort order
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
userid int //User who added this content to moodle
author string //Content owner
license string //Content license
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [visible] => int [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [section] => int [hiddenbynumsections] => int [uservisible] => int [availabilityinfo] => string [modules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [url] => string [name] => string [instance] => int [description] => string [visible] => int [uservisible] => int [availabilityinfo] => string [visibleoncoursepage] => int [modicon] => string [modname] => string [modplural] => string [availability] => string [indent] => int [contents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [content] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [sortorder] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string [userid] => int [author] => string [license] => string ) ) ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hiddenbynumsections"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uservisible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="availabilityinfo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modules"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uservisible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="availabilityinfo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleoncoursepage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modicon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modplural"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="availability"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="indent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return course details

options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        options - operator OR is used

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //options - operator OR is used
object {
ids Optional //List of course id. If empty return all courses except front page course.
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [ids] => Array ( [0] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[ids][0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //course id
shortname string //course short name
categoryid int //category id
categorysortorder int Optional //sort order into the category
fullname string //full name
displayname string //course display name
idnumber string Optional //id number
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
format string //course format: weeks, topics, social, site,..
showgrades int Optional //1 if grades are shown, otherwise 0
newsitems int Optional //number of recent items appearing on the course page
startdate int //timestamp when the course start
enddate int //timestamp when the course end
numsections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) number of weeks/topics
maxbytes int Optional //largest size of file that can be uploaded into the course
showreports int Optional //are activity report shown (yes = 1, no =0)
visible int Optional //1: available to student, 0:not available
hiddensections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) How the hidden sections in the course are displayed to students
groupmode int Optional //no group, separate, visible
groupmodeforce int Optional //1: yes, 0: no
defaultgroupingid int Optional //default grouping id
timecreated int Optional //timestamp when the course have been created
timemodified int Optional //timestamp when the course have been modified
enablecompletion int Optional //Enabled, control via completion and activity settings. Disbaled, not shown in activity settings.
completionnotify int Optional //1: yes 0: no
lang string Optional //forced course language
forcetheme string Optional //name of the force theme
courseformatoptions Optional //additional options for particular course format
list of (
object {
name string //course format option name
value string //course format option value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string [categoryid] => int [categorysortorder] => int [fullname] => string [displayname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [format] => string [showgrades] => int [newsitems] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [numsections] => int [maxbytes] => int [showreports] => int [visible] => int [hiddensections] => int [groupmode] => int [groupmodeforce] => int [defaultgroupingid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [enablecompletion] => int [completionnotify] => int [lang] => string [forcetheme] => string [courseformatoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categorysortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showgrades"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="newsitems"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numsections"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxbytes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showreports"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hiddensections"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmodeforce"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultgroupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enablecompletion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionnotify"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forcetheme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseformatoptions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get courses matching a specific field (id/s, shortname, idnumber, category)

field (Default to "")
        The field to search can be left empty for all courses or: id: course id ids: comma separated course ids shortname: course short name idnumber: course id number category: category id the course belongs to

General structure
string Default to "" //The field to search can be left empty for all courses or: id: course id ids: comma separated course ids shortname: course short name idnumber: course id number category: category id the course belongs to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[field] => string
REST (POST parameters)
field= string
value (Default to "")
        The value to match

General structure
string Default to "" //The value to match
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[value] => string
REST (POST parameters)
value= string

General structure
object {
courses //Course
list of (
object {
id int //course id
fullname string //course full name
displayname string //course display name
shortname string //course short name
categoryid int //category id
categoryname string //category name
sortorder int Optional //Sort order in the category
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
summaryfiles Optional //summary files in the summary field
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)overviewfiles //additional overview files attached to this course
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)contacts //contact users
list of (
object {
id int //contact user id
fullname string //contact user fullname
)enrollmentmethods //enrollment methods list
list of (
string //enrollment method
)idnumber string Optional //Id number
format string Optional //Course format: weeks, topics, social, site,..
showgrades int Optional //1 if grades are shown, otherwise 0
newsitems int Optional //Number of recent items appearing on the course page
startdate int Optional //Timestamp when the course start
enddate int Optional //Timestamp when the course end
maxbytes int Optional //Largest size of file that can be uploaded into
showreports int Optional //Are activity report shown (yes = 1, no =0)
visible int Optional //1: available to student, 0:not available
groupmode int Optional //no group, separate, visible
groupmodeforce int Optional //1: yes, 0: no
defaultgroupingid int Optional //default grouping id
enablecompletion int Optional //Completion enabled? 1: yes 0: no
completionnotify int Optional //1: yes 0: no
lang string Optional //Forced course language
theme string Optional //Fame of the forced theme
marker int Optional //Current course marker
legacyfiles int Optional //If legacy files are enabled
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type
timecreated int Optional //Time when the course was created
timemodified int Optional //Last time the course was updated
requested int Optional //If is a requested course
cacherev int Optional //Cache revision number
filters Optional //Course filters
list of (
object {
filter string //Filter plugin name
localstate int //Filter state: 1 for on, -1 for off, 0 if inherit
inheritedstate int //1 or 0 to use when localstate is set to inherit
)courseformatoptions Optional //Additional options for particular course format.
list of (
object {
name string //Course format option name.
value string //Course format option value.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [displayname] => string [shortname] => string [categoryid] => int [categoryname] => string [sortorder] => int [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [summaryfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [overviewfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string ) ) [enrollmentmethods] => Array ( [0] => string ) [idnumber] => string [format] => string [showgrades] => int [newsitems] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [maxbytes] => int [showreports] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupmodeforce] => int [defaultgroupingid] => int [enablecompletion] => int [completionnotify] => int [lang] => string [theme] => string [marker] => int [legacyfiles] => int [calendartype] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [requested] => int [cacherev] => int [filters] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filter] => string [localstate] => int [inheritedstate] => int ) ) [courseformatoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="overviewfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrollmentmethods"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showgrades"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="newsitems"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxbytes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showreports"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmodeforce"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultgroupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enablecompletion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionnotify"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="marker"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="legacyfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requested"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cacherev"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filters"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filter"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="localstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="inheritedstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseformatoptions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return information about a course module

cmid (Required)
        The course module id

General structure
int //The course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
cmid= int

General structure
object {
cm object {
id int //The course module id
course int //The course id
module int //The module type id
name string //The activity name
modname string //The module component name (forum, assign, etc..)
instance int //The activity instance id
section int //The module section id
sectionnum int //The module section number
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
completion int //If completion is enabled
idnumber string Optional //Module id number
added int Optional //Time added
score int Optional //Score
indent int Optional //Indentation
visible int Optional //If visible
visibleoncoursepage int Optional //If visible on course page
visibleold int Optional //Visible old
completiongradeitemnumber int Optional //Completion grade item
completionview int Optional //Completion view setting
completionexpected int Optional //Completion time expected
showdescription int Optional //If the description is showed
availability string Optional //Availability settings
grade double Optional //Grade (max value or scale id)
scale string Optional //Scale items (if used)
gradepass string Optional //Grade to pass (float)
gradecat int Optional //Grade category
advancedgrading Optional //Advanced grading settings
list of (
object {
area string //Gradable area name
method string //Grading method
)outcomes Optional //Outcomes information
list of (
object {
id string //Outcome id
name string //Outcome full name
scale string //Scale items
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [cm] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [module] => int [name] => string [modname] => string [instance] => int [section] => int [sectionnum] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int [completion] => int [idnumber] => string [added] => int [score] => int [indent] => int [visible] => int [visibleoncoursepage] => int [visibleold] => int [completiongradeitemnumber] => int [completionview] => int [completionexpected] => int [showdescription] => int [availability] => string [grade] => double [scale] => string [gradepass] => string [gradecat] => int [advancedgrading] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [method] => string ) ) [outcomes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => string [name] => string [scale] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cm"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="module"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sectionnum"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="added"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="indent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleoncoursepage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleold"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completiongradeitemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionexpected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showdescription"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="availability"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradepass"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradecat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="advancedgrading"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="method"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="outcomes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return information about a given module name and instance id

module (Required)
        The module name

General structure
string //The module name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[module] => string
REST (POST parameters)
module= string
instance (Required)
        The module instance id

General structure
int //The module instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instance] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instance= int

General structure
object {
cm object {
id int //The course module id
course int //The course id
module int //The module type id
name string //The activity name
modname string //The module component name (forum, assign, etc..)
instance int //The activity instance id
section int //The module section id
sectionnum int //The module section number
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
completion int //If completion is enabled
idnumber string Optional //Module id number
added int Optional //Time added
score int Optional //Score
indent int Optional //Indentation
visible int Optional //If visible
visibleoncoursepage int Optional //If visible on course page
visibleold int Optional //Visible old
completiongradeitemnumber int Optional //Completion grade item
completionview int Optional //Completion view setting
completionexpected int Optional //Completion time expected
showdescription int Optional //If the description is showed
availability string Optional //Availability settings
grade double Optional //Grade (max value or scale id)
scale string Optional //Scale items (if used)
gradepass string Optional //Grade to pass (float)
gradecat int Optional //Grade category
advancedgrading Optional //Advanced grading settings
list of (
object {
area string //Gradable area name
method string //Grading method
)outcomes Optional //Outcomes information
list of (
object {
id string //Outcome id
name string //Outcome full name
scale string //Scale items
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [cm] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [module] => int [name] => string [modname] => string [instance] => int [section] => int [sectionnum] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int [completion] => int [idnumber] => string [added] => int [score] => int [indent] => int [visible] => int [visibleoncoursepage] => int [visibleold] => int [completiongradeitemnumber] => int [completionview] => int [completionexpected] => int [showdescription] => int [availability] => string [grade] => double [scale] => string [gradepass] => string [gradecat] => int [advancedgrading] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [method] => string ) ) [outcomes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => string [name] => string [scale] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cm"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="module"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sectionnum"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="added"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="indent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleoncoursepage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visibleold"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completiongradeitemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionexpected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showdescription"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="availability"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradepass"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradecat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="advancedgrading"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="method"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="outcomes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns html with one activity module on course page

id (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
sectionreturn (Default to "null")
        section to return to

General structure
int Default to "null" //section to return to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sectionreturn] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sectionreturn= int

html to replace the current module with

General structure
string //html to replace the current module with
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check if there are updates affecting the user for the given course since the given time stamp.

courseid (Required)
        Course id to check

General structure
int //Course id to check
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
since (Required)
        Check updates since this time stamp

General structure
int //Check updates since this time stamp
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[since] => int
REST (POST parameters)
since= int
filter (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Check only for updates in these areas

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Check only for updates in these areas
list of (
string //Area name: configuration, fileareas, completion, ratings, comments, gradeitems, outcomes
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filter] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
filter[0]= string

General structure
object {
instances list of (
object {
contextlevel string //The context level
id int //Instance id
updates list of (
object {
name string //Name of the area updated.
timeupdated int Optional //Last time was updated
itemids Optional //The ids of the items updated
list of (
int //Instance id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [instances] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextlevel] => string [id] => int [updates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [timeupdated] => int [itemids] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="instances"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextlevel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="updates"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeupdated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a list of administration options in a set of courses that are avaialable or not for the current user.

courseids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Course id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
courses //List of courses
list of (
object {
id int //Course id
options list of (
object {
name string //Option name
available int //Whether the option is available or not
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [available] => int ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="available"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a list of navigation options in a set of courses that are avaialable or not for the current user.

courseids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Course id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
courses //List of courses
list of (
object {
id int //Course id
options list of (
object {
name string //Option name
available int //Whether the option is available or not
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [available] => int ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="available"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Import course data from a course into another course. Does not include any user data.

importfrom (Required)
        the id of the course we are importing from

General structure
int //the id of the course we are importing from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[importfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
importfrom= int
importto (Required)
        the id of the course we are importing to

General structure
int //the id of the course we are importing to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[importto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
importto= int
deletecontent (Default to "0")
        whether to delete the course content where we are importing to (default to 0 = No)

General structure
int Default to "0" //whether to delete the course content where we are importing to (default to 0 = No)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[deletecontent] => int
REST (POST parameters)
deletecontent= int
options (Default to "0")

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //The backup option name: "activities" (int) Include course activites (default to 1 that is equal to yes), "blocks" (int) Include course blocks (default to 1 that is equal to yes), "filters" (int) Include course filters (default to 1 that is equal to yes)
value string //the value for the option 1 (yes) or 0 (no)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search courses by (name, module, block, tag)

criterianame (Required)
        criteria name (search, modulelist (only admins), blocklist (only admins), tagid)

General structure
string //criteria name (search, modulelist (only admins), blocklist (only admins), tagid)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[criterianame] => string
REST (POST parameters)
criterianame= string
criteriavalue (Required)
        criteria value

General structure
string //criteria value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[criteriavalue] => string
REST (POST parameters)
criteriavalue= string
page (Default to "0")
        page number (0 based)

General structure
int Default to "0" //page number (0 based)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        items per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //items per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int
requiredcapabilities (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Optional list of required capabilities (used to filter the list)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Optional list of required capabilities (used to filter the list)
list of (
string //Capability string used to filter courses by permission
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requiredcapabilities] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
requiredcapabilities[0]= string
limittoenrolled (Default to "0")
        limit to enrolled courses

General structure
int Default to "0" //limit to enrolled courses
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limittoenrolled] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limittoenrolled= int

General structure
object {
total int //total course count
courses //course
list of (
object {
id int //course id
fullname string //course full name
displayname string //course display name
shortname string //course short name
categoryid int //category id
categoryname string //category name
sortorder int Optional //Sort order in the category
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
summaryfiles Optional //summary files in the summary field
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)overviewfiles //additional overview files attached to this course
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)contacts //contact users
list of (
object {
id int //contact user id
fullname string //contact user fullname
)enrollmentmethods //enrollment methods list
list of (
string //enrollment method
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [total] => int [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [displayname] => string [shortname] => string [categoryid] => int [categoryname] => string [sortorder] => int [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [summaryfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [overviewfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string ) ) [enrollmentmethods] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="total"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="overviewfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrollmentmethods"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update categories

categories (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //course id
name string Optional //category name
idnumber string Optional //category id number
parent int Optional //parent category id
description string Optional //category description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
theme string Optional //the category theme. This option must be enabled on moodle
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categories] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [parent] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [theme] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
categories[0][id]= int categories[0][name]= string categories[0][idnumber]= string categories[0][parent]= int categories[0][description]= string categories[0][descriptionformat]= int categories[0][theme]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update courses

courses (Required)
        courses to update

General structure
//courses to update
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the course
fullname string Optional //full name
shortname string Optional //course short name
categoryid int Optional //category id
idnumber string Optional //id number
summary string Optional //summary
summaryformat int Optional //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
format string Optional //course format: weeks, topics, social, site,..
showgrades int Optional //1 if grades are shown, otherwise 0
newsitems int Optional //number of recent items appearing on the course page
startdate int Optional //timestamp when the course start
enddate int Optional //timestamp when the course end
numsections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) number of weeks/topics
maxbytes int Optional //largest size of file that can be uploaded into the course
showreports int Optional //are activity report shown (yes = 1, no =0)
visible int Optional //1: available to student, 0:not available
hiddensections int Optional //(deprecated, use courseformatoptions) How the hidden sections in the course are displayed to students
groupmode int Optional //no group, separate, visible
groupmodeforce int Optional //1: yes, 0: no
defaultgroupingid int Optional //default grouping id
enablecompletion int Optional //Enabled, control via completion and activity settings. Disabled, not shown in activity settings.
completionnotify int Optional //1: yes 0: no
lang string Optional //forced course language
forcetheme string Optional //name of the force theme
courseformatoptions Optional //additional options for particular course format
list of (
object {
name string //course format option name
value string //course format option value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [categoryid] => int [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [format] => string [showgrades] => int [newsitems] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [numsections] => int [maxbytes] => int [showreports] => int [visible] => int [hiddensections] => int [groupmode] => int [groupmodeforce] => int [defaultgroupingid] => int [enablecompletion] => int [completionnotify] => int [lang] => string [forcetheme] => string [courseformatoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
courses[0][id]= int courses[0][fullname]= string courses[0][shortname]= string courses[0][categoryid]= int courses[0][idnumber]= string courses[0][summary]= string courses[0][summaryformat]= int courses[0][format]= string courses[0][showgrades]= int courses[0][newsitems]= int courses[0][startdate]= int courses[0][enddate]= int courses[0][numsections]= int courses[0][maxbytes]= int courses[0][showreports]= int courses[0][visible]= int courses[0][hiddensections]= int courses[0][groupmode]= int courses[0][groupmodeforce]= int courses[0][defaultgroupingid]= int courses[0][enablecompletion]= int courses[0][completionnotify]= int courses[0][lang]= string courses[0][forcetheme]= string courses[0][courseformatoptions][0][name]= string courses[0][courseformatoptions][0][value]= string

General structure
object {
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log that the course was viewed

courseid (Required)
        id of the course

General structure
int //id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
sectionnumber (Default to "0")
        section number

General structure
int Default to "0" //section number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sectionnumber] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sectionnumber= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


External function that updates a given user enrolment

courseid (Required)
        User enrolment ID

General structure
int //User enrolment ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
ueid (Required)
        User enrolment ID

General structure
int //User enrolment ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ueid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
ueid= int
status (Required)
        Enrolment status

General structure
int //Enrolment status
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[status] => int
REST (POST parameters)
status= int
timestart (Default to "0")
        Enrolment start timestamp

General structure
int Default to "0" //Enrolment start timestamp
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timestart] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timestart= int
timeend (Default to "0")
        Enrolment end timestamp

General structure
int Default to "0" //Enrolment end timestamp
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timeend] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timeend= int

General structure
object {
result int //True if the user's enrolment was successfully updated
errors //List of validation errors
list of (
object {
key string //The data that failed the validation
message string //The error message
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="errors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the list of course enrolment methods

courseid (Required)
        Course id

General structure
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //id of course enrolment instance
courseid int //id of course
type string //type of enrolment plugin
name string //name of enrolment plugin
status string //status of enrolment plugin
wsfunction string Optional //webservice function to get more information
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [type] => string [name] => string [status] => string [wsfunction] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wsfunction"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get enrolled users by course id.

courseid (Required)
        course id

General structure
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Option names: * withcapability (string) return only users with this capability. This option requires 'moodle/role:review' on the course context. * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. If the course has groups enabled and this param isn't defined, returns all the viewable users. This option requires 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' on the course context if the user doesn't belong to the group. * onlyactive (integer) return only users with active enrolments and matching time restrictions. This option requires 'moodle/course:enrolreview' on the course context. * userfields ('string, string, ...') return only the values of these user fields. * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. * limitnumber (integer) maximum number of returned users. * sortby (string) sort by id, firstname or lastname. For ordering like the site does, use siteorder. * sortdirection (string) ASC or DESC

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Option names: * withcapability (string) return only users with this capability. This option requires 'moodle/role:review' on the course context. * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. If the course has groups enabled and this param isn't defined, returns all the viewable users. This option requires 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' on the course context if the user doesn't belong to the group. * onlyactive (integer) return only users with active enrolments and matching time restrictions. This option requires 'moodle/course:enrolreview' on the course context. * userfields ('string, string, ...') return only the values of these user fields. * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. * limitnumber (integer) maximum number of returned users. * sortby (string) sort by id, firstname or lastname. For ordering like the site does, use siteorder. * sortdirection (string) ASC or DESC
list of (
object {
name string //option name
value string //option value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //Username policy is defined in Moodle security config
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string Optional //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)groups Optional //user groups
list of (
object {
id int //group id
name string //group name
description string //group description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)roles Optional //user roles
list of (
object {
roleid int //role id
name string //role name
shortname string //role shortname
sortorder int //role sortorder
)preferences Optional //User preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the custom field
)enrolledcourses Optional //Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see
list of (
object {
id int //Id of the course
fullname string //Fullname of the course
shortname string //Shortname of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int ) ) [roles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [name] => string [shortname] => string [sortorder] => int ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [enrolledcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="roles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="roleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolledcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


For each course and capability specified, return a list of the users that are enrolled in the course and have that capability

coursecapabilities (Required)
        course id and associated capability name

General structure
//course id and associated capability name
list of (
object {
courseid int //Course ID number in the Moodle course table
capabilities list of (
string //Capability name, such as mod/forum:viewdiscussion
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[coursecapabilities] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [capabilities] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
coursecapabilities[0][courseid]= int coursecapabilities[0][capabilities][0]= string
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Option names: * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. Requires 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' . * onlyactive (integer) only users with active enrolments. Requires 'moodle/course:enrolreview' . * userfields ('string, string, ...') return only the values of these user fields. * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. * limitnumber (integer) max number of users per course and capability.

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Option names: * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. Requires 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' . * onlyactive (integer) only users with active enrolments. Requires 'moodle/course:enrolreview' . * userfields ('string, string, ...') return only the values of these user fields. * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. * limitnumber (integer) max number of users per course and capability.
list of (
object {
name string //option name
value string //option value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
courseid int //Course ID number in the Moodle course table
capability string //Capability name
users //List of users that are enrolled in the course and have the specified capability
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //Username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //Email address
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //User profile description format
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //User image profile URL - small
profileimageurl string Optional //User image profile URL - big
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field
)groups Optional //user groups
list of (
object {
id int //group id
name string //group name
description string //group description
)roles Optional //user roles
list of (
object {
roleid int //role id
name string //role name
shortname string //role shortname
sortorder int //role sortorder
)preferences Optional //User preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the custom field
)enrolledcourses Optional //Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see
list of (
object {
id int //Id of the course
fullname string //Fullname of the course
shortname string //Shortname of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [capability] => string [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string ) ) [roles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [name] => string [shortname] => string [sortorder] => int ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [enrolledcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string ) ) ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capability"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="roles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="roleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolledcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the list of potential users to enrol

courseid (Required)
        course id

General structure
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
enrolid (Required)
        enrolment id

General structure
int //enrolment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[enrolid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
enrolid= int
search (Required)

General structure
string //query
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
searchanywhere (Required)
        find a match anywhere, or only at the beginning

General structure
int //find a match anywhere, or only at the beginning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[searchanywhere] => int
REST (POST parameters)
searchanywhere= int
page (Required)
        Page number

General structure
int //Page number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Required)
        Number per page

General structure
int //Number per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
confirmed int Optional //Active user: 1 if confirmed, 0 otherwise
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [auth] => string [suspended] => int [confirmed] => int [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="confirmed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timezone"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the list of courses where a user is enrolled in

userid (Required)
        user id

General structure
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //id of course
shortname string //short name of course
fullname string //long name of course
enrolledusercount int //Number of enrolled users in this course
idnumber string //id number of course
visible int //1 means visible, 0 means hidden course
summary string Optional //summary
summaryformat int Optional //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
format string Optional //course format: weeks, topics, social, site
showgrades int Optional //true if grades are shown, otherwise false
lang string Optional //forced course language
enablecompletion int Optional //true if completion is enabled, otherwise false
category int Optional //course category id
progress double Optional //Progress percentage
startdate int Optional //Timestamp when the course start
enddate int Optional //Timestamp when the course end
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string [fullname] => string [enrolledusercount] => int [idnumber] => string [visible] => int [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [format] => string [showgrades] => int [lang] => string [enablecompletion] => int [category] => int [progress] => double [startdate] => int [enddate] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolledusercount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showgrades"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enablecompletion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="progress"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


External function that unenrols a given user enrolment

ueid (Required)
        User enrolment ID

General structure
int //User enrolment ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ueid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
ueid= int

General structure
object {
result int //True if the user's enrolment was successfully updated
errors //List of validation errors
list of (
object {
key string //The data that failed the validation
message string //The error message
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="errors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a list of notifications for the current session

contextid (Required)
        Context ID

General structure
int //Context ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
template string //Name of the template
variables object {
message string //HTML content of the Notification
extraclasses string //Extra classes to provide to the tmeplate
announce string //Whether to announce
closebutton string //Whether to close
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [template] => string [variables] => Array ( [message] => string [extraclasses] => string [announce] => string [closebutton] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="variables"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="extraclasses"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="announce"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="closebutton"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


browse moodle files

contextid (Required)
        context id Set to -1 to use contextlevel and instanceid.

General structure
int //context id Set to -1 to use contextlevel and instanceid.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
filearea (Required)
        file area

General structure
string //file area
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filearea] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filearea= string
itemid (Required)
        associated id

General structure
int //associated id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= int
filepath (Required)
        file path

General structure
string //file path
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filepath] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filepath= string
filename (Required)
        file name

General structure
string //file name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filename] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filename= string
modified (Default to "null")
        timestamp to return files changed after this time.

General structure
int Default to "null" //timestamp to return files changed after this time.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[modified] => int
REST (POST parameters)
modified= int
contextlevel (Default to "null")
        The context level for the file location.

General structure
string Default to "null" //The context level for the file location.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Default to "null")
        The instance id for where the file is located.

General structure
int Default to "null" //The instance id for where the file is located.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int

General structure
object {
parents list of (
object {
contextid int component string filearea string itemid int filepath string filename string }
)files list of (
object {
contextid int component string filearea string itemid int filepath string filename string isdir int url string timemodified int timecreated int Optional //Time created
filesize int Optional //File size
author string Optional //File owner
license string Optional //File license
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [parents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string ) ) [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [url] => string [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="parents"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


upload a file to moodle

contextid (Default to "null")
        context id

General structure
int Default to "null" //context id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
filearea (Required)
        file area

General structure
string //file area
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filearea] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filearea= string
itemid (Required)
        associated id

General structure
int //associated id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= int
filepath (Required)
        file path

General structure
string //file path
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filepath] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filepath= string
filename (Required)
        file name

General structure
string //file name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filename] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filename= string
filecontent (Required)
        file content

General structure
string //file content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filecontent] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filecontent= string
contextlevel (Default to "null")
        The context level to put the file in, (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)

General structure
string Default to "null" //The context level to put the file in, (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Default to "null")
        The Instance id of item associated with the context level

General structure
int Default to "null" //The Instance id of item associated with the context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int

General structure
object {
contextid int component string filearea string itemid int filepath string filename string url string }
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [url] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the filters available in the given contexts.

contexts (Required)
        The list of contexts to check.

General structure
//The list of contexts to check.
list of (
object {
contextlevel string //The context level where the filters are: (coursecat, course, module)
instanceid int //The instance id of item associated with the context.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contexts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
contexts[0][contextlevel]= string contexts[0][instanceid]= int

General structure
object {
filters //Available filters
list of (
object {
contextlevel string //The context level where the filters are: (coursecat, course, module).
instanceid int //The instance id of item associated with the context.
contextid int //The context id.
filter string //Filter plugin name.
localstate int //Filter state: 1 for on, -1 for off, 0 if inherit.
inheritedstate int //1 or 0 to use when localstate is set to inherit.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [filters] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int [contextid] => int [filter] => string [localstate] => int [inheritedstate] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filters"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextlevel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instanceid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filter"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="localstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="inheritedstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Provides data for the filetypes element browser.

onlytypes (Default to "")
        Limit the browser to the given groups and extensions

General structure
string Default to "" //Limit the browser to the given groups and extensions
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlytypes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
onlytypes= string
allowall (Default to "1")
        Allows to select All file types, does not apply with onlytypes are set.

General structure
int Default to "1" //Allows to select All file types, does not apply with onlytypes are set.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[allowall] => int
REST (POST parameters)
allowall= int
current (Default to "")
        Current types that should be selected.

General structure
string Default to "" //Current types that should be selected.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[current] => string
REST (POST parameters)
current= string

General structure
object {
groups //List of file type groups
list of (
object {
key string //The file type group identifier
name string //The file type group name
selectable int //Can it be marked as selected
selected int //Should it be marked as selected
ext string //The list of file extensions associated with the group
expanded int //Should the group start as expanded or collapsed
types //List of file types in the group
list of (
object {
key string //The file type identifier
name string //The file type name
selected int //Should it be marked as selected
ext string //The file extension associated with the file type
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [name] => string [selectable] => int [selected] => int [ext] => string [expanded] => int [types] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [name] => string [selected] => int [ext] => string ) ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="selectable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="selected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expanded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="types"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="selected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return all raw strings (with {$a->xxx}), for a specific component - similar to core get_component_strings(), call

component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
lang (Default to "null")

General structure
string Default to "null" //lang
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lang] => string
REST (POST parameters)
lang= string

General structure
list of (
object {
stringid string //string id
string string //translated string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [stringid] => string [string] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="stringid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="string"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a fragment for inclusion, such as a JavaScript page.

component (Required)
        Component for the callback e.g. mod_assign

General structure
string //Component for the callback e.g. mod_assign
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
callback (Required)
        Name of the callback to execute

General structure
string //Name of the callback to execute
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[callback] => string
REST (POST parameters)
callback= string
contextid (Required)
        Context ID that the fragment is from

General structure
int //Context ID that the fragment is from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
args (Optional)
        args for the callback are optional

General structure
Optional //args for the callback are optional
list of (
object {
name string //param name
value string //param value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
args[0][name]= string args[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
html string //HTML fragment.
javascript string //JavaScript fragment
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [html] => string [javascript] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="html"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="javascript"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a translated string - similar to core get_string(), call

stringid (Required)
        string identifier

General structure
string //string identifier
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stringid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
stringid= string
component (Default to "moodle")

General structure
string Default to "moodle" //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
lang (Default to "null")

General structure
string Default to "null" //lang
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lang] => string
REST (POST parameters)
lang= string
stringparams (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        the definition of a string param (i.e. {$a->name})

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //the definition of a string param (i.e. {$a->name})
list of (
object {
name string Optional //param name - if the string expect only one $a parameter then don't send this field, just send the value.
value string //param value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stringparams] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
stringparams[0][name]= string stringparams[0][value]= string

translated string

General structure
string //translated string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return some translated strings - like several core get_string(), calls

strings (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
stringid string //string identifier
component string Default to "moodle" //component
lang string Default to "null" //lang
stringparams Default to "Array ( ) " //the definition of a string param (i.e. {$a->name})
list of (
object {
name string Optional //param name - if the string expect only one $a parameter then don't send this field, just send the value.
value string //param value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[strings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [stringid] => string [component] => string [lang] => string [stringparams] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
strings[0][stringid]= string strings[0][component]= string strings[0][lang]= string strings[0][stringparams][0][name]= string strings[0][stringparams][0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
stringid string //string id
component string //string component
lang string //lang
string string //translated string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [stringid] => string [component] => string [lang] => string [string] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="stringid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="string"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return formatted timestamps

contextid (Default to "0")
        Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
contextlevel (Default to "")
        Context level. To be used with instanceid.

General structure
string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Default to "0")
        Context instance ID. To be used with level

General structure
int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int
timestamps (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
timestamp int //unix timestamp
format string //format string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timestamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [timestamp] => int [format] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
timestamps[0][timestamp]= int timestamps[0][format]= string

General structure
object {
dates list of (
string //formatted dates strings
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [dates] => Array ( [0] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="dates"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


** DEPRECATED ** Please do not call this function any more. Returns student course total grade and grades for activities. This function does not return category or manual items. This function is suitable for managers or teachers not students.

courseid (Required)
        id of course

General structure
int //id of course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
component (Default to "")
        A component, for example mod_forum or mod_quiz

General structure
string Default to "" //A component, for example mod_forum or mod_quiz
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
activityid (Default to "null")
        The activity ID

General structure
int Default to "null" //The activity ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[activityid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
activityid= int
userids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of user IDs, leave empty to just retrieve grade item information

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of user IDs, leave empty to just retrieve grade item information
list of (
int //user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int

General structure
object {
items list of (
object {
activityid string //The ID of the activity or "course" for the course grade item
itemnumber int //Will be 0 unless the module has multiple grades
scaleid int //The ID of the custom scale or 0
name string //The module name
grademin double //Minimum grade
grademax double //Maximum grade
gradepass double //The passing grade threshold
locked int //0 means not locked, > 1 is a date to lock until
hidden int //0 means not hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until
grades list of (
object {
userid int //Student ID
grade double //Student grade
locked int //0 means not locked, > 1 is a date to lock until
hidden int //0 means not hidden, 1 hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until
overridden int //0 means not overridden, > 1 means overridden
feedback string //Feedback from the grader
feedbackformat int //The format of the feedback
usermodified int //The ID of the last user to modify this student grade
datesubmitted int //A timestamp indicating when the student submitted the activity
dategraded int //A timestamp indicating when the assignment was grades
str_grade string //A string representation of the grade
str_long_grade string //A nicely formatted string representation of the grade
str_feedback string //A formatted string representation of the feedback from the grader
)outcomes Optional //An array of outcomes associated with the grade items
list of (
object {
activityid string //The ID of the activity or "course" for the course grade item
itemnumber int //Will be 0 unless the module has multiple grades
scaleid int //The ID of the custom scale or 0
name string //The module name
locked int //0 means not locked, > 1 is a date to lock until
hidden int //0 means not hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until
grades list of (
object {
userid int //Student ID
grade double //Student grade
locked int //0 means not locked, > 1 is a date to lock until
hidden int //0 means not hidden, 1 hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until
feedback string //Feedback from the grader
feedbackformat int //The feedback format
usermodified int //The ID of the last user to modify this student grade
str_grade string //A string representation of the grade
str_feedback string //A formatted string representation of the feedback from the grader
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [activityid] => string [itemnumber] => int [scaleid] => int [name] => string [grademin] => double [grademax] => double [gradepass] => double [locked] => int [hidden] => int [grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [grade] => double [locked] => int [hidden] => int [overridden] => int [feedback] => string [feedbackformat] => int [usermodified] => int [datesubmitted] => int [dategraded] => int [str_grade] => string [str_long_grade] => string [str_feedback] => string ) ) ) ) [outcomes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [activityid] => string [itemnumber] => int [scaleid] => int [name] => string [locked] => int [hidden] => int [grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [grade] => double [locked] => int [hidden] => int [feedback] => string [feedbackformat] => int [usermodified] => int [str_grade] => string [str_feedback] => string ) ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="activityid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademin"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademax"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradepass"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overridden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="datesubmitted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dategraded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="str_grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="str_long_grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="str_feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="outcomes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="activityid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="str_grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="str_feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a grade item and associated student grades.

source (Required)
        The source of the grade update

General structure
string //The source of the grade update
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[source] => string
REST (POST parameters)
source= string
courseid (Required)
        id of course

General structure
int //id of course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
component (Required)
        A component, for example mod_forum or mod_quiz

General structure
string //A component, for example mod_forum or mod_quiz
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
activityid (Required)
        The activity ID

General structure
int //The activity ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[activityid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
activityid= int
itemnumber (Required)
        grade item ID number for modules that have multiple grades. Typically this is 0.

General structure
int //grade item ID number for modules that have multiple grades. Typically this is 0.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemnumber] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemnumber= int
grades (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Any student grades to alter

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Any student grades to alter
list of (
object {
studentid int //Student ID
grade double //Student grade
str_feedback string Optional //A string representation of the feedback from the grader
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [studentid] => int [grade] => double [str_feedback] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
grades[0][studentid]= int grades[0][grade]= double grades[0][str_feedback]= string
itemdetails (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Any grade item settings to alter

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Any grade item settings to alter
object {
itemname string Optional //The grade item name
idnumber int Optional //Arbitrary ID provided by the module responsible for the grade item
gradetype int Optional //The type of grade (0 = none, 1 = value, 2 = scale, 3 = text)
grademax double Optional //Maximum grade allowed
grademin double Optional //Minimum grade allowed
scaleid int Optional //The ID of the custom scale being is used
multfactor double Optional //Multiply all grades by this number
plusfactor double Optional //Add this to all grades
deleted int Optional //True if the grade item should be deleted
hidden int Optional //True if the grade item is hidden
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemdetails] => Array ( [itemname] => string [idnumber] => int [gradetype] => int [grademax] => double [grademin] => double [scaleid] => int [multfactor] => double [plusfactor] => double [deleted] => int [hidden] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
itemdetails[itemname]= string itemdetails[idnumber]= int itemdetails[gradetype]= int itemdetails[grademax]= double itemdetails[grademin]= double itemdetails[scaleid]= int itemdetails[multfactor]= double itemdetails[plusfactor]= double itemdetails[deleted]= int itemdetails[hidden]= int

A value like 0 => OK, 1 => FAILED as defined in lib/grade/constants.php

General structure
int //A value like 0 => OK, 1 => FAILED as defined in lib/grade/constants.php
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get grading definitions

cmids (Required)
        1 or more course module ids

General structure
//1 or more course module ids
list of (
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
cmids[0]= int
areaname (Required)
        area name

General structure
string //area name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[areaname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
areaname= string
activeonly (Default to "0")
        Only the active method

General structure
int Default to "0" //Only the active method
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[activeonly] => int
REST (POST parameters)
activeonly= int

General structure
object {
areas //list of grading areas
list of (
object {
cmid int //course module id
contextid int //context id
component string //component name
areaname string //area name
activemethod string Optional //active method
definitions //definitions
list of (
object {
id int Optional //definition id
method string //method
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
status int //status
copiedfromid int Optional //copied from id
timecreated int //creation time
usercreated int //user who created definition
timemodified int //last modified time
usermodified int //user who modified definition
timecopied int Optional //time copied
guide Optional //items
object {
guide_criteria list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
shortname string //description
descriptionmarkers string Optional //markers description
descriptionmarkersformat int Optional //descriptionmarkers format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
maxscore double //maximum score
)guide_comments Optional //comments
list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
rubric Optional //items
object {
rubric_criteria Optional //definition details
list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
levels Optional //levels
list of (
object {
id int Optional //level id
score double Optional //score
definition string Optional //definition
definitionformat int Optional //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [areas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cmid] => int [contextid] => int [component] => string [areaname] => string [activemethod] => string [definitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [method] => string [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [status] => int [copiedfromid] => int [timecreated] => int [usercreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [timecopied] => int [guide] => Array ( [guide_criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [shortname] => string [descriptionmarkers] => string [descriptionmarkersformat] => int [maxscore] => double ) ) [guide_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int ) ) ) [rubric] => Array ( [rubric_criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [levels] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [score] => double [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="areas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="areaname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="activemethod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="method"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="copiedfromid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecopied"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guide"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="guide_criteria"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionmarkers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionmarkersformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxscore"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="guide_comments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="rubric"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="rubric_criteria"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="levels"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get grading form instances

definitionid (Required)
        definition id

General structure
int //definition id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[definitionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
definitionid= int
since (Default to "0")
        submitted since

General structure
int Default to "0" //submitted since
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[since] => int
REST (POST parameters)
since= int

General structure
object {
instances //list of grading instances
list of (
object {
id int //instance id
raterid int //rater id
itemid int //item id
rawgrade string Optional //raw grade
status int //status
feedback string Optional //feedback
feedbackformat int Optional //feedback format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
timemodified int //modified time
guide Optional //items
object {
criteria Optional //filling
list of (
object {
id int //filling id
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
score double //maximum score
rubric Optional //items
object {
criteria Optional //filling
list of (
object {
id int //filling id
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [instances] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [raterid] => int [itemid] => int [rawgrade] => string [status] => int [feedback] => string [feedbackformat] => int [timemodified] => int [guide] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int [score] => double ) ) ) [rubric] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="instances"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="raterid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawgrade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guide"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="criteria"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="criterionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="levelid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="remark"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="remarkformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="rubric"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="criteria"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="criterionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="levelid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="remark"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="remarkformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Save grading definitions

areas (Required)
        areas with definitions to save

General structure
//areas with definitions to save
list of (
object {
cmid int //course module id
contextid int //context id
component string //component name
areaname string //area name
activemethod string Optional //active method
definitions //definitions
list of (
object {
id int Optional //definition id
method string //method
name string //name
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
status int //status
copiedfromid int Optional //copied from id
timecreated int //creation time
usercreated int //user who created definition
timemodified int //last modified time
usermodified int //user who modified definition
timecopied int Optional //time copied
guide Optional //items
object {
guide_criteria list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
shortname string //description
descriptionmarkers string Optional //markers description
descriptionmarkersformat int Optional //descriptionmarkers format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
maxscore double //maximum score
)guide_comments Optional //comments
list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
rubric Optional //items
object {
rubric_criteria Optional //definition details
list of (
object {
id int Optional //criterion id
sortorder int Optional //sortorder
description string Optional //description
descriptionformat int Optional //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
levels Optional //levels
list of (
object {
id int Optional //level id
score double Optional //score
definition string Optional //definition
definitionformat int Optional //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[areas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cmid] => int [contextid] => int [component] => string [areaname] => string [activemethod] => string [definitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [method] => string [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [status] => int [copiedfromid] => int [timecreated] => int [usercreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [timecopied] => int [guide] => Array ( [guide_criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [shortname] => string [descriptionmarkers] => string [descriptionmarkersformat] => int [maxscore] => double ) ) [guide_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int ) ) ) [rubric] => Array ( [rubric_criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [sortorder] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [levels] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [score] => double [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
areas[0][cmid]= int areas[0][contextid]= int areas[0][component]= string areas[0][areaname]= string areas[0][activemethod]= string areas[0][definitions][0][id]= int areas[0][definitions][0][method]= string areas[0][definitions][0][name]= string areas[0][definitions][0][description]= string areas[0][definitions][0][descriptionformat]= int areas[0][definitions][0][status]= int areas[0][definitions][0][copiedfromid]= int areas[0][definitions][0][timecreated]= int areas[0][definitions][0][usercreated]= int areas[0][definitions][0][timemodified]= int areas[0][definitions][0][usermodified]= int areas[0][definitions][0][timecopied]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][id]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][sortorder]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][description]= string areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][descriptionformat]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][shortname]= string areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][descriptionmarkers]= string areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][descriptionmarkersformat]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_criteria][0][maxscore]= double areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_comments][0][id]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_comments][0][sortorder]= int areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_comments][0][description]= string areas[0][definitions][0][guide][guide_comments][0][descriptionformat]= int areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][id]= int areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][sortorder]= int areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][description]= string areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][descriptionformat]= int areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][levels][0][id]= int areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][levels][0][score]= double areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][levels][0][definition]= string areas[0][definitions][0][rubric][rubric_criteria][0][levels][0][definitionformat]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds group members.

members (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
groupid int //group record id
userid int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[members] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupid] => int [userid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
members[0][groupid]= int members[0][userid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Assing groups from groupings

assignments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
groupingid int //grouping record id
groupid int //group record id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupingid] => int [groupid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
assignments[0][groupingid]= int assignments[0][groupid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new groupings

groupings (Required)
        List of grouping object. A grouping has a courseid, a name and a description.

General structure
//List of grouping object. A grouping has a courseid, a name and a description.
list of (
object {
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //grouping description text
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string Optional //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
groupings[0][courseid]= int groupings[0][name]= string groupings[0][description]= string groupings[0][descriptionformat]= int groupings[0][idnumber]= string

List of grouping object. A grouping has an id, a courseid, a name and a description.

General structure
//List of grouping object. A grouping has an id, a courseid, a name and a description.
list of (
object {
id int //grouping record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //grouping description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates new groups.

groups (Required)
        List of group object. A group has a courseid, a name, a description and an enrolment key.

General structure
//List of group object. A group has a courseid, a name, a description and an enrolment key.
list of (
object {
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
enrolmentkey string Optional //group enrol secret phrase
idnumber string Optional //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [enrolmentkey] => string [idnumber] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
groups[0][courseid]= int groups[0][name]= string groups[0][description]= string groups[0][descriptionformat]= int groups[0][enrolmentkey]= string groups[0][idnumber]= string

List of group object. A group has an id, a courseid, a name, a description and an enrolment key.

General structure
//List of group object. A group has an id, a courseid, a name, a description and an enrolment key.
list of (
object {
id int //group record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
enrolmentkey string //group enrol secret phrase
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [enrolmentkey] => string [idnumber] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolmentkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes all specified groupings.

groupingids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //grouping ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupingids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
groupingids[0]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes all specified groups.

groupids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Group ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
groupids[0]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes group members.

members (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
groupid int //group record id
userid int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[members] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupid] => int [userid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
members[0][groupid]= int members[0][userid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Gets a list of groups that the user is allowed to access within the specified activity.

cmid (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
cmid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        id of user, empty for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of user, empty for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
groups list of (
object {
id int //group record id
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string //id number
courseid int Optional //course id
)canaccessallgroups int Optional //Whether the user will be able to access all the activity groups.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string [courseid] => int ) ) [canaccessallgroups] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canaccessallgroups"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns effective groupmode used in a given activity.

cmid (Required)
        course module id

General structure
int //course module id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cmid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
cmid= int

General structure
object {
groupmode int //group mode: 0 for no groups, 1 for separate groups, 2 for visible groups
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groupmode] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns all groupings in specified course.

courseid (Required)
        id of course

General structure
int //id of course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //grouping record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //grouping description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns all groups in specified course.

courseid (Required)
        id of course

General structure
int //id of course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //group record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
enrolmentkey string //group enrol secret phrase
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [enrolmentkey] => string [idnumber] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolmentkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns all groups in specified course for the specified user.

courseid (Required)
        id of course

General structure
int //id of course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Required)
        id of user

General structure
int //id of user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupingid (Default to "0")
        returns only groups in the specified grouping

General structure
int Default to "0" //returns only groups in the specified grouping
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupingid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupingid= int

General structure
object {
groups list of (
object {
id int //group record id
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string //id number
courseid int Optional //course id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string [courseid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns groupings details.

groupingids (Required)
        List of grouping id. A grouping id is an integer.

General structure
//List of grouping id. A grouping id is an integer.
list of (
int //grouping ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupingids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
groupingids[0]= int
returngroups (Default to "0")
        return associated groups

General structure
int Default to "0" //return associated groups
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[returngroups] => int
REST (POST parameters)
returngroups= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //grouping record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //grouping description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string //id number
groups Optional //optional groups
list of (
object {
id int //group record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
enrolmentkey string //group enrol secret phrase
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [enrolmentkey] => string [idnumber] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolmentkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns group details.

groupids (Required)
        List of group id. A group id is an integer.

General structure
//List of group id. A group id is an integer.
list of (
int //Group ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
groupids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //group record id
courseid int //id of course
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //group description text
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
enrolmentkey string //group enrol secret phrase
idnumber string //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [enrolmentkey] => string [idnumber] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolmentkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns group members.

groupids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Group ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
groupids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
groupid int //group record id
userids list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupid] => int [userids] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Unassing groups from groupings

unassignments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
groupingid int //grouping record id
groupid int //group record id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[unassignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupingid] => int [groupid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
unassignments[0][groupingid]= int unassignments[0][groupid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates existing groupings

groupings (Required)
        List of grouping object. A grouping has a courseid, a name and a description.

General structure
//List of grouping object. A grouping has a courseid, a name and a description.
list of (
object {
id int //id of grouping
name string //multilang compatible name, course unique
description string //grouping description text
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
idnumber string Optional //id number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [idnumber] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
groupings[0][id]= int groupings[0][name]= string groupings[0][description]= string groupings[0][descriptionformat]= int groupings[0][idnumber]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Block contacts

userids (Required)
        List of user IDs

General structure
//List of user IDs
list of (
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int
userid (Default to "0")
        The id of the user we are blocking the contacts for, 0 for the current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //The id of the user we are blocking the contacts for, 0 for the current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add contacts to the contact list

userids (Required)
        List of user IDs

General structure
//List of user IDs
list of (
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int
userid (Default to "0")
        The id of the user we are creating the contacts for, 0 for the current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //The id of the user we are creating the contacts for, 0 for the current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for the contact list

userid (Required)
        The id of the user who we are viewing conversations for

General structure
int //The id of the user who we are viewing conversations for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
contacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for the conversation list

userid (Required)
        The id of the user who we are viewing conversations for

General structure
int //The id of the user who we are viewing conversations for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
contacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for the most recent message

currentuserid (Required)
        The current user's id

General structure
int //The current user's id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[currentuserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
currentuserid= int
otheruserid (Required)
        The other user's id

General structure
int //The other user's id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[otheruserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
otheruserid= int

General structure
object {
id int //The id of the message
useridfrom int //The id of the user who sent the message
useridto int //The id of the user who received the message
text string //The text of the message
displayblocktime int //Should we display the block time?
blocktime string //The time to display above the message
position string //The position of the text
timesent string //The time the message was sent
timecreated int //The timecreated timestamp for the message
isread int //Determines if the message was read or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [useridfrom] => int [useridto] => int [text] => string [displayblocktime] => int [blocktime] => string [position] => string [timesent] => string [timecreated] => int [isread] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridfrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayblocktime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blocktime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for the users's profile

currentuserid (Required)
        The current user's id

General structure
int //The current user's id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[currentuserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
currentuserid= int
otheruserid (Required)
        The id of the user whose profile we want to view

General structure
int //The id of the user whose profile we want to view
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[otheruserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
otheruserid= int

General structure
object {
userid int //The id of the user whose profile we are viewing
email string //An email address
country string //Home country of the user
city string //Home city of the user
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isblocked int //Is the user blocked?
iscontact int //Is the user a contact?
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userid] => int [email] => string [country] => string [city] => string [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isblocked] => int [iscontact] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscontact"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for the messages

currentuserid (Required)
        The current user's id

General structure
int //The current user's id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[currentuserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
currentuserid= int
otheruserid (Required)
        The other user's id

General structure
int //The other user's id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[otheruserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
otheruserid= int
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int
newest (Default to "")
        Newest first?

General structure
int Default to "" //Newest first?
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[newest] => int
REST (POST parameters)
newest= int
timefrom (Default to "0")
        The timestamp from which the messages were created

General structure
int Default to "0" //The timestamp from which the messages were created
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timefrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timefrom= int

General structure
object {
iscurrentuser int //Is the currently logged in user the user we are viewing the messages on behalf of?
currentuserid int //The current user's id
otheruserid int //The other user's id
otheruserfullname string //The other user's fullname
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
messages list of (
object {
id int //The id of the message
useridfrom int //The id of the user who sent the message
useridto int //The id of the user who received the message
text string //The text of the message
displayblocktime int //Should we display the block time?
blocktime string //The time to display above the message
position string //The position of the text
timesent string //The time the message was sent
timecreated int //The timecreated timestamp for the message
isread int //Determines if the message was read or not
)isblocked int Default to "" //Is this user blocked by the current user?
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [iscurrentuser] => int [currentuserid] => int [otheruserid] => int [otheruserfullname] => string [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [useridfrom] => int [useridto] => int [text] => string [displayblocktime] => int [blocktime] => string [position] => string [timesent] => string [timecreated] => int [isread] => int ) ) [isblocked] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="iscurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="currentuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otheruserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otheruserfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridfrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayblocktime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blocktime"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timesent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for searching for messages

userid (Required)
        The id of the user who is performing the search

General structure
int //The id of the user who is performing the search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
search (Required)
        The string being searched

General structure
string //The string being searched
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
contacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for searching for people

userid (Required)
        The id of the user who is performing the search

General structure
int //The id of the user who is performing the search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
search (Required)
        The string being searched

General structure
string //The string being searched
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
contacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
)courses list of (
object {
id int //The course id
shortname string //The course shortname
fullname string //The course fullname
)noncontacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [shortname] => string [fullname] => string ) ) [noncontacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="noncontacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the template data for searching for people in a course

userid (Required)
        The id of the user who is performing the search

General structure
int //The id of the user who is performing the search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
courseid (Required)
        The id of the course

General structure
int //The id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
search (Required)
        The string being searched

General structure
string //The string being searched
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        Limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //Limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
contacts list of (
object {
userid int //The user's id
fullname string //The user's name
profileimageurl string //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string //Small user picture URL
ismessaging int //If we are messaging the user
sentfromcurrentuser int //Was the last message sent from the current user?
lastmessage string //The user's last message
messageid int Default to "null" //The unique search message id
showonlinestatus int //Show the user's online status?
isonline int //The user's online status
isread int //If the user has read the message
isblocked int //If the user has been blocked
unreadcount int Default to "null" //The number of unread messages in this conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [contacts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [ismessaging] => int [sentfromcurrentuser] => int [lastmessage] => string [messageid] => int [showonlinestatus] => int [isonline] => int [isread] => int [isblocked] => int [unreadcount] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contacts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ismessaging"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sentfromcurrentuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showonlinestatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isonline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isblocked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove contacts from the contact list

userids (Required)
        List of user IDs

General structure
//List of user IDs
list of (
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int
userid (Default to "0")
        The id of the user we are deleting the contacts for, 0 for the current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //The id of the user we are deleting the contacts for, 0 for the current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes a conversation.

userid (Required)
        The user id of who we want to delete the conversation for

General structure
int //The user id of who we want to delete the conversation for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
otheruserid (Required)
        The user id of the other user in the conversation

General structure
int //The user id of the other user in the conversation
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[otheruserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
otheruserid= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the conversation was deleted, false otherwise
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes a message.

messageid (Required)
        The message id

General structure
int //The message id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[messageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
messageid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id of who we want to delete the message for

General structure
int //The user id of who we want to delete the message for
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
read (Default to "1")
        If is a message read

General structure
int Default to "1" //If is a message read
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[read] => int
REST (POST parameters)
read= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the message was deleted, false otherwise
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve a list of users blocked

userid (Required)
        the user whose blocked users we want to retrieve

General structure
int //the user whose blocked users we want to retrieve
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
users //List of blocked users
list of (
object {
id int //User ID
fullname string //User full name
profileimageurl string Optional //User picture URL
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the contact list


General structure
object {
online //List of online contacts
list of (
object {
id int //User ID
fullname string //User full name
profileimageurl string Optional //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //Small user picture URL
unread int //Unread message count
)offline //List of offline contacts
list of (
object {
id int //User ID
fullname string //User full name
profileimageurl string Optional //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //Small user picture URL
unread int //Unread message count
)strangers //List of users that are not in the user's contact list but have sent a message
list of (
object {
id int //User ID
fullname string //User full name
profileimageurl string Optional //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //Small user picture URL
unread int //Unread message count
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [online] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [unread] => int ) ) [offline] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [unread] => int ) ) [strangers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [unread] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="online"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="offline"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="strangers"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve a list of messages sent and received by a user (conversations, notifications or both)

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for any user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for any user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int
useridfrom (Default to "0")
        the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user

General structure
int Default to "0" //the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridfrom= int
type (Default to "both")
        type of message to return, expected values are: notifications, conversations and both

General structure
string Default to "both" //type of message to return, expected values are: notifications, conversations and both
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[type] => string
REST (POST parameters)
type= string
read (Default to "1")
        true for getting read messages, false for unread

General structure
int Default to "1" //true for getting read messages, false for unread
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[read] => int
REST (POST parameters)
read= int
newestfirst (Default to "1")
        true for ordering by newest first, false for oldest first

General structure
int Default to "1" //true for ordering by newest first, false for oldest first
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[newestfirst] => int
REST (POST parameters)
newestfirst= int
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        limit from

General structure
int Default to "0" //limit from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "0")
        limit number

General structure
int Default to "0" //limit number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
messages list of (
object {
id int //Message id
useridfrom int //User from id
useridto int //User to id
subject string //The message subject
text string //The message text formated
fullmessage string //The message
fullmessageformat int //fullmessage format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
fullmessagehtml string //The message in html
smallmessage string //The shorten message
notification int //Is a notification?
contexturl string //Context URL
contexturlname string //Context URL link name
timecreated int //Time created
timeread int //Time read
usertofullname string //User to full name
userfromfullname string //User from full name
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [useridfrom] => int [useridto] => int [subject] => string [text] => string [fullmessage] => string [fullmessageformat] => int [fullmessagehtml] => string [smallmessage] => string [notification] => int [contexturl] => string [contexturlname] => string [timecreated] => int [timeread] => int [usertofullname] => string [userfromfullname] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridfrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessageformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessagehtml"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="smallmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notification"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contexturl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contexturlname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usertofullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfromfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a message processor

userid (Required)
        id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int //id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
name (Required)
        The name of the message processor

General structure
string //The name of the message processor
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string

General structure
object {
systemconfigured int //Site configuration status
userconfigured int //The user configuration status
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [systemconfigured] => int [userconfigured] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="systemconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the count of unread conversations for a given user

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for any user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for any user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int

The count of unread messages for the user

General structure
int //The count of unread messages for the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the message preferences for a given user.

userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
preferences object {
userid int //User id
disableall int //Whether all the preferences are disabled
processors //Config form values
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
name string //Processor name
hassettings int //Whether has settings
contextid int //Context id
userconfigured int //Whether is configured by the user
)components //Available components
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
notifications //List of notificaitons for the component
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
preferencekey string //Preference key
processors //Processors values for this notification
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
name string //Processor name
locked int //Is locked by admin?
userconfigured int //Is configured?
loggedin object {
name string //Name
displayname string //Display name
checked int //Is checked?
loggedoff object {
name string //Name
displayname string //Display name
checked int //Is checked?
blocknoncontacts int //Whether to block or not messages from non contacts
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [preferences] => Array ( [userid] => int [disableall] => int [processors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [name] => string [hassettings] => int [contextid] => int [userconfigured] => int ) ) [components] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [notifications] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [preferencekey] => string [processors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [name] => string [locked] => int [userconfigured] => int [loggedin] => Array ( [name] => string [displayname] => string [checked] => int ) [loggedoff] => Array ( [name] => string [displayname] => string [checked] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [blocknoncontacts] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="preferences"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="disableall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="processors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hassettings"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="components"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notifications"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferencekey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="processors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="loggedin"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="checked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="loggedoff"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="checked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="blocknoncontacts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the notification preferences for a given user.

userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
preferences object {
userid int //User id
disableall int //Whether all the preferences are disabled
processors //Config form values
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
name string //Processor name
hassettings int //Whether has settings
contextid int //Context id
userconfigured int //Whether is configured by the user
)components //Available components
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
notifications //List of notificaitons for the component
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
preferencekey string //Preference key
processors //Processors values for this notification
list of (
object {
displayname string //Display name
name string //Processor name
locked int //Is locked by admin?
userconfigured int //Is configured?
loggedin object {
name string //Name
displayname string //Display name
checked int //Is checked?
loggedoff object {
name string //Name
displayname string //Display name
checked int //Is checked?
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [preferences] => Array ( [userid] => int [disableall] => int [processors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [name] => string [hassettings] => int [contextid] => int [userconfigured] => int ) ) [components] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [notifications] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [preferencekey] => string [processors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [displayname] => string [name] => string [locked] => int [userconfigured] => int [loggedin] => Array ( [name] => string [displayname] => string [checked] => int ) [loggedoff] => Array ( [name] => string [displayname] => string [checked] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="preferences"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="disableall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="processors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hassettings"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="components"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notifications"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferencekey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="processors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userconfigured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="loggedin"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="checked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="loggedoff"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="checked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark all messages as read for a given user

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for any user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for any user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int
useridfrom (Default to "0")
        the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user

General structure
int Default to "0" //the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridfrom= int

True if the messages were marked read, false otherwise

General structure
int //True if the messages were marked read, false otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark all notifications as read for a given user

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for any user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for any user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int
useridfrom (Default to "0")
        the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user

General structure
int Default to "0" //the user id who send the message, 0 for any user. -10 or -20 for no-reply or support user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridfrom= int

True if the messages were marked read, false otherwise

General structure
int //True if the messages were marked read, false otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark a single message as read, trigger message_viewed event.

messageid (Required)
        id of the message in the messages table

General structure
int //id of the message in the messages table
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[messageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
messageid= int
timeread (Default to "0")
        timestamp for when the message should be marked read

General structure
int Default to "0" //timestamp for when the message should be marked read
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timeread] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timeread= int

General structure
object {
messageid int //the id of the message in the messages table
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messageid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark a single notification as read, trigger notification_viewed event.

notificationid (Required)
        id of the notification

General structure
int //id of the notification
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[notificationid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
notificationid= int
timeread (Default to "0")
        timestamp for when the notification should be marked read

General structure
int Default to "0" //timestamp for when the notification should be marked read
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timeread] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timeread= int

General structure
object {
notificationid int //id of the notification
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [notificationid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="notificationid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Process the message processor config form

userid (Required)
        id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int //id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
name (Required)
        The name of the message processor

General structure
string //The name of the message processor
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string
formvalues (Required)
        Config form values

General structure
//Config form values
list of (
object {
name string //name of the form element
value string //value of the form element
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[formvalues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
formvalues[0][name]= string formvalues[0][value]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search for contacts

searchtext (Required)
        String the user's fullname has to match to be found

General structure
string //String the user's fullname has to match to be found
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[searchtext] => string
REST (POST parameters)
searchtext= string
onlymycourses (Default to "")
        Limit search to the user's courses

General structure
int Default to "" //Limit search to the user's courses
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlymycourses] => int
REST (POST parameters)
onlymycourses= int

List of contacts

General structure
//List of contacts
list of (
object {
id int //User ID
fullname string //User full name
profileimageurl string Optional //User picture URL
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //Small user picture URL
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Send instant messages

messages (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
touserid int //id of the user to send the private message
text string //the text of the message
textformat int Default to "0" //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
clientmsgid string Optional //your own client id for the message. If this id is provided, the fail message id will be returned to you
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [touserid] => int [text] => string [textformat] => int [clientmsgid] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
messages[0][touserid]= int messages[0][text]= string messages[0][textformat]= int messages[0][clientmsgid]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
msgid int //test this to know if it succeeds: id of the created message if it succeeded, -1 when failed
clientmsgid string Optional //your own id for the message
errormessage string Optional //error message - if it failed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [msgid] => int [clientmsgid] => string [errormessage] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="msgid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="clientmsgid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="errormessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Unblock contacts

userids (Required)
        List of user IDs

General structure
//List of user IDs
list of (
int //User ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int
userid (Default to "0")
        The id of the user we are unblocking the contacts for, 0 for the current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //The id of the user we are unblocking the contacts for, 0 for the current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create notes

notes (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
userid int //id of the user the note is about
publishstate string //'personal', 'course' or 'site'
courseid int //course id of the note (in Moodle a note can only be created into a course, even for site and personal notes)
text string //the text of the message - text or HTML
format int Default to "1" //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
clientnoteid string Optional //your own client id for the note. If this id is provided, the fail message id will be returned to you
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[notes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [publishstate] => string [courseid] => int [text] => string [format] => int [clientnoteid] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
notes[0][userid]= int notes[0][publishstate]= string notes[0][courseid]= int notes[0][text]= string notes[0][format]= int notes[0][clientnoteid]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
clientnoteid string Optional //your own id for the note
noteid int //ID of the created note when successful, -1 when failed
errormessage string Optional //error message - if failed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [clientnoteid] => string [noteid] => int [errormessage] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="clientnoteid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="noteid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="errormessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete notes

notes (Required)
        Array of Note Ids to be deleted.

General structure
//Array of Note Ids to be deleted.
list of (
int //ID of the note to be deleted
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[notes] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
notes[0]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'note'
itemid int Optional //When errorcode is savedfailed the note could not be modified.When errorcode is badparam, an incorrect parameter was provided.When errorcode is badid, the note does not exist
warningcode string //errorcode can be badparam (incorrect parameter), savedfailed (could not be modified), or badid (note does not exist)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns all notes in specified course (or site), for the specified user.

courseid (Required)
        course id, 0 for SITE

General structure
int //course id, 0 for SITE
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int


General structure
object {
sitenotes Optional //site notes
list of (
object {
id int //id of this note
courseid int //id of the course
userid int //user id
content string //the content text formated
format int //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
created int //time created (timestamp)
lastmodified int //time of last modification (timestamp)
usermodified int //user id of the creator of this note
publishstate string //state of the note (i.e. draft, public, site)
)coursenotes Optional //couse notes
list of (
object {
id int //id of this note
courseid int //id of the course
userid int //user id
content string //the content text formated
format int //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
created int //time created (timestamp)
lastmodified int //time of last modification (timestamp)
usermodified int //user id of the creator of this note
publishstate string //state of the note (i.e. draft, public, site)
)personalnotes Optional //personal notes
list of (
object {
id int //id of this note
courseid int //id of the course
userid int //user id
content string //the content text formated
format int //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
created int //time created (timestamp)
lastmodified int //time of last modification (timestamp)
usermodified int //user id of the creator of this note
publishstate string //state of the note (i.e. draft, public, site)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [sitenotes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [userid] => int [content] => string [format] => int [created] => int [lastmodified] => int [usermodified] => int [publishstate] => string ) ) [coursenotes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [userid] => int [content] => string [format] => int [created] => int [lastmodified] => int [usermodified] => int [publishstate] => string ) ) [personalnotes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [userid] => int [content] => string [format] => int [created] => int [lastmodified] => int [usermodified] => int [publishstate] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="sitenotes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="created"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="publishstate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursenotes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="created"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="publishstate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="personalnotes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="created"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastmodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="publishstate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get notes

notes (Required)
        Array of Note Ids to be retrieved.

General structure
//Array of Note Ids to be retrieved.
list of (
int //ID of the note to be retrieved
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[notes] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
notes[0]= int

General structure
object {
notes list of (
object {
noteid int Optional //id of the note
userid int Optional //id of the user the note is about
publishstate string Optional //'personal', 'course' or 'site'
courseid int Optional //course id of the note
text string Optional //the text of the message - text or HTML
format int Optional //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'note'
itemid int Optional //When errorcode is savedfailed the note could not be modified.When errorcode is badparam, an incorrect parameter was provided.When errorcode is badid, the note does not exist
warningcode string //errorcode can be badparam (incorrect parameter), savedfailed (could not be modified), or badid (note does not exist)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [notes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [noteid] => int [userid] => int [publishstate] => string [courseid] => int [text] => string [format] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="notes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="noteid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="publishstate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update notes

notes (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of Notes

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of Notes
list of (
object {
id int //id of the note
publishstate string //'personal', 'course' or 'site'
text string //the text of the message - text or HTML
format int Default to "1" //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[notes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [publishstate] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
notes[0][id]= int notes[0][publishstate]= string notes[0][text]= string notes[0][format]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'note'
itemid int Optional //When errorcode is savedfailed the note could not be modified.When errorcode is badparam, an incorrect parameter was provided.When errorcode is badid, the note does not exist
warningcode string //errorcode can be badparam (incorrect parameter), savedfailed (could not be modified), or badid (note does not exist)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulates the web interface view of notes/index.php: trigger events.

courseid (Required)
        course id, 0 for notes at system level

General structure
int //course id, 0 for notes at system level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id, 0 means view all the user notes

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id, 0 means view all the user notes
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the mapping of names to icons


General structure
list of (
object {
component string //The component for the icon.
pix string //Value to map the icon from.
to string //Value to map the icon to.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [component] => string [pix] => string [to] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="to"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a template for a renderable

component (Required)
        component containing the template

General structure
string //component containing the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
template (Required)
        name of the template

General structure
string //name of the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[template] => string
REST (POST parameters)
template= string
themename (Required)
        The current theme.

General structure
string //The current theme.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[themename] => string
REST (POST parameters)
themename= string
includecomments (Default to "")
        Include comments or not

General structure
int Default to "" //Include comments or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includecomments] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includecomments= int


General structure
string //template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the random question set for a criteria

categoryid (Required)
        Category id to find random questions

General structure
int //Category id to find random questions
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int
includesubcategories (Required)
        Include the subcategories in the search

General structure
int //Include the subcategories in the search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includesubcategories] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includesubcategories= int
tagids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Tag id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tagids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
tagids[0]= int
contextid (Required)
        Context id that the questions will be rendered in (used for exporting)

General structure
int //Context id that the questions will be rendered in (used for exporting)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
limit (Default to "0")
        Maximum number of results to return

General structure
int Default to "0" //Maximum number of results to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
offset (Default to "0")
        Number of items to skip from the begging of the result set

General structure
int Default to "0" //Number of items to skip from the begging of the result set
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[offset] => int
REST (POST parameters)
offset= int

General structure
object {
totalcount int //total number of questions in result set
questions list of (
object {
id int //id
category int //category
parent int //parent
name string //name
qtype string //qtype
icon object {
key string //key
component string //component
alttext string //alttext
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [totalcount] => int [questions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [category] => int [parent] => int [name] => string [qtype] => string [icon] => Array ( [key] => string [component] => string [alttext] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="totalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="questions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="category"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="alttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the question tags.

questionid (Required)
        The question id

General structure
int //The question id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[questionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
questionid= int
contextid (Required)
        The editing context id

General structure
int //The editing context id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
formdata (Required)
        The data from the tag form

General structure
string //The data from the tag form
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[formdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
formdata= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the flag state of a question attempt.

qubaid (Required)
        the question usage id.

General structure
int //the question usage id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[qubaid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
qubaid= int
questionid (Required)
        the question id

General structure
int //the question id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[questionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
questionid= int
qaid (Required)
        the question_attempt id

General structure
int //the question_attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[qaid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
qaid= int
slot (Required)
        the slot number within the usage

General structure
int //the slot number within the usage
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[slot] => int
REST (POST parameters)
slot= int
checksum (Required)
        computed checksum with the last three arguments and the users username

General structure
string //computed checksum with the last three arguments and the users username
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[checksum] => string
REST (POST parameters)
checksum= string
newstate (Required)
        the new state of the flag. true = flagged

General structure
int //the new state of the flag. true = flagged
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[newstate] => int
REST (POST parameters)
newstate= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Rates an item.

contextlevel (Required)
        context level: course, module, user, etc...

General structure
string //context level: course, module, user, etc...
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Required)
        the instance id of item associated with the context level

General structure
int //the instance id of item associated with the context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int
component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
ratingarea (Required)
        rating area

General structure
string //rating area
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ratingarea] => string
REST (POST parameters)
ratingarea= string
itemid (Required)
        associated id

General structure
int //associated id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= int
scaleid (Required)
        scale id

General structure
int //scale id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scaleid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scaleid= int
rating (Required)
        user rating

General structure
int //user rating
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[rating] => int
REST (POST parameters)
rating= int
rateduserid (Required)
        rated user id

General structure
int //rated user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[rateduserid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
rateduserid= int
aggregation (Default to "0")
        agreggation method

General structure
int Default to "0" //agreggation method
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[aggregation] => int
REST (POST parameters)
aggregation= int

General structure
object {
success int //Whether the rate was successfully created
aggregate string Optional //New aggregate
count int Optional //Ratings count
itemid int Optional //Rating item id
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [aggregate] => string [count] => int [itemid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve all the ratings for an item.

contextlevel (Required)
        context level: course, module, user, etc...

General structure
string //context level: course, module, user, etc...
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= string
instanceid (Required)
        the instance id of item associated with the context level

General structure
int //the instance id of item associated with the context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int
component (Required)

General structure
string //component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
ratingarea (Required)
        rating area

General structure
string //rating area
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ratingarea] => string
REST (POST parameters)
ratingarea= string
itemid (Required)
        associated id

General structure
int //associated id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= int
scaleid (Required)
        scale id

General structure
int //scale id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scaleid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scaleid= int
sort (Required)
        sort order (firstname, rating or timemodified)

General structure
string //sort order (firstname, rating or timemodified)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string

General structure
object {
ratings //list of ratings
list of (
object {
id int //rating id
userid int //user id
userpictureurl string //URL user picture
userfullname string //user fullname
rating string //rating on scale
timemodified int //time modified (timestamp)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [userpictureurl] => string [userfullname] => string [rating] => string [timemodified] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Manual role assignments.

assignments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
roleid int //Role to assign to the user
userid int //The user that is going to be assigned
contextid int Optional //The context to assign the user role in
contextlevel string Optional //The context level to assign the user role in (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id of item where the role needs to be assigned
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [userid] => int [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
assignments[0][roleid]= int assignments[0][userid]= int assignments[0][contextid]= int assignments[0][contextlevel]= string assignments[0][instanceid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Manual role unassignments.

unassignments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
roleid int //Role to assign to the user
userid int //The user that is going to be assigned
contextid int Optional //The context to unassign the user role from
contextlevel string Optional //The context level to unassign the user role in + (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)
instanceid int Optional //The Instance id of item where the role needs to be unassigned
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[unassignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [userid] => int [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
unassignments[0][roleid]= int unassignments[0][userid]= int unassignments[0][contextid]= int unassignments[0][contextlevel]= string unassignments[0][instanceid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Gets relevant users for a search request.

query (Required)
        Query string (full or partial user full name or other details)

General structure
string //Query string (full or partial user full name or other details)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string
courseid (Required)
        Course id (0 if none)

General structure
int //Course id (0 if none)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //User id
fullname string //Full name as text
profileimageurlsmall string //URL to small profile image
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Gets tag index page for one tag and one tag area

tagindex (Required)

General structure
object {
tag string //tag name
tc int //tag collection id
ta int //tag area id
excl int Optional //exlusive mode for this tag area
from int Optional //context id where the link was displayed
ctx int Optional //context id where to search for items
rec int Optional //search in the context recursive
page int Optional //page number (0-based)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tagindex] => Array ( [tag] => string [tc] => int [ta] => int [excl] => int [from] => int [ctx] => int [rec] => int [page] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
tagindex[tag]= string tagindex[tc]= int tagindex[ta]= int tagindex[excl]= int tagindex[from]= int tagindex[ctx]= int tagindex[rec]= int tagindex[page]= int

tag index

General structure
//tag index
object {
tagid int //tag id
ta int //tag area id
component string //component
itemtype string //itemtype
nextpageurl string Optional //URL for the next page
prevpageurl string Optional //URL for the next page
exclusiveurl string Optional //URL for exclusive link
exclusivetext string Optional //text for exclusive link
title string //title
content string //title
hascontent int //whether the content is present
anchor string Optional //name of anchor
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [tagid] => int [ta] => int [component] => string [itemtype] => string [nextpageurl] => string [prevpageurl] => string [exclusiveurl] => string [exclusivetext] => string [title] => string [content] => string [hascontent] => int [anchor] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="tagid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ta"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="prevpageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="exclusiveurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="exclusivetext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascontent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="anchor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Gets tags by their ids

tags (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //tag id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
tags[0][id]= int

General structure
object {
tags list of (
//information about one tag
object {
id int //tag id
tagcollid int //tag collection id
name string //name
rawname string //tag raw name (may contain capital letters)
description string //tag description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
flag int Optional //flag
official int Optional //whether this flag is standard (deprecated, use isstandard)
isstandard int Optional //whether this flag is standard
viewurl string //URL to view
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [tagcollid] => int [name] => string [rawname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [flag] => int [official] => int [isstandard] => int [viewurl] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="tags"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tagcollid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flag"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="official"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstandard"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates tags

tags (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //tag id
rawname string Optional //tag raw name (may contain capital letters)
description string Optional //tag description
descriptionformat int Optional //tag description format
flag int Optional //flag
official int Optional //(deprecated, use isstandard) whether this flag is standard
isstandard int Optional //whether this flag is standard
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [rawname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [flag] => int [official] => int [isstandard] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
tags[0][id]= int tags[0][rawname]= string tags[0][description]= string tags[0][descriptionformat]= int tags[0][flag]= int tags[0][official]= int tags[0][isstandard]= int

General structure
object {
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Generic service to update title

component (Required)
        component responsible for the update

General structure
string //component responsible for the update
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
itemtype (Required)
        type of the updated item inside the component

General structure
string //type of the updated item inside the component
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemtype] => string
REST (POST parameters)
itemtype= string
itemid (Required)
        identifier of the updated item

General structure
string //identifier of the updated item
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[itemid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
itemid= string
value (Required)
        new value

General structure
string //new value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[value] => string
REST (POST parameters)
value= string

General structure
object {
displayvalue string //display value (may contain link or other html tags)
component string Optional //component responsible for the update
itemtype string Optional //itemtype
value string Optional //value of the item as it is stored
itemid string Optional //identifier of the updated item
edithint string Optional //hint for editing element
editlabel string Optional //label for editing element
type string Optional //type of the element (text, toggle, select)
options string Optional //options of the element, format depends on type
linkeverything int Optional //Should everything be wrapped in the edit link or link displayed separately
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [displayvalue] => string [component] => string [itemtype] => string [value] => string [itemid] => string [edithint] => string [editlabel] => string [type] => string [options] => string [linkeverything] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="displayvalue"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="edithint"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editlabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linkeverything"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Store mobile user devices information for PUSH Notifications.

appid (Required)
        the app id, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile

General structure
string //the app id, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[appid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
appid= string
name (Required)
        the device name, 'occam' or 'iPhone' etc.

General structure
string //the device name, 'occam' or 'iPhone' etc.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string
model (Required)
        the device model 'Nexus4' or 'iPad1,1' etc.

General structure
string //the device model 'Nexus4' or 'iPad1,1' etc.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[model] => string
REST (POST parameters)
model= string
platform (Required)
        the device platform 'iOS' or 'Android' etc.

General structure
string //the device platform 'iOS' or 'Android' etc.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[platform] => string
REST (POST parameters)
platform= string
version (Required)
        the device version '6.1.2' or '4.2.2' etc.

General structure
string //the device version '6.1.2' or '4.2.2' etc.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[version] => string
REST (POST parameters)
version= string
pushid (Required)
        the device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration id

General structure
string //the device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pushid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
pushid= string
uuid (Required)
        the device UUID

General structure
string //the device UUID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[uuid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
uuid= string

General structure
list of (
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Copy files from a draft area to users private files area.

draftid (Required)
        draft area id

General structure
int //draft area id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[draftid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
draftid= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Agree the site policy for the current user.


General structure
object {
status int //Status: true only if we set the policyagreed to 1 for the user
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create users.

users (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
username string //Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.
password string Optional //Plain text password consisting of any characters
createpassword int Optional //True if password should be created and mailed to user.
firstname string //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string //The family name of the user
email string //A valid and unique email address
auth string Default to "manual" //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
idnumber string Default to "" //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
lang string Default to "en" //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Default to "gregorian" //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description, no HTML
city string Optional //Home city of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
firstnamephonetic string Optional //The first name(s) phonetically of the user
lastnamephonetic string Optional //The family name phonetically of the user
middlename string Optional //The middle name of the user
alternatename string Optional //The alternate name of the user
preferences Optional //User preferences
list of (
object {
type string //The name of the preference
value string //The value of the preference
)customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The name of the custom field
value string //The value of the custom field
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [username] => string [password] => string [createpassword] => int [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [email] => string [auth] => string [idnumber] => string [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [city] => string [country] => string [firstnamephonetic] => string [lastnamephonetic] => string [middlename] => string [alternatename] => string [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) ) [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
users[0][username]= string users[0][password]= string users[0][createpassword]= int users[0][firstname]= string users[0][lastname]= string users[0][email]= string users[0][auth]= string users[0][idnumber]= string users[0][lang]= string users[0][calendartype]= string users[0][theme]= string users[0][timezone]= string users[0][mailformat]= int users[0][description]= string users[0][city]= string users[0][country]= string users[0][firstnamephonetic]= string users[0][lastnamephonetic]= string users[0][middlename]= string users[0][alternatename]= string users[0][preferences][0][type]= string users[0][preferences][0][value]= string users[0][customfields][0][type]= string users[0][customfields][0][value]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //user id
username string //user name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete users.

userids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get course user profiles (each of the profils matching a course id and a user id),.

userlist (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userlist] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
userlist[0][userid]= int userlist[0][courseid]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
confirmed int Optional //Active user: 1 if confirmed, 0 otherwise
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
)groups Optional //user groups
list of (
object {
id int //group id
name string //group name
description string //group description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)roles Optional //user roles
list of (
object {
roleid int //role id
name string //role name
shortname string //role shortname
sortorder int //role sortorder
)enrolledcourses Optional //Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see
list of (
object {
id int //Id of the course
fullname string //Fullname of the course
shortname string //Shortname of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [auth] => string [suspended] => int [confirmed] => int [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int ) ) [roles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [name] => string [shortname] => string [sortorder] => int ) ) [enrolledcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="confirmed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timezone"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="roles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="roleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolledcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns general information about files in the user private files area.

userid (Default to "0")
        Id of the user, default to current user.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Id of the user, default to current user.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
filecount int //Number of files in the area.
foldercount int //Number of folders in the area.
filesize int //Total size of the files in the area.
filesizewithoutreferences int //Total size of the area excluding file references
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [filecount] => int [foldercount] => int [filesize] => int [filesizewithoutreferences] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="foldercount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizewithoutreferences"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


search for users matching the parameters

criteria (Required)
        the key/value pairs to be considered in user search. Values can not be empty. Specify different keys only once (fullname => 'user1', auth => 'manual', ...) - key occurences are forbidden. The search is executed with AND operator on the criterias. Invalid criterias (keys) are ignored, the search is still executed on the valid criterias. You can search without criteria, but the function is not designed for it. It could very slow or timeout. The function is designed to search some specific users.

General structure
//the key/value pairs to be considered in user search. Values can not be empty. Specify different keys only once (fullname => 'user1', auth => 'manual', ...) - key occurences are forbidden. The search is executed with AND operator on the criterias. Invalid criterias (keys) are ignored, the search is still executed on the valid criterias. You can search without criteria, but the function is not designed for it. It could very slow or timeout. The function is designed to search some specific users.
list of (
object {
key string //the user column to search, expected keys (value format) are: "id" (int) matching user id, "lastname" (string) user last name (Note: you can use % for searching but it may be considerably slower!), "firstname" (string) user first name (Note: you can use % for searching but it may be considerably slower!), "idnumber" (string) matching user idnumber, "username" (string) matching user username, "email" (string) user email (Note: you can use % for searching but it may be considerably slower!), "auth" (string) matching user auth plugin
value string //the value to search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
criteria[0][key]= string criteria[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
users list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
confirmed int Optional //Active user: 1 if confirmed, 0 otherwise
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //always set to 'key'
itemid int Optional //faulty key name
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [auth] => string [suspended] => int [confirmed] => int [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="confirmed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timezone"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve users' information for a specified unique field - If you want to do a user search, use core_user_get_users()

field (Required)
        the search field can be 'id' or 'idnumber' or 'username' or 'email'

General structure
string //the search field can be 'id' or 'idnumber' or 'username' or 'email'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[field] => string
REST (POST parameters)
field= string
values (Required)

General structure
list of (
string //the value to match
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[values] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
values[0]= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
confirmed int Optional //Active user: 1 if confirmed, 0 otherwise
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [auth] => string [suspended] => int [confirmed] => int [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="confirmed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timezone"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return user preferences.

name (Default to "")
        preference name, empty for all

General structure
string Default to "" //preference name, empty for all
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string
userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, default to current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, default to current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
preferences //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preference
value string //The value of the preference
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove a user device from the Moodle database.

uuid (Required)
        the device UUID

General structure
string //the device UUID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[uuid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
uuid= string
appid (Default to "")
        the app id, if empty devices matching the UUID for the user will be removed

General structure
string Default to "" //the app id, if empty devices matching the UUID for the user will be removed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[appid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
appid= string

General structure
object {
removed int //True if removed, false if not removed because it doesn't exists
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [removed] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="removed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Set user preferences.

preferences (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preference
value string //The value of the preference
userid int //Id of the user to set the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string [userid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preferences[0][name]= string preferences[0][value]= string preferences[0][userid]= int

General structure
object {
saved //Preferences saved
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preference
userid int //The user the preference was set for
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [saved] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [userid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="saved"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update or delete the user picture in the site

draftitemid (Required)
        Id of the user draft file to use as image

General structure
int //Id of the user draft file to use as image
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[draftitemid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
draftitemid= int
delete (Default to "")
        If we should delete the user picture

General structure
int Default to "" //If we should delete the user picture
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[delete] => int
REST (POST parameters)
delete= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //Id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
success int //True if the image was updated, false otherwise.
profileimageurl string Optional //New profile user image url
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [profileimageurl] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update users.

users (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.
password string Optional //Plain text password consisting of any characters
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
email string Optional //A valid and unique email address
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description, no HTML
city string Optional //Home city of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
firstnamephonetic string Optional //The first name(s) phonetically of the user
lastnamephonetic string Optional //The family name phonetically of the user
middlename string Optional //The middle name of the user
alternatename string Optional //The alternate name of the user
userpicture int Optional //The itemid where the new user picture has been uploaded to, 0 to delete
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The name of the custom field
value string //The value of the custom field
)preferences Optional //User preferences
list of (
object {
type string //The name of the preference
value string //The value of the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [password] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [email] => string [auth] => string [suspended] => int [idnumber] => string [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [city] => string [country] => string [firstnamephonetic] => string [lastnamephonetic] => string [middlename] => string [alternatename] => string [userpicture] => int [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
users[0][id]= int users[0][username]= string users[0][password]= string users[0][firstname]= string users[0][lastname]= string users[0][email]= string users[0][auth]= string users[0][suspended]= int users[0][idnumber]= string users[0][lang]= string users[0][calendartype]= string users[0][theme]= string users[0][timezone]= string users[0][mailformat]= int users[0][description]= string users[0][city]= string users[0][country]= string users[0][firstnamephonetic]= string users[0][lastnamephonetic]= string users[0][middlename]= string users[0][alternatename]= string users[0][userpicture]= int users[0][customfields][0][type]= string users[0][customfields][0][value]= string users[0][preferences][0][type]= string users[0][preferences][0][value]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a user's preferences

userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, default to current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, default to current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
emailstop (Default to "null")
        Enable or disable notifications for this user

General structure
int Default to "null" //Enable or disable notifications for this user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[emailstop] => int
REST (POST parameters)
emailstop= int
preferences (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        User preferences

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //User preferences
list of (
object {
type string //The name of the preference
value string //The value of the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preferences[0][type]= string preferences[0][value]= string


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulates the web-interface view of user/index.php (triggering events),.

courseid (Required)
        id of the course, 0 for site

General structure
int //id of the course, 0 for site
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulates the web-interface view of user/view.php and user/profile.php (triggering events),.

userid (Required)
        id of the user, 0 for current user

General structure
int //id of the user, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
courseid (Default to "0")
        id of the course, default site course

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the course, default site course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return some site info / user info / list web service functions

serviceshortnames (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        DEPRECATED PARAMETER - it was a design error in the original implementation. \ It is ignored now. (parameter kept for backward compatibility)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //DEPRECATED PARAMETER - it was a design error in the original implementation. \ It is ignored now. (parameter kept for backward compatibility)
list of (
string //service shortname
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[serviceshortnames] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
serviceshortnames[0]= string

General structure
object {
sitename string //site name
username string //username
firstname string //first name
lastname string //last name
fullname string //user full name
lang string //Current language.
userid int //user id
siteurl string //site url
userpictureurl string //the user profile picture. Warning: this url is the public URL that only works when forcelogin is set to NO and guestaccess is set to YES. In order to retrieve user profile pictures independently of the Moodle config, replace "pluginfile.php" by "webservice/pluginfile.php?token=WSTOKEN&file=" Of course the user can only see profile picture depending on his/her permissions. Moreover it is recommended to use HTTPS too.
functions list of (
//functions that are available
object {
name string //function name
version string //The version number of the component to which the function belongs
)downloadfiles int Optional //1 if users are allowed to download files, 0 if not
uploadfiles int Optional //1 if users are allowed to upload files, 0 if not
release string Optional //Moodle release number
version string Optional //Moodle version number
mobilecssurl string Optional //Mobile custom CSS theme
advancedfeatures Optional //Advanced features availability
list of (
//Advanced features availability
object {
name string //feature name
value int //feature value. Usually 1 means enabled.
)usercanmanageownfiles int Optional //true if the user can manage his own files
userquota int Optional //user quota (bytes). 0 means user can ignore the quota
usermaxuploadfilesize int Optional //user max upload file size (bytes). -1 means the user can ignore the upload file size
userhomepage int Optional //the default home page for the user: 0 for the site home, 1 for dashboard
siteid int Optional //Site course ID
sitecalendartype string Optional //Calendar type set in the site.
usercalendartype string Optional //Calendar typed used by the user.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [sitename] => string [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [lang] => string [userid] => int [siteurl] => string [userpictureurl] => string [functions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [version] => string ) ) [downloadfiles] => int [uploadfiles] => int [release] => string [version] => string [mobilecssurl] => string [advancedfeatures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => int ) ) [usercanmanageownfiles] => int [userquota] => int [usermaxuploadfilesize] => int [userhomepage] => int [siteid] => int [sitecalendartype] => string [usercalendartype] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="sitename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="siteurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="functions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="downloadfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uploadfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="release"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mobilecssurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="advancedfeatures"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercanmanageownfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userquota"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermaxuploadfilesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userhomepage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="siteid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sitecalendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercalendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return guest enrolment instance information.

instanceid (Required)
        Instance id of guest enrolment plugin.

General structure
int //Instance id of guest enrolment plugin.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int

General structure
object {
instanceinfo object {
id int //Id of course enrolment instance
courseid int //Id of course
type string //Type of enrolment plugin
name string //Name of enrolment plugin
status int //Is the enrolment enabled?
passwordrequired int //Is a password required?
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [instanceinfo] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [type] => string [name] => string [status] => int [passwordrequired] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="instanceinfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="passwordrequired"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Manual enrol users

enrolments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
roleid int //Role to assign to the user
userid int //The user that is going to be enrolled
courseid int //The course to enrol the user role in
timestart int Optional //Timestamp when the enrolment start
timeend int Optional //Timestamp when the enrolment end
suspend int Optional //set to 1 to suspend the enrolment
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[enrolments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [userid] => int [courseid] => int [timestart] => int [timeend] => int [suspend] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
enrolments[0][roleid]= int enrolments[0][userid]= int enrolments[0][courseid]= int enrolments[0][timestart]= int enrolments[0][timeend]= int enrolments[0][suspend]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Manual unenrol users

enrolments (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
userid int //The user that is going to be unenrolled
courseid int //The course to unenrol the user from
roleid int Optional //The user role
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[enrolments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [roleid] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
enrolments[0][userid]= int enrolments[0][courseid]= int enrolments[0][roleid]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Self enrol the current user in the given course.

courseid (Required)
        Id of the course

General structure
int //Id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
password (Default to "")
        Enrolment key

General structure
string Default to "" //Enrolment key
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
instanceid (Default to "0")
        Instance id of self enrolment plugin.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Instance id of self enrolment plugin.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if the user is enrolled, false otherwise
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


self enrolment instance information.

instanceid (Required)
        instance id of self enrolment plugin.

General structure
int //instance id of self enrolment plugin.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[instanceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
instanceid= int

General structure
object {
id int //id of course enrolment instance
courseid int //id of course
type string //type of enrolment plugin
name string //name of enrolment plugin
status string //status of enrolment plugin
enrolpassword string Optional //password required for enrolment
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [type] => string [name] => string [status] => string [enrolpassword] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolpassword"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the given user courses final grades

userid (Default to "0")
        Get grades for this user (optional, default current)

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get grades for this user (optional, default current)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
grades list of (
object {
courseid int //Course id
grade string //Grade formatted
rawgrade string //Raw grade, not formatted
rank int Optional //Your rank in the course
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [grade] => string [rawgrade] => string [rank] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawgrade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rank"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the report view event

courseid (Required)
        id of the course

General structure
int //id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, 0 means current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, 0 means current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the user/s report grades table for a course

courseid (Required)
        Course Id

General structure
int //Course Id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Return grades only for this user (optional)

General structure
int Default to "0" //Return grades only for this user (optional)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Get users from this group only

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get users from this group only
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
tables list of (
object {
courseid int //course id
userid int //user id
userfullname string //user fullname
maxdepth int //table max depth (needed for printing it)
tabledata list of (
object {
itemname Optional //The item returned data
object {
class string //class
colspan int //col span
content string //cell content
celltype string //cell type
id string //id
leader Optional //The item returned data
object {
class string //class
rowspan int //row span
weight Optional //weight column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
grade Optional //grade column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
range Optional //range column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
percentage Optional //percentage column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
lettergrade Optional //lettergrade column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
rank Optional //rank column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
average Optional //average column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
feedback Optional //feedback column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
contributiontocoursetotal Optional //contributiontocoursetotal column
object {
class string //class
content string //cell content
headers string //headers
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [tables] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [maxdepth] => int [tabledata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemname] => Array ( [class] => string [colspan] => int [content] => string [celltype] => string [id] => string ) [leader] => Array ( [class] => string [rowspan] => int ) [weight] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [grade] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [range] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [percentage] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [lettergrade] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [rank] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [average] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [feedback] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) [contributiontocoursetotal] => Array ( [class] => string [content] => string [headers] => string ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="tables"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdepth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tabledata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemname"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="colspan"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="celltype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="leader"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rowspan"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="range"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="percentage"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="lettergrade"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="rank"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="average"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="contributiontocoursetotal"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="class"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="headers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the complete list of grade items for users in a course

courseid (Required)
        Course Id

General structure
int //Course Id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Return grades only for this user (optional)

General structure
int Default to "0" //Return grades only for this user (optional)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Get users from this group only

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get users from this group only
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
usergrades list of (
object {
courseid int //course id
userid int //user id
userfullname string //user fullname
maxdepth int //table max depth (needed for printing it)
gradeitems list of (
//Grade items
object {
id int //Grade item id
itemname string //Grade item name
itemtype string //Grade item type
itemmodule string //Grade item module
iteminstance int //Grade item instance
itemnumber int //Grade item item number
categoryid int //Grade item category id
outcomeid int //Outcome id
scaleid int //Scale id
cmid int Optional //Course module id (if type mod)
weightraw double Optional //Weight raw
weightformatted string Optional //Weight
status string Optional //Status
graderaw double Optional //Grade raw
gradedatesubmitted int Optional //Grade submit date
gradedategraded int Optional //Grade graded date
gradehiddenbydate int Optional //Grade hidden by date?
gradeneedsupdate int Optional //Grade needs update?
gradeishidden int Optional //Grade is hidden?
gradeformatted string Optional //The grade formatted
grademin double Optional //Grade min
grademax double Optional //Grade max
rangeformatted string Optional //Range formatted
percentageformatted string Optional //Percentage
lettergradeformatted string Optional //Letter grade
rank int Optional //Rank in the course
numusers int Optional //Num users in course
averageformatted string Optional //Grade average
feedback string Optional //Grade feedback
feedbackformat int //feedback format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usergrades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [maxdepth] => int [gradeitems] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [itemname] => string [itemtype] => string [itemmodule] => string [iteminstance] => int [itemnumber] => int [categoryid] => int [outcomeid] => int [scaleid] => int [cmid] => int [weightraw] => double [weightformatted] => string [status] => string [graderaw] => double [gradedatesubmitted] => int [gradedategraded] => int [gradehiddenbydate] => int [gradeneedsupdate] => int [gradeishidden] => int [gradeformatted] => string [grademin] => double [grademax] => double [rangeformatted] => string [percentageformatted] => string [lettergradeformatted] => string [rank] => int [numusers] => int [averageformatted] => string [feedback] => string [feedbackformat] => int ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usergrades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxdepth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeitems"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemmodule"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iteminstance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="outcomeid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weightraw"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weightformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="graderaw"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradedatesubmitted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradedategraded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradehiddenbydate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeneedsupdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeishidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademin"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademax"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rangeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="percentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lettergradeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rank"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numusers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="averageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the report view event

courseid (Required)
        id of the course

General structure
int //id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        id of the user, 0 means current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //id of the user, 0 means current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return Hello World FIRSTNAME. Can change the text (Hello World) sending a new text as parameter

username (Default to "")
        The username

General structure
string Default to "" //The username
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[username] => string
REST (POST parameters)
username= string
courseid (Default to "")
        The id of the course

General structure
string Default to "" //The id of the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= string
moduleid (Default to "")
        The id of the kaltura module in moodle

General structure
string Default to "" //The id of the kaltura module in moodle
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[moduleid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
moduleid= string

Extra info from moodle to enrich analitycs

General structure
string //Extra info from moodle to enrich analitycs
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check if the users have notification preferences configured yet

userids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int

General structure
object {
users //list of preferences by user
list of (
object {
userid int //userid id
configured int //1 if the user preferences have been configured and 0 if not
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [configured] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Enables or disables a registered user device so it can receive Push notifications

deviceid (Required)
        The device id

General structure
int //The device id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[deviceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
deviceid= int
enable (Required)
        True for enable the device, false otherwise

General structure
int //True for enable the device, false otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[enable] => int
REST (POST parameters)
enable= int

General structure
object {
success int //True if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the list of mobile devices that are registered in Moodle for the given user

appid (Required)
        App unique id (usually a reversed domain)

General structure
string //App unique id (usually a reversed domain)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[appid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
appid= string
userid (Default to "0")
        User id, 0 for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //User id, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
devices //List of devices
list of (
object {
id int //Device id (in the message_airnotifier table)
appid string //The app id, something like com.moodle.moodlemobile
name string //The device name, 'occam' or 'iPhone' etc.
model string //The device model 'Nexus4' or 'iPad1,1' etc.
platform string //The device platform 'iOS' or 'Android' etc.
version string //The device version '6.1.2' or '4.2.2' etc.
pushid string //The device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration id
uuid string //The device UUID
enable int //Whether the device is enabled or not
timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [devices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [appid] => string [name] => string [model] => string [platform] => string [version] => string [pushid] => string [uuid] => string [enable] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="devices"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="appid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="model"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="platform"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pushid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uuid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check whether the airnotifier settings have been configured


0 if the system is not configured, 1 otherwise

General structure
int //0 if the system is not configured, 1 otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve a list of popup notifications for a user

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for current user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int
newestfirst (Default to "1")
        true for ordering by newest first, false for oldest first

General structure
int Default to "1" //true for ordering by newest first, false for oldest first
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[newestfirst] => int
REST (POST parameters)
newestfirst= int
limit (Default to "0")
        the number of results to return

General structure
int Default to "0" //the number of results to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
offset (Default to "0")
        offset the result set by a given amount

General structure
int Default to "0" //offset the result set by a given amount
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[offset] => int
REST (POST parameters)
offset= int

General structure
object {
notifications list of (
object {
id int //Notification id (this is not guaranteed to be unique within this result set)
useridfrom int //User from id
useridto int //User to id
subject string //The notification subject
shortenedsubject string //The notification subject shortened with ellipsis
text string //The message text formated
fullmessage string //The message
fullmessageformat int //fullmessage format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
fullmessagehtml string //The message in html
smallmessage string //The shorten message
contexturl string //Context URL
contexturlname string //Context URL link name
timecreated int //Time created
timecreatedpretty string //Time created in a pretty format
timeread int //Time read
read int //notification read status
deleted int //notification deletion status
iconurl string //URL for notification icon
component string Optional //The component that generated the notification
eventtype string Optional //The type of notification
)unreadcount int //the number of unread message for the given user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [notifications] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [useridfrom] => int [useridto] => int [subject] => string [shortenedsubject] => string [text] => string [fullmessage] => string [fullmessageformat] => int [fullmessagehtml] => string [smallmessage] => string [contexturl] => string [contexturlname] => string [timecreated] => int [timecreatedpretty] => string [timeread] => int [read] => int [deleted] => int [iconurl] => string [component] => string [eventtype] => string ) ) [unreadcount] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="notifications"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridfrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useridto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortenedsubject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessageformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmessagehtml"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="smallmessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contexturl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contexturlname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedpretty"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="read"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iconurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="eventtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve the count of unread popup notifications for a given user

useridto (Required)
        the user id who received the message, 0 for any user

General structure
int //the user id who received the message, 0 for any user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[useridto] => int
REST (POST parameters)
useridto= int

The count of unread popup notifications

General structure
int //The count of unread popup notifications
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Copy a students previous attempt to a new attempt.

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the courses and assignments for the users capability

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        0 or more course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //0 or more course ids
list of (
int //course id, empty for retrieving all the courses where the user is enroled in
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int
capabilities (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        list of capabilities used to filter courses

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //list of capabilities used to filter courses
list of (
string //capability
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[capabilities] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
capabilities[0]= string
includenotenrolledcourses (Default to "")
        whether to return courses that the user can see even if is not enroled in. This requires the parameter courseids to not be empty.

General structure
int Default to "" //whether to return courses that the user can see even if is not enroled in. This requires the parameter courseids to not be empty.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includenotenrolledcourses] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includenotenrolledcourses= int

General structure
object {
courses //list of courses
list of (
//course information object
object {
id int //course id
fullname string //course full name
shortname string //course short name
timemodified int //last time modified
assignments //assignment info
list of (
//assignment information object
object {
id int //assignment id
cmid int //course module id
course int //course id
name string //assignment name
nosubmissions int //no submissions
submissiondrafts int //submissions drafts
sendnotifications int //send notifications
sendlatenotifications int //send notifications
sendstudentnotifications int //send student notifications (default)
duedate int //assignment due date
allowsubmissionsfromdate int //allow submissions from date
grade int //grade type
timemodified int //last time assignment was modified
completionsubmit int //if enabled, set activity as complete following submission
cutoffdate int //date after which submission is not accepted without an extension
gradingduedate int //the expected date for marking the submissions
teamsubmission int //if enabled, students submit as a team
requireallteammemberssubmit int //if enabled, all team members must submit
teamsubmissiongroupingid int //the grouping id for the team submission groups
blindmarking int //if enabled, hide identities until reveal identities actioned
revealidentities int //show identities for a blind marking assignment
attemptreopenmethod string //method used to control opening new attempts
maxattempts int //maximum number of attempts allowed
markingworkflow int //enable marking workflow
markingallocation int //enable marking allocation
requiresubmissionstatement int //student must accept submission statement
preventsubmissionnotingroup int Optional //Prevent submission not in group
submissionstatement string Optional //Submission statement formatted.
submissionstatementformat int Optional //submissionstatement format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
configs //configuration settings
list of (
//assignment configuration object
object {
id int Optional //assign_plugin_config id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
plugin string //plugin
subtype string //subtype
name string //name
value string //value
)intro string Optional //assignment intro, not allways returned because it deppends on the activity configuration
introformat int Optional //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)introattachments Optional //intro attachments files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item can be 'course' (errorcode 1 or 2) or 'module' (errorcode 1)
itemid int Optional //When item is a course then itemid is a course id. When the item is a module then itemid is a module id
warningcode string //errorcode can be 1 (no access rights) or 2 (not enrolled or no permissions)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [timemodified] => int [assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [cmid] => int [course] => int [name] => string [nosubmissions] => int [submissiondrafts] => int [sendnotifications] => int [sendlatenotifications] => int [sendstudentnotifications] => int [duedate] => int [allowsubmissionsfromdate] => int [grade] => int [timemodified] => int [completionsubmit] => int [cutoffdate] => int [gradingduedate] => int [teamsubmission] => int [requireallteammemberssubmit] => int [teamsubmissiongroupingid] => int [blindmarking] => int [revealidentities] => int [attemptreopenmethod] => string [maxattempts] => int [markingworkflow] => int [markingallocation] => int [requiresubmissionstatement] => int [preventsubmissionnotingroup] => int [submissionstatement] => string [submissionstatementformat] => int [configs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [assignment] => int [plugin] => string [subtype] => string [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [introattachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nosubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiondrafts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sendnotifications"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sendlatenotifications"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sendstudentnotifications"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowsubmissionsfromdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionsubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cutoffdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingduedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teamsubmission"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requireallteammemberssubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teamsubmissiongroupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blindmarking"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="revealidentities"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptreopenmethod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="markingworkflow"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="markingallocation"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requiresubmissionstatement"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preventsubmissionnotingroup"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionstatement"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionstatementformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configs"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugin"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="introattachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns grades from the assignment

assignmentids (Required)
        1 or more assignment ids

General structure
//1 or more assignment ids
list of (
int //assignment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentids[0]= int
since (Default to "0")
        timestamp, only return records where timemodified >= since

General structure
int Default to "0" //timestamp, only return records where timemodified >= since
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[since] => int
REST (POST parameters)
since= int

General structure
object {
assignments //list of assignment grade information
list of (
object {
assignmentid int //assignment id
grades list of (
//grade information
object {
id int //grade id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //grade creation time
timemodified int //grade last modified time
grader int //grader
grade string //grade
gradefordisplay string Optional //grade rendered into a format suitable for display
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'assignment'
itemid int Optional //when errorcode is 3 then itemid is an assignment id. When errorcode is 1, itemid is a course module id
warningcode string //errorcode can be 3 (no grades found) or 1 (no permission to get grades)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [assignmentid] => int [grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [assignment] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grader] => int [grade] => string [gradefordisplay] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grader"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradefordisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a participant for an assignment, with some summary info about their submissions.

assignid (Required)
        assign instance id

General structure
int //assign instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int
userid (Required)
        user id

General structure
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
embeduser (Default to "")
        user id

General structure
int Default to "" //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[embeduser] => int
REST (POST parameters)
embeduser= int

General structure
object {
id int //ID of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
submitted int //have they submitted their assignment
requiregrading int //is their submission waiting for grading
grantedextension int //have they been granted an extension
blindmarking int //is blind marking enabled for this assignment
allowsubmissionsfromdate int //allowsubmissionsfromdate for the user
duedate int //duedate for the user
cutoffdate int //cutoffdate for the user
duedatestr string //duedate for the user
groupid int Optional //for group assignments this is the group id
groupname string Optional //for group assignments this is the group name
user object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //An email address - allow email as root@localhost
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
auth string Optional //Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
confirmed int Optional //Active user: 1 if confirmed, 0 otherwise
lang string Optional //Language code such as "en", must exist on server
calendartype string Optional //Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server
theme string Optional //Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server
timezone string Optional //Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default
mailformat int Optional //Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [submitted] => int [requiregrading] => int [grantedextension] => int [blindmarking] => int [allowsubmissionsfromdate] => int [duedate] => int [cutoffdate] => int [duedatestr] => string [groupid] => int [groupname] => string [user] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [auth] => string [suspended] => int [confirmed] => int [lang] => string [calendartype] => string [theme] => string [timezone] => string [mailformat] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submitted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requiregrading"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grantedextension"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blindmarking"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowsubmissionsfromdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cutoffdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="user"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="confirmed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calendartype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timezone"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the submissions for assignments

assignmentids (Required)
        1 or more assignment ids

General structure
//1 or more assignment ids
list of (
int //assignment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentids[0]= int
status (Default to "")

General structure
string Default to "" //status
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[status] => string
REST (POST parameters)
status= string
since (Default to "0")
        submitted since

General structure
int Default to "0" //submitted since
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[since] => int
REST (POST parameters)
since= int
before (Default to "0")
        submitted before

General structure
int Default to "0" //submitted before
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[before] => int
REST (POST parameters)
before= int

General structure
object {
assignments //assignment submissions
list of (
object {
assignmentid int //assignment id
submissions list of (
//submission info
object {
id int //submission id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //submission creation time
timemodified int //submission last modified time
status string //submission status
groupid int //group id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
latest int Optional //latest attempt
plugins Optional //plugins
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)gradingstatus string Optional //Grading status.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [assignmentid] => int [submissions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [status] => string [groupid] => int [assignment] => int [latest] => int [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) [gradingstatus] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="latest"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingstatus"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns information about an assignment submission status for a given user.

assignid (Required)
        assignment instance id

General structure
int //assignment instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        filter by users in group (used for generating the grading summary). Empty or 0 for all groups information.

General structure
int Default to "0" //filter by users in group (used for generating the grading summary). Empty or 0 for all groups information.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
gradingsummary Optional //Grading information.
object {
participantcount int //Number of users who can submit.
submissiondraftscount int //Number of submissions in draft status.
submissionsenabled int //Whether submissions are enabled or not.
submissionssubmittedcount int //Number of submissions in submitted status.
submissionsneedgradingcount int //Number of submissions that need grading.
warnofungroupedusers int //Whether we need to warn people that there are users without groups.
lastattempt Optional //Last attempt information.
object {
submission Optional //submission info
object {
id int //submission id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //submission creation time
timemodified int //submission last modified time
status string //submission status
groupid int //group id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
latest int Optional //latest attempt
plugins Optional //plugins
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)gradingstatus string Optional //Grading status.
teamsubmission Optional //submission info
object {
id int //submission id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //submission creation time
timemodified int //submission last modified time
status string //submission status
groupid int //group id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
latest int Optional //latest attempt
plugins Optional //plugins
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)gradingstatus string Optional //Grading status.
submissiongroup int Optional //The submission group id (for group submissions only).
submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit Optional //List of users who still need to submit (for group submissions only).
list of (
int //USER id.
)submissionsenabled int //Whether submissions are enabled or not.
locked int //Whether new submissions are locked.
graded int //Whether the submission is graded.
canedit int //Whether the user can edit the current submission.
caneditowner int //Whether the owner of the submission can edit it.
cansubmit int //Whether the user can submit.
extensionduedate int //Extension due date.
blindmarking int //Whether blind marking is enabled.
gradingstatus string //Grading status.
usergroups //User groups in the course.
list of (
int //Group id.
feedback Optional //Feedback for the last attempt.
object {
grade Optional //grade information
object {
id int //grade id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //grade creation time
timemodified int //grade last modified time
grader int //grader
grade string //grade
gradefordisplay string Optional //grade rendered into a format suitable for display
gradefordisplay string //Grade rendered into a format suitable for display.
gradeddate int //The date the user was graded.
plugins Optional //Plugins info.
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
previousattempts Optional //List all the previous attempts did by the user.
list of (
object {
attemptnumber int //Attempt number.
submission Optional //submission info
object {
id int //submission id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //submission creation time
timemodified int //submission last modified time
status string //submission status
groupid int //group id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
latest int Optional //latest attempt
plugins Optional //plugins
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)gradingstatus string Optional //Grading status.
grade Optional //grade information
object {
id int //grade id
assignment int Optional //assignment id
userid int //student id
attemptnumber int //attempt number
timecreated int //grade creation time
timemodified int //grade last modified time
grader int //grader
grade string //grade
gradefordisplay string Optional //grade rendered into a format suitable for display
feedbackplugins Optional //Feedback info.
list of (
object {
type string //submission plugin type
name string //submission plugin name
fileareas Optional //fileareas
list of (
object {
area string //file area
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)editorfields Optional //editorfields
list of (
object {
name string //field name
description string //field description
text string //field value
format int //text format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [gradingsummary] => Array ( [participantcount] => int [submissiondraftscount] => int [submissionsenabled] => int [submissionssubmittedcount] => int [submissionsneedgradingcount] => int [warnofungroupedusers] => int ) [lastattempt] => Array ( [submission] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [status] => string [groupid] => int [assignment] => int [latest] => int [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) [gradingstatus] => string ) [teamsubmission] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [status] => string [groupid] => int [assignment] => int [latest] => int [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) [gradingstatus] => string ) [submissiongroup] => int [submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit] => Array ( [0] => int ) [submissionsenabled] => int [locked] => int [graded] => int [canedit] => int [caneditowner] => int [cansubmit] => int [extensionduedate] => int [blindmarking] => int [gradingstatus] => string [usergroups] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) [feedback] => Array ( [grade] => Array ( [id] => int [assignment] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grader] => int [grade] => string [gradefordisplay] => string ) [gradefordisplay] => string [gradeddate] => int [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) ) [previousattempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attemptnumber] => int [submission] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [status] => string [groupid] => int [assignment] => int [latest] => int [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) [gradingstatus] => string ) [grade] => Array ( [id] => int [assignment] => int [userid] => int [attemptnumber] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grader] => int [grade] => string [gradefordisplay] => string ) [feedbackplugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => string [fileareas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [area] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [editorfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [text] => string [format] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="gradingsummary"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="participantcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiondraftscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionsenabled"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionssubmittedcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionsneedgradingcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnofungroupedusers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastattempt"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="submission"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="latest"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingstatus"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="teamsubmission"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="latest"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingstatus"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongroup"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionsenabled"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="graded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="caneditowner"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cansubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="extensionduedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blindmarking"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingstatus"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usergroups"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grade"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grader"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradefordisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradefordisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="previousattempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submission"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="latest"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradingstatus"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assignment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grader"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradefordisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackplugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileareas"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="area"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="editorfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="format"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the user flags for assignments

assignmentids (Required)
        1 or more assignment ids

General structure
//1 or more assignment ids
list of (
int //assignment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentids[0]= int

General structure
object {
assignments //list of assign user flag information
list of (
object {
assignmentid int //assignment id
userflags list of (
object {
id int //user flag id
userid int //student id
locked int //locked
mailed int //mailed
extensionduedate int //extension due date
workflowstate string Optional //marking workflow state
allocatedmarker int //allocated marker
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'assignment'
itemid int Optional //when errorcode is 3 then itemid is an assignment id. When errorcode is 1, itemid is a course module id
warningcode string //errorcode can be 3 (no user flags found) or 1 (no permission to get user flags)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [assignmentid] => int [userflags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [locked] => int [mailed] => int [extensionduedate] => int [workflowstate] => string [allocatedmarker] => int ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userflags"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="extensionduedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="workflowstate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allocatedmarker"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the blind marking mappings for assignments

assignmentids (Required)
        1 or more assignment ids

General structure
//1 or more assignment ids
list of (
int //assignment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentids[0]= int

General structure
object {
assignments //list of assign user mapping data
list of (
object {
assignmentid int //assignment id
mappings list of (
object {
id int //user mapping id
userid int //student id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item is always 'assignment'
itemid int Optional //when errorcode is 3 then itemid is an assignment id. When errorcode is 1, itemid is a course module id
warningcode string //errorcode can be 3 (no user mappings found) or 1 (no permission to get user mappings)
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assignments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [assignmentid] => int [mappings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assignmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mappings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the participants for a single assignment, with some summary info about their submissions.

assignid (Required)
        assign instance id

General structure
int //assign instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int
groupid (Required)
        group id

General structure
int //group id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
filter (Required)
        search string to filter the results

General structure
string //search string to filter the results
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[filter] => string
REST (POST parameters)
filter= string
skip (Default to "0")
        number of records to skip

General structure
int Default to "0" //number of records to skip
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[skip] => int
REST (POST parameters)
skip= int
limit (Default to "0")
        maximum number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "0" //maximum number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
onlyids (Default to "")
        Do not return all user fields

General structure
int Default to "" //Do not return all user fields
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[onlyids] => int
REST (POST parameters)
onlyids= int
includeenrolments (Default to "1")
        Do return courses where the user is enrolled

General structure
int Default to "1" //Do return courses where the user is enrolled
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includeenrolments] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includeenrolments= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
username string Optional //The username
firstname string Optional //The first name(s) of the user
lastname string Optional //The family name of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //Email address
address string Optional //Postal address
phone1 string Optional //Phone 1
phone2 string Optional //Phone 2
icq string Optional //icq number
skype string Optional //skype id
yahoo string Optional //yahoo id
aim string Optional //aim id
msn string Optional //msn number
department string Optional //department
institution string Optional //institution
idnumber string Optional //The idnumber of the user
interests string Optional //user interests (separated by commas)
firstaccess int Optional //first access to the site (0 if never)
lastaccess int Optional //last access to the site (0 if never)
suspended int Optional //Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it
description string Optional //User profile description
descriptionformat int Optional //int format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
city string Optional //Home city of the user
url string Optional //URL of the user
country string Optional //Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ
profileimageurlsmall string Optional //User image profile URL - small version
profileimageurl string Optional //User image profile URL - big version
customfields Optional //User custom fields (also known as user profile fields)
list of (
object {
type string //The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...
value string //The value of the custom field
name string //The name of the custom field
shortname string //The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code
)preferences Optional //Users preferences
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the preferences
value string //The value of the preference
)groups Optional //user groups
list of (
object {
id int //group id
name string //group name
description string //group description
)roles Optional //user roles
list of (
object {
roleid int //role id
name string //role name
shortname string //role shortname
sortorder int //role sortorder
)enrolledcourses Optional //Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see
list of (
object {
id int //Id of the course
fullname string //Fullname of the course
shortname string //Shortname of the course
)submitted int //have they submitted their assignment
requiregrading int //is their submission waiting for grading
grantedextension int //have they been granted an extension
groupid int Optional //for group assignments this is the group id
groupname string Optional //for group assignments this is the group name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [username] => string [firstname] => string [lastname] => string [fullname] => string [email] => string [address] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [icq] => string [skype] => string [yahoo] => string [aim] => string [msn] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [idnumber] => string [interests] => string [firstaccess] => int [lastaccess] => int [suspended] => int [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [city] => string [url] => string [country] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string [profileimageurl] => string [customfields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [value] => string [name] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [preferences] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [groups] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string ) ) [roles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => int [name] => string [shortname] => string [sortorder] => int ) ) [enrolledcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string ) ) [submitted] => int [requiregrading] => int [grantedextension] => int [groupid] => int [groupname] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="username"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="address"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icq"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="yahoo"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aim"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="msn"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="interests"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastaccess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="suspended"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="city"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customfields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferences"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="groups"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="roles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="roleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="enrolledcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="submitted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requiregrading"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grantedextension"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Prevent students from making changes to a list of submissions

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userids (Required)
        1 or more user ids

General structure
//1 or more user ids
list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Reveal the identities for a blind marking assignment

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Reverts the list of submissions to draft status

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userids (Required)
        1 or more user ids

General structure
//1 or more user ids
list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Save a grade update for a single student.

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userid (Required)
        The student id to operate on

General structure
int //The student id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
grade (Required)
        The new grade for this user. Ignored if advanced grading used

General structure
double //The new grade for this user. Ignored if advanced grading used
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grade] => double
REST (POST parameters)
grade= double
attemptnumber (Required)
        The attempt number (-1 means latest attempt)

General structure
int //The attempt number (-1 means latest attempt)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptnumber] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptnumber= int
addattempt (Required)
        Allow another attempt if the attempt reopen method is manual

General structure
int //Allow another attempt if the attempt reopen method is manual
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[addattempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
addattempt= int
workflowstate (Required)
        The next marking workflow state

General structure
string //The next marking workflow state
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workflowstate] => string
REST (POST parameters)
workflowstate= string
applytoall (Required)
        If true, this grade will be applied to all members of the group (for group assignments).

General structure
int //If true, this grade will be applied to all members of the group (for group assignments).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[applytoall] => int
REST (POST parameters)
applytoall= int
plugindata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        plugin data

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //plugin data
object {
assignfeedbackcomments_editor Optional //Editor structure
object {
text string //The text for this feedback.
format int //The format for this feedback
files_filemanager int Optional //The id of a draft area containing files for this feedback.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[plugindata] => Array ( [assignfeedbackcomments_editor] => Array ( [text] => string [format] => int ) [files_filemanager] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
plugindata[assignfeedbackcomments_editor][text]= string plugindata[assignfeedbackcomments_editor][format]= int plugindata[files_filemanager]= int
advancedgradingdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        advanced grading data

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //advanced grading data
object {
guide Optional //items
object {
criteria list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
fillings Optional //filling
list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
score double //maximum score
rubric Optional //items
object {
criteria list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
fillings Optional //filling
list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[advancedgradingdata] => Array ( [guide] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [fillings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int [score] => double ) ) ) ) ) [rubric] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [fillings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int ) ) ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][criterionid]= int advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][criterionid]= int advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][levelid]= int advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][remark]= string advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][remarkformat]= int advancedgradingdata[guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][score]= double advancedgradingdata[rubric][criteria][0][criterionid]= int advancedgradingdata[rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][criterionid]= int advancedgradingdata[rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][levelid]= int advancedgradingdata[rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][remark]= string advancedgradingdata[rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][remarkformat]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Save multiple grade updates for an assignment.

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
applytoall (Required)
        If true, this grade will be applied to all members of the group (for group assignments).

General structure
int //If true, this grade will be applied to all members of the group (for group assignments).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[applytoall] => int
REST (POST parameters)
applytoall= int
grades (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
userid int //The student id to operate on
grade double //The new grade for this user. Ignored if advanced grading used
attemptnumber int //The attempt number (-1 means latest attempt)
addattempt int //Allow another attempt if manual attempt reopen method
workflowstate string //The next marking workflow state
plugindata Default to "Array ( ) " //plugin data
object {
assignfeedbackcomments_editor Optional //Editor structure
object {
text string //The text for this feedback.
format int //The format for this feedback
files_filemanager int Optional //The id of a draft area containing files for this feedback.
advancedgradingdata Default to "Array ( ) " //advanced grading data
object {
guide Optional //items
object {
criteria list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
fillings Optional //filling
list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
score double //maximum score
rubric Optional //items
object {
criteria list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
fillings Optional //filling
list of (
object {
criterionid int //criterion id
levelid int Optional //level id
remark string Optional //remark
remarkformat int Optional //remark format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [grade] => double [attemptnumber] => int [addattempt] => int [workflowstate] => string [plugindata] => Array ( [assignfeedbackcomments_editor] => Array ( [text] => string [format] => int ) [files_filemanager] => int ) [advancedgradingdata] => Array ( [guide] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [fillings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int [score] => double ) ) ) ) ) [rubric] => Array ( [criteria] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [fillings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [criterionid] => int [levelid] => int [remark] => string [remarkformat] => int ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
REST (POST parameters)
grades[0][userid]= int grades[0][grade]= double grades[0][attemptnumber]= int grades[0][addattempt]= int grades[0][workflowstate]= string grades[0][plugindata][assignfeedbackcomments_editor][text]= string grades[0][plugindata][assignfeedbackcomments_editor][format]= int grades[0][plugindata][files_filemanager]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][criterionid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][criterionid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][levelid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][remark]= string grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][remarkformat]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][guide][criteria][0][fillings][0][score]= double grades[0][advancedgradingdata][rubric][criteria][0][criterionid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][criterionid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][levelid]= int grades[0][advancedgradingdata][rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][remark]= string grades[0][advancedgradingdata][rubric][criteria][0][fillings][0][remarkformat]= int


Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the current students submission

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
plugindata (Required)

General structure
object {
onlinetext_editor Optional //Editor structure
object {
text string //The text for this submission.
format int //The format for this submission
itemid int //The draft area id for files attached to the submission
files_filemanager int Optional //The id of a draft area containing files for this submission.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[plugindata] => Array ( [onlinetext_editor] => Array ( [text] => string [format] => int [itemid] => int ) [files_filemanager] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
plugindata[onlinetext_editor][text]= string plugindata[onlinetext_editor][format]= int plugindata[onlinetext_editor][itemid]= int plugindata[files_filemanager]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Save a list of assignment extensions

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userids (Required)
        1 or more user ids

General structure
//1 or more user ids
list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int
dates (Required)
        1 or more extension dates (timestamp)

General structure
//1 or more extension dates (timestamp)
list of (
int //dates
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[dates] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
dates[0]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates or updates user flags

assignmentid (Required)
        assignment id

General structure
int //assignment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userflags (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
userid int //student id
locked int Optional //locked
mailed int Optional //mailed
extensionduedate int Optional //extension due date
workflowstate string Optional //marking workflow state
allocatedmarker int Optional //allocated marker
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userflags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [locked] => int [mailed] => int [extensionduedate] => int [workflowstate] => string [allocatedmarker] => int ) )
REST (POST parameters)
userflags[0][userid]= int userflags[0][locked]= int userflags[0][mailed]= int userflags[0][extensionduedate]= int userflags[0][workflowstate]= string userflags[0][allocatedmarker]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //id of record if successful, -1 for failure
userid int //userid of record
errormessage string Optional //Failure error message
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [errormessage] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="errormessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Submit the current students assignment for grading

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
acceptsubmissionstatement (Required)
        Accept the assignment submission statement

General structure
int //Accept the assignment submission statement
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[acceptsubmissionstatement] => int
REST (POST parameters)
acceptsubmissionstatement= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Submit the grading form data via ajax

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id the submission belongs to

General structure
int //The user id the submission belongs to
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
jsonformdata (Required)
        The data from the grading form, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The data from the grading form, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Allow students to make changes to a list of submissions

assignmentid (Required)
        The assignment id to operate on

General structure
int //The assignment id to operate on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignmentid= int
userids (Required)
        1 or more user ids

General structure
//1 or more user ids
list of (
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
userids[0]= int

list of warnings

General structure
Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the module completion status.

assignid (Required)
        assign instance id

General structure
int //assign instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the grading_table_viewed event.

assignid (Required)
        assign instance id

General structure
int //assign instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the submission status viewed event.

assignid (Required)
        assign instance id

General structure
int //assign instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assignid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assignid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of book instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the book instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
books list of (
object {
id int //Book id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Book name
intro string //The Book intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)numbering int //Book numbering configuration
navstyle int //Book navigation style configuration
customtitles int //Book custom titles type
revision int Optional //Book revision
timecreated int Optional //Time of creation
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //Visible
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [books] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [numbering] => int [navstyle] => int [customtitles] => int [revision] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="books"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="numbering"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navstyle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="customtitles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface book: trigger events, completion, etc...

bookid (Required)
        book instance id

General structure
int //book instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[bookid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
bookid= int
chapterid (Default to "0")
        chapter id

General structure
int Default to "0" //chapter id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chapterid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chapterid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of chat instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the chat instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
chats list of (
object {
id int //Chat id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Chat name
intro string //The Chat intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)chatmethod string Optional //chat method (sockets, ajax, header_js)
keepdays int Optional //keep days
studentlogs int Optional //student logs visible to everyone
chattime int Optional //chat time
schedule int Optional //schedule type
timemodified int Optional //time of last modification
section int Optional //course section id
visible int Optional //visible
groupmode int Optional //group mode
groupingid int Optional //group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [chats] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [chatmethod] => string [keepdays] => int [studentlogs] => int [chattime] => int [schedule] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="chats"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="chatmethod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="keepdays"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="studentlogs"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="chattime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="schedule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the latest messages from the given chat session.

chatsid (Required)
        chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)

General structure
string //chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatsid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
chatsid= string
chatlasttime (Default to "0")
        last time messages were retrieved (epoch time)

General structure
int Default to "0" //last time messages were retrieved (epoch time)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatlasttime] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chatlasttime= int

General structure
object {
messages //list of users
list of (
object {
id int //message id
userid int //user id
system int //true if is a system message (like user joined)
message string //message text
timestamp int //timestamp for the message
)chatnewlasttime int //new last time
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [system] => int [message] => string [timestamp] => int ) ) [chatnewlasttime] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="system"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="chatnewlasttime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the list of users in the given chat session.

chatsid (Required)
        chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)

General structure
string //chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatsid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
chatsid= string

General structure
object {
users //list of users
list of (
object {
id int //user id
fullname string //user full name
profileimageurl string //user picture URL
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves chat sessions for a given chat.

chatid (Required)
        Chat instance id.

General structure
int //Chat instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chatid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Get messages from users in this group. 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get messages from users in this group. 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
showall (Default to "")
        Whether to show completed sessions or not.

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to show completed sessions or not.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[showall] => int
REST (POST parameters)
showall= int

General structure
object {
sessions //list of users
list of (
object {
sessionstart int //Session start time.
sessionend int //Session end time.
sessionusers //Session users.
list of (
object {
userid int //User id.
messagecount int //Number of messages in the session.
)iscomplete int //Whether the session is completed or not.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [sessions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sessionstart] => int [sessionend] => int [sessionusers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [messagecount] => int ) ) [iscomplete] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="sessions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="sessionstart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sessionend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sessionusers"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messagecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscomplete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves messages of the given chat session.

chatid (Required)
        Chat instance id.

General structure
int //Chat instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chatid= int
sessionstart (Required)
        The session start time (timestamp).

General structure
int //The session start time (timestamp).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sessionstart] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sessionstart= int
sessionend (Required)
        The session end time (timestamp).

General structure
int //The session end time (timestamp).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sessionend] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sessionend= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Get messages from users in this group. 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get messages from users in this group. 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
messages list of (
object {
id int //The message record id.
chatid int //The chat id.
userid int //The user who wrote the message.
groupid int //The group this message belongs to.
issystem int //Whether is a system message or not.
message string //The message text.
timestamp int //The message timestamp (indicates when the message was sent).
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [chatid] => int [userid] => int [groupid] => int [issystem] => int [message] => string [timestamp] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="chatid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="issystem"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestamp"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Log a user into a chat room in the given chat.

chatid (Required)
        chat instance id

General structure
int //chat instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chatid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
chatsid string //unique chat session id
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [chatsid] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="chatsid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Send a message on the given chat session.

chatsid (Required)
        chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)

General structure
string //chat session id (obtained via mod_chat_login_user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatsid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
chatsid= string
messagetext (Required)
        the message text

General structure
string //the message text
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[messagetext] => string
REST (POST parameters)
messagetext= string
beepid (Default to "")
        the beep id

General structure
string Default to "" //the beep id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[beepid] => string
REST (POST parameters)
beepid= string

General structure
object {
messageid int //message sent id
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messageid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

chatid (Required)
        chat instance id

General structure
int //chat instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[chatid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
chatid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete the given submitted responses in a choice

choiceid (Required)
        choice instance id

General structure
int //choice instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[choiceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
choiceid= int
responses (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of response ids, empty for deleting all the current user responses.

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of response ids, empty for deleting all the current user responses.
list of (
int //response id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[responses] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
responses[0]= int

General structure
object {
status int //status, true if everything went right
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of choice instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the choice instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
choices list of (
object {
id int //Choice instance id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Choice name
intro string //The choice intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)publish int Optional //If choice is published
showresults int Optional //0 never, 1 after answer, 2 after close, 3 always
display int Optional //Display mode (vertical, horizontal)
allowupdate int Optional //Allow update
allowmultiple int Optional //Allow multiple choices
showunanswered int Optional //Show users who not answered yet
includeinactive int Optional //Include inactive users
limitanswers int Optional //Limit unswers
timeopen int Optional //Date of opening validity
timeclose int Optional //Date of closing validity
showpreview int Optional //Show preview before timeopen
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification
completionsubmit int Optional //Completion on user submission
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //Visible
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [choices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [publish] => int [showresults] => int [display] => int [allowupdate] => int [allowmultiple] => int [showunanswered] => int [includeinactive] => int [limitanswers] => int [timeopen] => int [timeclose] => int [showpreview] => int [timemodified] => int [completionsubmit] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="choices"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="publish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showresults"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowupdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowmultiple"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showunanswered"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="includeinactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="limitanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeopen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showpreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionsubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve options for a specific choice.

choiceid (Required)
        choice instance id

General structure
int //choice instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[choiceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
choiceid= int

General structure
object {
options //Options
list of (
object {
id int //option id
text string //text of the choice
maxanswers int //maximum number of answers
displaylayout int //true for orizontal, otherwise vertical
countanswers int //number of answers
checked int //we already answered
disabled int //option disabled
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [text] => string [maxanswers] => int [displaylayout] => int [countanswers] => int [checked] => int [disabled] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaylayout"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="countanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="checked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="disabled"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve users results for a given choice.

choiceid (Required)
        choice instance id

General structure
int //choice instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[choiceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
choiceid= int

General structure
object {
options list of (
object {
id int //choice instance id
text string //text of the choice
maxanswer int //maximum number of answers
userresponses list of (
//User responses
object {
userid int //user id
fullname string //user full name
profileimageurl string //profile user image url
answerid int Optional //answer id
timemodified int Optional //time of modification
)numberofuser int //number of users answers
percentageamount double //percentage of users answers
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [text] => string [maxanswer] => int [userresponses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [fullname] => string [profileimageurl] => string [answerid] => int [timemodified] => int ) ) [numberofuser] => int [percentageamount] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxanswer"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userresponses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="numberofuser"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="percentageamount"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Submit responses to a specific choice item.

choiceid (Required)
        choice instance id

General structure
int //choice instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[choiceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
choiceid= int
responses (Required)
        Array of response ids

General structure
//Array of response ids
list of (
int //answer id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[responses] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
responses[0]= int

General structure
object {
answers list of (
object {
id int //answer id
choiceid int //choiceid
userid int //user id
optionid int //optionid
timemodified int //time of last modification
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [answers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [choiceid] => int [userid] => int [optionid] => int [timemodified] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="answers"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="choiceid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="optionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

choiceid (Required)
        choice instance id

General structure
int //choice instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[choiceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
choiceid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete an issue for a certificate

certificateid (Required)
        The certificate id

General structure
int //The certificate id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[certificateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
certificateid= int
issueid (Required)
        The issue id

General structure
int //The issue id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[issueid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
issueid= int

True if successful, false otherwise

General structure
int //True if successful, false otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the HTML to display for an element

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
elementid (Required)
        The element id

General structure
int //The element id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[elementid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
elementid= int


General structure
string //The HTML
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Saves data for an element

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
elementid (Required)
        The element id

General structure
int //The element id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[elementid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
elementid= int
values (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
name string //The field to update
value string //The value of the field
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[values] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
values[0][name]= string values[0][value]= string

True if successful, false otherwise

General structure
int //True if successful, false otherwise
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds a new entry.

databaseid (Required)
        data instance id

General structure
int //data instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
data (Required)
        The fields data to be created

General structure
//The fields data to be created
list of (
object {
fieldid int //The field id.
subfield string Default to "" //The subfield name (if required).
value string //The contents for the field always JSON encoded.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fieldid] => int [subfield] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][fieldid]= int data[0][subfield]= string data[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
newentryid int //True new created entry id. 0 if the entry was not created.
generalnotifications list of (
string //General notifications
)fieldnotifications list of (
object {
fieldname string //The field name.
notification string //The notification for the field.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [newentryid] => int [generalnotifications] => Array ( [0] => string ) [fieldnotifications] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fieldname] => string [notification] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="newentryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="generalnotifications"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="fieldnotifications"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="fieldname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notification"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Approves or unapproves an entry.

entryid (Required)
        Record entry id.

General structure
int //Record entry id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[entryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
entryid= int
approve (Default to "1")
        Whether to approve (true) or unapprove the entry.

General structure
int Default to "1" //Whether to approve (true) or unapprove the entry.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[approve] => int
REST (POST parameters)
approve= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes an entry.

entryid (Required)
        Record entry id.

General structure
int //Record entry id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[entryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
entryid= int

General structure
object {
status int //Always true. If we see this field it means that the entry was deleted.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of database instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the database instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
databases list of (
object {
id int //Database id
course int //Course id
name string //Database name
intro string //The Database intro
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
comments int //comments enabled
timeavailablefrom int //timeavailablefrom field
timeavailableto int //timeavailableto field
timeviewfrom int //timeviewfrom field
timeviewto int //timeviewto field
requiredentries int //requiredentries field
requiredentriestoview int //requiredentriestoview field
maxentries int //maxentries field
rssarticles int //rssarticles field
singletemplate string //singletemplate field
listtemplate string //listtemplate field
listtemplateheader string //listtemplateheader field
listtemplatefooter string //listtemplatefooter field
addtemplate string //addtemplate field
rsstemplate string //rsstemplate field
rsstitletemplate string //rsstitletemplate field
csstemplate string //csstemplate field
jstemplate string //jstemplate field
asearchtemplate string //asearchtemplate field
approval int //approval field
manageapproved int //manageapproved field
scale int Optional //scale field
assessed int Optional //assessed field
assesstimestart int Optional //assesstimestart field
assesstimefinish int Optional //assesstimefinish field
defaultsort int //defaultsort field
defaultsortdir int //defaultsortdir field
editany int Optional //editany field (not used any more)
notification int Optional //notification field (not used any more)
timemodified int Optional //Time modified
coursemodule int //coursemodule
introfiles Optional //introfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [databases] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [comments] => int [timeavailablefrom] => int [timeavailableto] => int [timeviewfrom] => int [timeviewto] => int [requiredentries] => int [requiredentriestoview] => int [maxentries] => int [rssarticles] => int [singletemplate] => string [listtemplate] => string [listtemplateheader] => string [listtemplatefooter] => string [addtemplate] => string [rsstemplate] => string [rsstitletemplate] => string [csstemplate] => string [jstemplate] => string [asearchtemplate] => string [approval] => int [manageapproved] => int [scale] => int [assessed] => int [assesstimestart] => int [assesstimefinish] => int [defaultsort] => int [defaultsortdir] => int [editany] => int [notification] => int [timemodified] => int [coursemodule] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="databases"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeavailablefrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeavailableto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeviewfrom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeviewto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requiredentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requiredentriestoview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rssarticles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="singletemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="listtemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="listtemplateheader"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="listtemplatefooter"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="addtemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rsstemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rsstitletemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="csstemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="jstemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="asearchtemplate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approval"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="manageapproved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultsort"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultsortdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notification"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given database.

databaseid (Required)
        Database instance id.

General structure
int //Database instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
groupid int //User current group id (calculated)
canaddentry int //Whether the user can add entries or not.
canmanageentries int //Whether the user can manage entries or not.
canapprove int //Whether the user can approve entries or not.
timeavailable int //Whether the database is available or not by time restrictions.
inreadonlyperiod int //Whether the database is in read mode only.
numentries int //The number of entries the current user added.
entrieslefttoadd int //The number of entries left to complete the activity.
entrieslefttoview int //The number of entries left to view other users entries.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [groupid] => int [canaddentry] => int [canmanageentries] => int [canapprove] => int [timeavailable] => int [inreadonlyperiod] => int [numentries] => int [entrieslefttoadd] => int [entrieslefttoview] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canaddentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canapprove"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeavailable"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="inreadonlyperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entrieslefttoadd"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entrieslefttoview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the complete list of entries of the given database.

databaseid (Required)
        data instance id

General structure
int //data instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
returncontents (Default to "")
        Whether to return contents or not. This will return each entry raw contents and the complete list view (using the template).

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to return contents or not. This will return each entry raw contents and the complete list view (using the template).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[returncontents] => int
REST (POST parameters)
returncontents= int
sort (Default to "null")
        Sort the records by this field id, reserved ids are: 0: timeadded -1: firstname -2: lastname -3: approved -4: timemodified. Empty for using the default database setting.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Sort the records by this field id, reserved ids are: 0: timeadded -1: firstname -2: lastname -3: approved -4: timemodified. Empty for using the default database setting.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sort= int
order (Default to "null")
        The direction of the sorting: 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Empty for using the default database setting.

General structure
string Default to "null" //The direction of the sorting: 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Empty for using the default database setting.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
entries list of (
object {
id int //Record id.
userid int //The id of the user who created the record.
groupid int //The group id this record belongs to (0 for no groups).
dataid int //The database id this record belongs to.
timecreated int //Time the record was created.
timemodified int //Last time the record was modified.
approved int //Whether the entry has been approved (if the database is configured in that way).
canmanageentry int //Whether the current user can manage this entry
fullname string Optional //The user who created the entry fullname.
contents Optional //The record contents.
list of (
object {
id int //Content id.
fieldid int //The field type of the content.
recordid int //The record this content belongs to.
content string //Contents.
content1 string //Contents.
content2 string //Contents.
content3 string //Contents.
content4 string //Contents.
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)totalcount int //Total count of records.
totalfilesize int //Total size (bytes) of the files included in the records.
listviewcontents string Optional //The list view contents as is rendered in the site.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [groupid] => int [dataid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [approved] => int [canmanageentry] => int [fullname] => string [contents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fieldid] => int [recordid] => int [content] => string [content1] => string [content2] => string [content3] => string [content4] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) ) ) [totalcount] => int [totalfilesize] => int [listviewcontents] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dataid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fieldid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recordid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content3"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content4"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalfilesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="listviewcontents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return one entry record from the database, including contents optionally.

entryid (Required)
        record entry id

General structure
int //record entry id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[entryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
entryid= int
returncontents (Default to "")
        Whether to return contents or not.

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to return contents or not.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[returncontents] => int
REST (POST parameters)
returncontents= int

General structure
object {
entry object {
id int //Record id.
userid int //The id of the user who created the record.
groupid int //The group id this record belongs to (0 for no groups).
dataid int //The database id this record belongs to.
timecreated int //Time the record was created.
timemodified int //Last time the record was modified.
approved int //Whether the entry has been approved (if the database is configured in that way).
canmanageentry int //Whether the current user can manage this entry
fullname string Optional //The user who created the entry fullname.
contents Optional //The record contents.
list of (
object {
id int //Content id.
fieldid int //The field type of the content.
recordid int //The record this content belongs to.
content string //Contents.
content1 string //Contents.
content2 string //Contents.
content3 string //Contents.
content4 string //Contents.
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
entryviewcontents string Optional //The entry as is rendered in the site.
ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [entry] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [groupid] => int [dataid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [approved] => int [canmanageentry] => int [fullname] => string [contents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fieldid] => int [recordid] => int [content] => string [content1] => string [content2] => string [content3] => string [content4] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) ) [entryviewcontents] => string [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="entry"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dataid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fieldid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recordid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content3"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content4"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="entryviewcontents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the list of configured fields for the given database.

databaseid (Required)
        Database instance id.

General structure
int //Database instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int

General structure
object {
fields list of (
object {
id int //Field id.
dataid int //The field type of the content.
type string //The field type.
name string //The field name.
description string //The field description.
required int //Whether is a field required or not.
param1 string //Field parameters
param2 string //Field parameters
param3 string //Field parameters
param4 string //Field parameters
param5 string //Field parameters
param6 string //Field parameters
param7 string //Field parameters
param8 string //Field parameters
param9 string //Field parameters
param10 string //Field parameters
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [dataid] => int [type] => string [name] => string [description] => string [required] => int [param1] => string [param2] => string [param3] => string [param4] => string [param5] => string [param6] => string [param7] => string [param8] => string [param9] => string [param10] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="fields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dataid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="required"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param3"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param4"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param5"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param6"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param7"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param8"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param9"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="param10"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search for entries in the given database.

databaseid (Required)
        data instance id

General structure
int //data instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
returncontents (Default to "")
        Whether to return contents or not.

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to return contents or not.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[returncontents] => int
REST (POST parameters)
returncontents= int
search (Default to "")
        search string (empty when using advanced)

General structure
string Default to "" //search string (empty when using advanced)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
advsearch (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Advanced search

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Advanced search
list of (
object {
name string //Field key for search. Use fn or ln for first or last name
value string //JSON encoded value for search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[advsearch] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
advsearch[0][name]= string advsearch[0][value]= string
sort (Default to "null")
        Sort the records by this field id, reserved ids are: 0: timeadded -1: firstname -2: lastname -3: approved -4: timemodified. Empty for using the default database setting.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Sort the records by this field id, reserved ids are: 0: timeadded -1: firstname -2: lastname -3: approved -4: timemodified. Empty for using the default database setting.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => int
REST (POST parameters)
sort= int
order (Default to "null")
        The direction of the sorting: 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Empty for using the default database setting.

General structure
string Default to "null" //The direction of the sorting: 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Empty for using the default database setting.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
entries list of (
object {
id int //Record id.
userid int //The id of the user who created the record.
groupid int //The group id this record belongs to (0 for no groups).
dataid int //The database id this record belongs to.
timecreated int //Time the record was created.
timemodified int //Last time the record was modified.
approved int //Whether the entry has been approved (if the database is configured in that way).
canmanageentry int //Whether the current user can manage this entry
fullname string Optional //The user who created the entry fullname.
contents Optional //The record contents.
list of (
object {
id int //Content id.
fieldid int //The field type of the content.
recordid int //The record this content belongs to.
content string //Contents.
content1 string //Contents.
content2 string //Contents.
content3 string //Contents.
content4 string //Contents.
files Optional //files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)totalcount int //Total count of records returned by the search.
maxcount int Optional //Total count of records that the user could see in the database (if all the search criterias were removed).
listviewcontents string Optional //The list view contents as is rendered in the site.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [userid] => int [groupid] => int [dataid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [approved] => int [canmanageentry] => int [fullname] => string [contents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fieldid] => int [recordid] => int [content] => string [content1] => string [content2] => string [content3] => string [content4] => string [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) ) ) [totalcount] => int [maxcount] => int [listviewcontents] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dataid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fieldid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="recordid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content3"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content4"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="listviewcontents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates an existing entry.

entryid (Required)
        The entry record id.

General structure
int //The entry record id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[entryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
entryid= int
data (Required)
        The fields data to be updated

General structure
//The fields data to be updated
list of (
object {
fieldid int //The field id.
subfield string Default to "null" //The subfield name (if required).
value string //The new contents for the field always JSON encoded.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fieldid] => int [subfield] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][fieldid]= int data[0][subfield]= string data[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
updated int //True if the entry was successfully updated, false other wise.
generalnotifications list of (
string //General notifications
)fieldnotifications list of (
object {
fieldname string //The field name.
notification string //The notification for the field.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [updated] => int [generalnotifications] => Array ( [0] => string ) [fieldnotifications] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fieldname] => string [notification] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="updated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="generalnotifications"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="fieldnotifications"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="fieldname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notification"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface data: trigger events, completion, etc...

databaseid (Required)
        data instance id

General structure
int //data instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[databaseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
databaseid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the feedback analysis.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
completedcount int //Number of completed submissions.
itemscount int //Number of items (questions).
itemsdata list of (
object {
item object {
id int //The record id.
feedback int //The feedback instance id this records belongs to.
template int //If it belogns to a template, the template id.
name string //The item name.
label string //The item label.
presentation string //The text describing the item or the available possible answers.
typ string //The type of the item.
hasvalue int //Whether it has a value or not.
position int //The position in the list of questions.
required int //Whether is a item (question) required or not.
dependitem int //The item id this item depend on.
dependvalue string //The depend value.
options string //Different additional settings for the item (question).
itemfiles //itemfiles
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)itemnumber int //The item position number
otherdata string //Additional data that may be required by external functions
data list of (
string //The analysis data (can be json encoded)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [completedcount] => int [itemscount] => int [itemsdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => Array ( [id] => int [feedback] => int [template] => int [name] => string [label] => string [presentation] => string [typ] => string [hasvalue] => int [position] => int [required] => int [dependitem] => int [dependvalue] => string [options] => string [itemfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [itemnumber] => int [otherdata] => string ) [data] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="completedcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemsdata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="label"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="presentation"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typ"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasvalue"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="required"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependitem"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependvalue"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otherdata"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="data"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the temporary completion record for the current user.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
feedback object {
id int //The record id.
feedback int //The feedback instance id this records belongs to.
userid int //The user who completed the feedback (0 for anonymous).
guestid string //For guests, this is the session key.
timemodified int //The last time the feedback was completed.
random_response int //The response number (used when shuffling anonymous responses).
anonymous_response int //Whether is an anonymous response.
courseid int //The course id where the feedback was completed.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [feedback] => Array ( [id] => int [feedback] => int [userid] => int [guestid] => string [timemodified] => int [random_response] => int [anonymous_response] => int [courseid] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="feedback"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guestid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="random_response"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="anonymous_response"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of feedbacks in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all feedbacks that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
feedbacks list of (
object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
course int //Course id this feedback is part of.
name string //Feedback name.
intro string //Feedback introduction text.
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
anonymous int //Whether the feedback is anonymous.
email_notification int Optional //Whether email notifications will be sent to teachers.
multiple_submit int //Whether multiple submissions are allowed.
autonumbering int //Whether questions should be auto-numbered.
site_after_submit string Optional //Link to next page after submission.
page_after_submit string Optional //Text to display after submission.
page_after_submitformat int Default to "1" //page_after_submit format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
publish_stats int //Whether stats should be published.
timeopen int Optional //Allow answers from this time.
timeclose int Optional //Allow answers until this time.
timemodified int Optional //The time this record was modified.
completionsubmit int //If this field is set to 1, then the activity will be automatically marked as complete on submission.
coursemodule int //coursemodule
introfiles //introfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)pageaftersubmitfiles Optional //pageaftersubmitfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [feedbacks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [anonymous] => int [email_notification] => int [multiple_submit] => int [autonumbering] => int [site_after_submit] => string [page_after_submit] => string [page_after_submitformat] => int [publish_stats] => int [timeopen] => int [timeclose] => int [timemodified] => int [completionsubmit] => int [coursemodule] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [pageaftersubmitfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="feedbacks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="anonymous"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email_notification"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="multiple_submit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autonumbering"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="site_after_submit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="page_after_submit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="page_after_submitformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="publish_stats"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeopen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionsubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pageaftersubmitfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given feedback.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id.

General structure
int //Feedback instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
canviewanalysis int //Whether the user can view the analysis or not.
cancomplete int //Whether the user can complete the feedback or not.
cansubmit int //Whether the user can submit the feedback or not.
candeletesubmissions int //Whether the user can delete submissions or not.
canviewreports int //Whether the user can view the feedback reports or not.
canedititems int //Whether the user can edit feedback items or not.
isempty int //Whether the feedback has questions or not.
isopen int //Whether the feedback has active access time restrictions or not.
isalreadysubmitted int //Whether the feedback is already submitted or not.
isanonymous int //Whether the feedback is anonymous or not.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [canviewanalysis] => int [cancomplete] => int [cansubmit] => int [candeletesubmissions] => int [canviewreports] => int [canedititems] => int [isempty] => int [isopen] => int [isalreadysubmitted] => int [isanonymous] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="canviewanalysis"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cancomplete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cansubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candeletesubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewreports"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedititems"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isempty"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isopen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isalreadysubmitted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isanonymous"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves responses from the last finished attempt.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id.

General structure
int //Feedback instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
responses list of (
object {
id int //The record id.
course_id int //The course id this record belongs to.
item int //The item id that was responded.
completed int //Reference to the feedback_completed table.
tmp_completed int //Old field - not used anymore.
value string //The response value.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [responses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course_id] => int [item] => int [completed] => int [tmp_completed] => int [value] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="responses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course_id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tmp_completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the items (questions) in the given feedback.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
items list of (
object {
id int //The record id.
feedback int //The feedback instance id this records belongs to.
template int //If it belogns to a template, the template id.
name string //The item name.
label string //The item label.
presentation string //The text describing the item or the available possible answers.
typ string //The type of the item.
hasvalue int //Whether it has a value or not.
position int //The position in the list of questions.
required int //Whether is a item (question) required or not.
dependitem int //The item id this item depend on.
dependvalue string //The depend value.
options string //Different additional settings for the item (question).
itemfiles //itemfiles
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)itemnumber int //The item position number
otherdata string //Additional data that may be required by external functions
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [feedback] => int [template] => int [name] => string [label] => string [presentation] => string [typ] => string [hasvalue] => int [position] => int [required] => int [dependitem] => int [dependvalue] => string [options] => string [itemfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [itemnumber] => int [otherdata] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="label"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="presentation"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typ"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasvalue"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="required"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependitem"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependvalue"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otherdata"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the last completion record for the current user.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
completed object {
id int //The record id.
feedback int //The feedback instance id this records belongs to.
userid int //The user who completed the feedback (0 for anonymous).
timemodified int //The last time the feedback was completed.
random_response int //The response number (used when shuffling anonymous responses).
anonymous_response int //Whether is an anonymous response.
courseid int //The course id where the feedback was completed.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [completed] => Array ( [id] => int [feedback] => int [userid] => int [timemodified] => int [random_response] => int [anonymous_response] => int [courseid] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="completed"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="random_response"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="anonymous_response"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves a list of students who didn't submit the feedback.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
sort (Default to "lastaccess")
        Sort param, must be firstname, lastname or lastaccess (default).

General structure
string Default to "lastaccess" //Sort param, must be firstname, lastname or lastaccess (default).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
users list of (
object {
courseid int //Course id
userid int //The user id
fullname string //User full name
started int //If the user has started the attempt
)total int //Total number of non respondents
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [courseid] => int [userid] => int [fullname] => string [started] => int ) ) [total] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="started"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="total"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a single feedback page items.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
page (Required)
        The page to get starting by 0

General structure
int //The page to get starting by 0
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int

General structure
object {
items list of (
object {
id int //The record id.
feedback int //The feedback instance id this records belongs to.
template int //If it belogns to a template, the template id.
name string //The item name.
label string //The item label.
presentation string //The text describing the item or the available possible answers.
typ string //The type of the item.
hasvalue int //Whether it has a value or not.
position int //The position in the list of questions.
required int //Whether is a item (question) required or not.
dependitem int //The item id this item depend on.
dependvalue string //The depend value.
options string //Different additional settings for the item (question).
itemfiles //itemfiles
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)itemnumber int //The item position number
otherdata string //Additional data that may be required by external functions
)hasprevpage int //Whether is a previous page.
hasnextpage int //Whether there are more pages.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [feedback] => int [template] => int [name] => string [label] => string [presentation] => string [typ] => string [hasvalue] => int [position] => int [required] => int [dependitem] => int [dependvalue] => string [options] => string [itemfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [itemnumber] => int [otherdata] => string ) ) [hasprevpage] => int [hasnextpage] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="label"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="presentation"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typ"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasvalue"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="required"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependitem"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependvalue"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemnumber"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otherdata"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasprevpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasnextpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the feedback user responses analysis.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
attempts list of (
object {
id int //Completed id
courseid int //Course id
userid int //User who responded
timemodified int //Time modified for the response
fullname string //User full name
responses list of (
object {
id int //Response id
name string //Response name
printval string //Response ready for output
rawval string //Response raw value
)totalattempts int //Total responses count.
anonattempts list of (
object {
id int //Completed id
courseid int //Course id
number int //Response number
responses list of (
object {
id int //Response id
name string //Response name
printval string //Response ready for output
rawval string //Response raw value
)totalanonattempts int //Total anonymous responses count.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [userid] => int [timemodified] => int [fullname] => string [responses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [printval] => string [rawval] => string ) ) ) ) [totalattempts] => int [anonattempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [number] => int [responses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [printval] => string [rawval] => string ) ) ) ) [totalanonattempts] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="responses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="printval"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawval"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="anonattempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="number"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="responses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="printval"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawval"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalanonattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves responses from the current unfinished attempt.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id.

General structure
int //Feedback instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
responses list of (
object {
id int //The record id.
course_id int //The course id this record belongs to.
item int //The item id that was responded.
completed int //Reference to the feedback_completedtmp table.
tmp_completed int //Old field - not used anymore.
value string //The response value.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [responses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course_id] => int [item] => int [completed] => int [tmp_completed] => int [value] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="responses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course_id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tmp_completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Starts or continues a feedback submission.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int

General structure
object {
gopage int //The next page to go (-1 if we were already in the last page). 0 for first page.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [gopage] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="gopage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Process a jump between pages.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id.

General structure
int //Feedback instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
page (Required)
        The page being processed.

General structure
int //The page being processed.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
responses (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        The data to be processed.

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //The data to be processed.
list of (
object {
name string //The response name (usually type[index]_id).
value string //The response value.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[responses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
responses[0][name]= string responses[0][value]= string
goprevious (Default to "")
        Whether we want to jump to previous page.

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether we want to jump to previous page.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[goprevious] => int
REST (POST parameters)
goprevious= int

General structure
object {
jumpto int //The page to jump to.
completed int //If the user completed the feedback.
completionpagecontents string //The completion page contents.
siteaftersubmit string //The link (could be relative) to show after submit.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [jumpto] => int [completed] => int [completionpagecontents] => string [siteaftersubmit] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="jumpto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionpagecontents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="siteaftersubmit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

feedbackid (Required)
        Feedback instance id

General structure
int //Feedback instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackid= int
moduleviewed (Default to "")
        If we need to mark the module as viewed for completion

General structure
int Default to "" //If we need to mark the module as viewed for completion
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[moduleviewed] => int
REST (POST parameters)
moduleviewed= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of folders in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all folders that the user can view will be returned. Please note that this WS is not returning the folder contents.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
folders list of (
object {
id int //Module id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Page name
intro string //Summary
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)revision int //Incremented when after each file changes, to avoid cache
timemodified int //Last time the folder was modified
display int //Display type of folder contents on a separate page or inline
showexpanded int //1 = expanded, 0 = collapsed for sub-folders
showdownloadfolder int //Whether to show the download folder button
section int //Course section id
visible int //Module visibility
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [folders] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [revision] => int [timemodified] => int [display] => int [showexpanded] => int [showdownloadfolder] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="folders"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showexpanded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showdownloadfolder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface folder: trigger events, completion, etc...

folderid (Required)
        folder instance id

General structure
int //folder instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[folderid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
folderid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add a new discussion into an existing forum.

forumid (Required)
        Forum instance ID

General structure
int //Forum instance ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[forumid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
forumid= int
subject (Required)
        New Discussion subject

General structure
string //New Discussion subject
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[subject] => string
REST (POST parameters)
subject= string
message (Required)
        New Discussion message (only html format allowed)

General structure
string //New Discussion message (only html format allowed)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[message] => string
REST (POST parameters)
message= string
groupid (Default to "0")
        The group, default to 0

General structure
int Default to "0" //The group, default to 0
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Options
list of (
object {
name string //The allowed keys (value format) are: discussionsubscribe (bool); subscribe to the discussion?, default to true discussionpinned (bool); is the discussion pinned, default to false inlineattachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for inline attachments attachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for attachments
value string //The value of the option, This param is validated in the external function.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
discussionid int //New Discussion ID
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [discussionid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="discussionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create new posts into an existing discussion.

postid (Required)
        the post id we are going to reply to (can be the initial discussion post

General structure
int //the post id we are going to reply to (can be the initial discussion post
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[postid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
postid= int
subject (Required)
        new post subject

General structure
string //new post subject
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[subject] => string
REST (POST parameters)
subject= string
message (Required)
        new post message (only html format allowed)

General structure
string //new post message (only html format allowed)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[message] => string
REST (POST parameters)
message= string
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Options
list of (
object {
name string //The allowed keys (value format) are: discussionsubscribe (bool); subscribe to the discussion?, default to true inlineattachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for inline attachments attachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for attachments
value string //the value of the option, this param is validated in the external function.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
postid int //new post id
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [postid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="postid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Check if the current user can add discussions in the given forum (and optionally for the given group).

forumid (Required)
        Forum instance ID

General structure
int //Forum instance ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[forumid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
forumid= int
groupid (Default to "null")
        The group to check, default to active group. Use -1 to check if the user can post in all the groups.

General structure
int Default to "null" //The group to check, default to active group. Use -1 to check if the user can post in all the groups.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the user can add discussions, false otherwise.
canpindiscussions int Optional //True if the user can pin discussions, false otherwise.
cancreateattachment int Optional //True if the user can add attachments, false otherwise.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [canpindiscussions] => int [cancreateattachment] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpindiscussions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cancreateattachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of forum instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the forum instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of Course IDs

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of Course IDs
list of (
int //course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //Forum id
course int //Course id
type string //The forum type
name string //Forum name
intro string //The forum intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)assessed int //Aggregate type
assesstimestart int //Assess start time
assesstimefinish int //Assess finish time
scale int //Scale
maxbytes int //Maximum attachment size
maxattachments int //Maximum number of attachments
forcesubscribe int //Force users to subscribe
trackingtype int //Subscription mode
rsstype int //RSS feed for this activity
rssarticles int //Number of RSS recent articles
timemodified int //Time modified
warnafter int //Post threshold for warning
blockafter int //Post threshold for blocking
blockperiod int //Time period for blocking
completiondiscussions int //Student must create discussions
completionreplies int //Student must post replies
completionposts int //Student must post discussions or replies
cmid int //Course module id
numdiscussions int Optional //Number of discussions in the forum
cancreatediscussions int Optional //If the user can create discussions
lockdiscussionafter int Optional //After what period a discussion is locked
istracked int Optional //If the user is tracking the forum
unreadpostscount int Optional //The number of unread posts for tracked forums
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [type] => string [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [assessed] => int [assesstimestart] => int [assesstimefinish] => int [scale] => int [maxbytes] => int [maxattachments] => int [forcesubscribe] => int [trackingtype] => int [rsstype] => int [rssarticles] => int [timemodified] => int [warnafter] => int [blockafter] => int [blockperiod] => int [completiondiscussions] => int [completionreplies] => int [completionposts] => int [cmid] => int [numdiscussions] => int [cancreatediscussions] => int [lockdiscussionafter] => int [istracked] => int [unreadpostscount] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxbytes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattachments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forcesubscribe"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="trackingtype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rsstype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rssarticles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnafter"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blockafter"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blockperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completiondiscussions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionreplies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionposts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cmid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numdiscussions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cancreatediscussions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lockdiscussionafter"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="istracked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unreadpostscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of forum discussions optionally sorted and paginated.

forumid (Required)
        forum instance id

General structure
int //forum instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[forumid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
forumid= int
sortby (Default to "timemodified")
        sort by this element: id, timemodified, timestart or timeend

General structure
string Default to "timemodified" //sort by this element: id, timemodified, timestart or timeend
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortby] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortby= string
sortdirection (Default to "DESC")
        sort direction: ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "DESC" //sort direction: ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortdirection] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortdirection= string
page (Default to "-1")
        current page

General structure
int Default to "-1" //current page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        items per page

General structure
int Default to "0" //items per page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
discussions list of (
object {
id int //Post id
name string //Discussion name
groupid int //Group id
timemodified int //Time modified
usermodified int //The id of the user who last modified
timestart int //Time discussion can start
timeend int //Time discussion ends
discussion int //Discussion id
parent int //Parent id
userid int //User who started the discussion id
created int //Creation time
modified int //Time modified
mailed int //Mailed?
subject string //The post subject
message string //The post message
messageformat int //message format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
messagetrust int //Can we trust?
messageinlinefiles Optional //post message inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment string //Has attachments?
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)totalscore int //The post message total score
mailnow int //Mail now?
userfullname string //Post author full name
usermodifiedfullname string //Post modifier full name
userpictureurl string //Post author picture.
usermodifiedpictureurl string //Post modifier picture.
numreplies string //The number of replies in the discussion
numunread int //The number of unread discussions.
pinned int //Is the discussion pinned
locked int //Is the discussion locked
canreply int //Can the user reply to the discussion
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [discussions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [groupid] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [timestart] => int [timeend] => int [discussion] => int [parent] => int [userid] => int [created] => int [modified] => int [mailed] => int [subject] => string [message] => string [messageformat] => int [messagetrust] => int [messageinlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => string [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [totalscore] => int [mailnow] => int [userfullname] => string [usermodifiedfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [usermodifiedpictureurl] => string [numreplies] => string [numunread] => int [pinned] => int [locked] => int [canreply] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="discussions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="discussion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="created"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messagetrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageinlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalscore"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailnow"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodifiedfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodifiedpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numreplies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numunread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pinned"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locked"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreply"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of forum posts for a discussion.

discussionid (Required)
        discussion ID

General structure
int //discussion ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[discussionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
discussionid= int
sortby (Default to "created")
        sort by this element: id, created or modified

General structure
string Default to "created" //sort by this element: id, created or modified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortby] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortby= string
sortdirection (Default to "DESC")
        sort direction: ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "DESC" //sort direction: ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortdirection] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortdirection= string

General structure
object {
posts list of (
object {
id int //Post id
discussion int //Discussion id
parent int //Parent id
userid int //User id
created int //Creation time
modified int //Time modified
mailed int //Mailed?
subject string //The post subject
message string //The post message
messageformat int //message format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
messagetrust int //Can we trust?
messageinlinefiles Optional //post message inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment string //Has attachments?
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)totalscore int //The post message total score
mailnow int //Mail now?
children list of (
int //children post id
)canreply int //The user can reply to posts?
postread int //The post was read
userfullname string //Post author full name
userpictureurl string Optional //Post author picture.
deleted int //This post has been removed.
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [discussion] => int [parent] => int [userid] => int [created] => int [modified] => int [mailed] => int [subject] => string [message] => string [messageformat] => int [messagetrust] => int [messageinlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => string [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [totalscore] => int [mailnow] => int [children] => Array ( [0] => int ) [canreply] => int [postread] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [deleted] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="posts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="discussion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="created"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subject"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messagetrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messageinlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalscore"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mailnow"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="children"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreply"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="postread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

forumid (Required)
        forum instance id

General structure
int //forum instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[forumid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
forumid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the forum discussion viewed event.

discussionid (Required)
        discussion id

General structure
int //discussion id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[discussionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
discussionid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add a new entry to a given glossary

glossaryid (Required)
        Glossary id

General structure
int //Glossary id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[glossaryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
glossaryid= int
concept (Required)
        Glossary concept

General structure
string //Glossary concept
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[concept] => string
REST (POST parameters)
concept= string
definition (Required)
        Glossary concept definition

General structure
string //Glossary concept definition
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[definition] => string
REST (POST parameters)
definition= string
definitionformat (Required)
        definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)

General structure
int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[definitionformat] => int
REST (POST parameters)
definitionformat= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Optional settings

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Optional settings
list of (
object {
name string //The allowed keys (value format) are: inlineattachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for inline attachments attachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for attachments categories (comma separated int); comma separated category ids aliases (comma separated str); comma separated aliases usedynalink (bool); whether the entry should be automatically linked. casesensitive (bool); whether the entry is case sensitive. fullmatch (bool); whether to match whole words only.
value string //the value of the option (validated inside the function)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
options[0][name]= string options[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
entryid int //New glossary entry ID
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [entryid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="entryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the authors.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes self even if all of their entries require approval. When true, also includes authors only having entries pending approval.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records.
authors list of (
object {
id int //The user ID
fullname string //The fullname
pictureurl string //The picture URL
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [authors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [pictureurl] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the categories.

id (Required)
        The glossary ID

General structure
int //The glossary ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records.
categories list of (
object {
id int //The category ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
name string //The name of the category
usedynalink int //Whether the category is automatically linked
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [categories] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [name] => string [usedynalink] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categories"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by author.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
letter (Required)
        First letter of firstname or lastname, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.

General structure
string //First letter of firstname or lastname, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[letter] => string
REST (POST parameters)
letter= string
field (Default to "LASTNAME")
        Search and order using: 'FIRSTNAME' or 'LASTNAME'

General structure
string Default to "LASTNAME" //Search and order using: 'FIRSTNAME' or 'LASTNAME'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[field] => string
REST (POST parameters)
field= string
sort (Default to "ASC")
        The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'

General structure
string Default to "ASC" //The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by author ID.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
authorid (Required)
        The author ID

General structure
int //The author ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[authorid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
authorid= int
order (Default to "CONCEPT")
        Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'

General structure
string Default to "CONCEPT" //Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
sort (Default to "ASC")
        The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'

General structure
string Default to "ASC" //The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by category.

id (Required)
        The glossary ID.

General structure
int //The glossary ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
categoryid (Required)
        The category ID. Use '0' for all categories, or '-1' for uncategorised entries.

General structure
int //The category ID. Use '0' for all categories, or '-1' for uncategorised entries.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[categoryid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
categoryid= int
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
categoryid int Default to "-1" //The category ID. This may be '-1' when the entry is not categorised
categoryname string Default to "" //The category name. May be empty when the entry is not categorised, or the request was limited to one category.
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int [categoryid] => int [categoryname] => string ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="categoryname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by date.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
order (Default to "UPDATE")
        Order the records by: 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'.

General structure
string Default to "UPDATE" //Order the records by: 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
sort (Default to "DESC")
        The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'

General structure
string Default to "DESC" //The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by letter.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
letter (Required)
        A letter, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.

General structure
string //A letter, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[letter] => string
REST (POST parameters)
letter= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by search query.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
query (Required)
        The query string

General structure
string //The query string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string
fullsearch (Default to "1")
        The query

General structure
int Default to "1" //The query
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[fullsearch] => int
REST (POST parameters)
fullsearch= int
order (Default to "CONCEPT")
        Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'

General structure
string Default to "CONCEPT" //Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
sort (Default to "ASC")
        The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'

General structure
string Default to "ASC" //The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries by term (concept or alias).

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
term (Required)
        The entry concept, or alias

General structure
string //The entry concept, or alias
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[term] => string
REST (POST parameters)
term= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
includenotapproved int Default to "0" //When false, includes the non-approved entries created by the user. When true, also includes the ones that the user has the permission to approve.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [includenotapproved] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[includenotapproved]= int

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Browse entries to be approved.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
letter (Required)
        A letter, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.

General structure
string //A letter, or either keywords: 'ALL' or 'SPECIAL'.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[letter] => string
REST (POST parameters)
letter= string
order (Default to "CONCEPT")
        Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'

General structure
string Default to "CONCEPT" //Order by: 'CONCEPT', 'CREATION' or 'UPDATE'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[order] => string
REST (POST parameters)
order= string
sort (Default to "ASC")
        The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'

General structure
string Default to "ASC" //The direction of the order: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sort] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sort= string
from (Default to "0")
        Start returning records from here

General structure
int Default to "0" //Start returning records from here
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[from] => int
REST (POST parameters)
from= int
limit (Default to "20")
        Number of records to return

General structure
int Default to "20" //Number of records to return
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limit= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        An array of options

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //An array of options
object {
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( )
REST (POST parameters)

General structure
object {
count int //The total number of records matching the request.
entries list of (
object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
)ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [count] => int [entries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get an entry by ID

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
entry object {
id int //The entry ID
glossaryid int //The glossary ID
userid int //Author ID
userfullname string //Author full name
userpictureurl string //Author picture
concept string //The concept
definition string //The definition
definitionformat int //definition format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
definitiontrust int //The definition trust flag
definitioninlinefiles Optional //entry definition inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)attachment int //Whether or not the entry has attachments
attachments Optional //attachments
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
teacherentry int //The entry was created by a teacher, or equivalent.
sourceglossaryid int //The source glossary ID
usedynalink int //Whether the concept should be automatically linked
casesensitive int //When true, the matching is case sensitive
fullmatch int //When true, the matching is done on full words only
approved int //Whether the entry was approved
ratinginfo Optional //Rating information
object {
contextid int //Context id.
component string //Context name.
ratingarea string //Rating area name.
canviewall int Optional //Whether the user can view all the individual ratings.
canviewany int Optional //Whether the user can view aggregate of ratings of others.
scales Optional //Different scales used information
list of (
//Scale information
object {
id int //Scale id.
courseid int Optional //Course id.
name string Optional //Scale name (when a real scale is used).
max int //Max value for the scale.
isnumeric int //Whether is a numeric scale.
items Optional //Scale items. Only returned for not numerical scales.
list of (
object {
value int //Scale value/option id.
name string //Scale name.
)ratings Optional //The ratings
list of (
object {
itemid int //Item id.
scaleid int Optional //Scale id.
userid int Optional //User who rated id.
aggregate double Optional //Aggregated ratings grade.
aggregatestr string Optional //Aggregated ratings as string.
aggregatelabel string Optional //The aggregation label.
count int Optional //Ratings count (used when aggregating).
rating int Optional //The rating the user gave.
canrate int Optional //Whether the user can rate the item.
canviewaggregate int Optional //Whether the user can view the aggregated grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [entry] => Array ( [id] => int [glossaryid] => int [userid] => int [userfullname] => string [userpictureurl] => string [concept] => string [definition] => string [definitionformat] => int [definitiontrust] => int [definitioninlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachment] => int [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [teacherentry] => int [sourceglossaryid] => int [usedynalink] => int [casesensitive] => int [fullmatch] => int [approved] => int ) [ratinginfo] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [ratingarea] => string [canviewall] => int [canviewany] => int [scales] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [courseid] => int [name] => string [max] => int [isnumeric] => int [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [name] => string ) ) ) ) [ratings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => int [scaleid] => int [userid] => int [aggregate] => double [aggregatestr] => string [aggregatelabel] => string [count] => int [rating] => int [canrate] => int [canviewaggregate] => int ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="entry"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="glossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userfullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userpictureurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="concept"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definition"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitiontrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="definitioninlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="teacherentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sourceglossaryid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="casesensitive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullmatch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approved"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratinginfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratingarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewany"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scales"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isnumeric"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="items"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ratings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregate"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatestr"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="aggregatelabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rating"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewaggregate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve a list of glossaries from several courses.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course IDs

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course IDs
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
glossaries list of (
object {
id int //Glossary id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Glossary name
intro string //The Glossary intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)allowduplicatedentries int //If enabled, multiple entries can have the same concept name
displayformat string //Display format type
mainglossary int //If enabled this glossary is a main glossary.
showspecial int //If enabled, participants can browse the glossary by special characters, such as @ and #
showalphabet int //If enabled, participants can browse the glossary by letters of the alphabet
showall int //If enabled, participants can browse all entries at once
allowcomments int //If enabled, all participants with permission to create comments will be able to add comments to glossary entries
allowprintview int //If enabled, students are provided with a link to a printer-friendly version of the glossary. The link is always available to teachers
usedynalink int //If site-wide glossary auto-linking has been enabled by an administrator and this checkbox is ticked, the entry will be automatically linked wherever the concept words and phrases appear throughout the rest of the course.
defaultapproval int //If set to no, entries require approving by a teacher before they are viewable by everyone.
approvaldisplayformat string //When approving glossary items you may wish to use a different display format
globalglossary int entbypage int //Entries shown per page
editalways int //Always allow editing
rsstype int //To enable the RSS feed for this activity, select either concepts with author or concepts without author to be included in the feed
rssarticles int //This setting specifies the number of glossary entry concepts to include in the RSS feed. Between 5 and 20 generally acceptable
assessed int //Aggregate type
assesstimestart int //Restrict rating to items created after this
assesstimefinish int //Restrict rating to items created before this
scale int //Scale ID
timecreated int //Time created
timemodified int //Time modified
completionentries int //Number of entries to complete
section int //Section
visible int //Visible
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping ID
browsemodes list of (
string //Modes of browsing allowed
)canaddentry int Optional //Whether the user can add a new entry
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [glossaries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [allowduplicatedentries] => int [displayformat] => string [mainglossary] => int [showspecial] => int [showalphabet] => int [showall] => int [allowcomments] => int [allowprintview] => int [usedynalink] => int [defaultapproval] => int [approvaldisplayformat] => string [globalglossary] => int [entbypage] => int [editalways] => int [rsstype] => int [rssarticles] => int [assessed] => int [assesstimestart] => int [assesstimefinish] => int [scale] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [completionentries] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int [browsemodes] => Array ( [0] => string ) [canaddentry] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="glossaries"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowduplicatedentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayformat"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mainglossary"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showspecial"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showalphabet"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showall"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowcomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowprintview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usedynalink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultapproval"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approvaldisplayformat"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="globalglossary"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="entbypage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editalways"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rsstype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rssarticles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assesstimefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionentries"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="browsemodes"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canaddentry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Notify a glossary entry as being viewed.

id (Required)
        Glossary entry ID

General structure
int //Glossary entry ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
status int //True on success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Notify the glossary as being viewed.

id (Required)
        Glossary instance ID

General structure
int //Glossary instance ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
mode (Required)
        The mode in which the glossary is viewed

General structure
string //The mode in which the glossary is viewed
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[mode] => string
REST (POST parameters)
mode= string

General structure
object {
status int //True on success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of IMSCP instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the IMSCP instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
imscps list of (
//IMS content packages
object {
id int //IMSCP id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Activity name
intro string Optional //The IMSCP intro
introformat int Optional //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)revision int Optional //Revision
keepold int Optional //Number of old IMSCP to keep
structure string Optional //IMSCP structure
timemodified string Optional //Time of last modification
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //If visible
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [imscps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [revision] => int [keepold] => int [structure] => string [timemodified] => string [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="imscps"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="keepold"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="structure"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface imscp: trigger events, completion, etc...

imscpid (Required)
        imscp instance id

General structure
int //imscp instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[imscpid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
imscpid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of labels in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all labels that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
labels list of (
object {
id int //Module id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Label name
intro string //Label contents
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timemodified int //Last time the label was modified
section int //Course section id
visible int //Module visibility
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [labels] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="labels"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Finishes the current attempt.

lessonid (Required)
        Lesson instance id.

General structure
int //Lesson instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
password (Default to "")
        Optional password (the lesson may be protected).

General structure
string Default to "" //Optional password (the lesson may be protected).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
outoftime (Default to "")
        If the user run out of time.

General structure
int Default to "" //If the user run out of time.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[outoftime] => int
REST (POST parameters)
outoftime= int
review (Default to "")
        If we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin).

General structure
int Default to "" //If we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[review] => int
REST (POST parameters)
review= int

General structure
object {
data //The EOL page information data.
list of (
object {
name string //Data name.
value string //Data value.
message string //Data message (translated string).
)messages list of (
//The lesson generated messages
object {
message string //Message.
type string //Message type: usually a CSS identifier like: success, info, warning, error, notifyproblem, notifyerror, notifytiny, notifysuccess
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string [message] => string ) ) [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => string [type] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="data"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a list of all the attempts made by users in a lesson.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group

General structure
int Default to "0" //group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
data Optional //Attempts overview data (empty for no attemps).
object {
lessonscored int //True if the lesson was scored.
numofattempts int //Number of attempts.
avescore double //Average score.
highscore double //High score.
lowscore double //Low score.
avetime int //Average time (spent in taking the lesson).
hightime int //High time.
lowtime int //Low time.
students Optional //Students data, including attempts.
list of (
object {
id int //User id.
fullname string //User full name.
bestgrade double //Best grade.
attempts list of (
object {
try int //Attempt number.
grade double //Attempt grade.
timestart int //Attempt time started.
timeend int //Attempt last time continued.
end int //Attempt time ended.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [data] => Array ( [lessonscored] => int [numofattempts] => int [avescore] => double [highscore] => double [lowscore] => double [avetime] => int [hightime] => int [lowtime] => int [students] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [bestgrade] => double [attempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [try] => int [grade] => double [timestart] => int [timeend] => int [end] => int ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="data"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="lessonscored"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="numofattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="avescore"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="highscore"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lowscore"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="avetime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hightime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lowtime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="students"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="bestgrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="try"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="end"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the list of content pages viewed by a user during a lesson attempt.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
lessonattempt (Required)
        lesson attempt number

General structure
int //lesson attempt number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonattempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonattempt= int
userid (Default to "null")
        the user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "null" //the user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
pages list of (
//The content pages viewed.
object {
id int //The attempt id.
lessonid int //The lesson id.
pageid int //The page id.
userid int //The user who viewed the page.
retry int //The lesson attempt number.
flag int //1 if the next page was calculated randomly.
timeseen int //The time the page was seen.
nextpageid int //The next page chosen id.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [pageid] => int [userid] => int [retry] => int [flag] => int [timeseen] => int [nextpageid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="retry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flag"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeseen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return information of a given lesson.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
password (Default to "")
        lesson password

General structure
string Default to "" //lesson password
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string

General structure
object {
lesson object {
id int //Standard Moodle primary key.
course int //Foreign key reference to the course this lesson is part of.
coursemodule int //Course module id.
name string //Lesson name.
intro string Optional //Lesson introduction text.
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
practice int Optional //Practice lesson?
modattempts int Optional //Allow student review?
usepassword int Optional //Password protected lesson?
password string Optional //Password
dependency int Optional //Dependent on (another lesson id)
conditions string Optional //Conditions to enable the lesson
grade int Optional //The total that the grade is scaled to be out of
custom int Optional //Custom scoring?
ongoing int Optional //Display ongoing score?
usemaxgrade int Optional //How to calculate the final grade
maxanswers int Optional //Maximum answers per page
maxattempts int Optional //Maximum attempts
review int Optional //Provide option to try a question again
nextpagedefault int Optional //Action for a correct answer
feedback int Optional //Display default feedback
minquestions int Optional //Minimum number of questions
maxpages int Optional //Number of pages to show
timelimit int Optional //Time limit
retake int Optional //Re-takes allowed
activitylink int Optional //Id of the next activity to be linked once the lesson is completed
mediafile string Optional //Local file path or full external URL
mediaheight int Optional //Popup for media file height
mediawidth int Optional //Popup for media with
mediaclose int Optional //Display a close button in the popup?
slideshow int Optional //Display lesson as slideshow
width int Optional //Slideshow width
height int Optional //Slideshow height
bgcolor string Optional //Slideshow bgcolor
displayleft int Optional //Display left pages menu?
displayleftif int Optional //Minimum grade to display menu
progressbar int Optional //Display progress bar?
available int Optional //Available from
deadline int Optional //Available until
timemodified int Optional //Last time settings were updated
completionendreached int Optional //Require end reached for completion?
completiontimespent int Optional //Student must do this activity at least for
allowofflineattempts int //Whether to allow the lesson to be attempted offline in the mobile app
introfiles Optional //introfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)mediafiles Optional //mediafiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [lesson] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [coursemodule] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [practice] => int [modattempts] => int [usepassword] => int [password] => string [dependency] => int [conditions] => string [grade] => int [custom] => int [ongoing] => int [usemaxgrade] => int [maxanswers] => int [maxattempts] => int [review] => int [nextpagedefault] => int [feedback] => int [minquestions] => int [maxpages] => int [timelimit] => int [retake] => int [activitylink] => int [mediafile] => string [mediaheight] => int [mediawidth] => int [mediaclose] => int [slideshow] => int [width] => int [height] => int [bgcolor] => string [displayleft] => int [displayleftif] => int [progressbar] => int [available] => int [deadline] => int [timemodified] => int [completionendreached] => int [completiontimespent] => int [allowofflineattempts] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [mediafiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="lesson"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="practice"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usepassword"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="password"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="conditions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="custom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ongoing"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usemaxgrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="review"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpagedefault"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxpages"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timelimit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="retake"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="activitylink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediafile"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediaheight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediawidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediaclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="slideshow"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="width"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="height"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="bgcolor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayleft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayleftif"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="progressbar"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="available"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deadline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionendreached"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completiontimespent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowofflineattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediafiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of lessons in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all lessons that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
lessons list of (
object {
id int //Standard Moodle primary key.
course int //Foreign key reference to the course this lesson is part of.
coursemodule int //Course module id.
name string //Lesson name.
intro string Optional //Lesson introduction text.
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
practice int Optional //Practice lesson?
modattempts int Optional //Allow student review?
usepassword int Optional //Password protected lesson?
password string Optional //Password
dependency int Optional //Dependent on (another lesson id)
conditions string Optional //Conditions to enable the lesson
grade int Optional //The total that the grade is scaled to be out of
custom int Optional //Custom scoring?
ongoing int Optional //Display ongoing score?
usemaxgrade int Optional //How to calculate the final grade
maxanswers int Optional //Maximum answers per page
maxattempts int Optional //Maximum attempts
review int Optional //Provide option to try a question again
nextpagedefault int Optional //Action for a correct answer
feedback int Optional //Display default feedback
minquestions int Optional //Minimum number of questions
maxpages int Optional //Number of pages to show
timelimit int Optional //Time limit
retake int Optional //Re-takes allowed
activitylink int Optional //Id of the next activity to be linked once the lesson is completed
mediafile string Optional //Local file path or full external URL
mediaheight int Optional //Popup for media file height
mediawidth int Optional //Popup for media with
mediaclose int Optional //Display a close button in the popup?
slideshow int Optional //Display lesson as slideshow
width int Optional //Slideshow width
height int Optional //Slideshow height
bgcolor string Optional //Slideshow bgcolor
displayleft int Optional //Display left pages menu?
displayleftif int Optional //Minimum grade to display menu
progressbar int Optional //Display progress bar?
available int Optional //Available from
deadline int Optional //Available until
timemodified int Optional //Last time settings were updated
completionendreached int Optional //Require end reached for completion?
completiontimespent int Optional //Student must do this activity at least for
allowofflineattempts int //Whether to allow the lesson to be attempted offline in the mobile app
introfiles Optional //introfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)mediafiles Optional //mediafiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [lessons] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [coursemodule] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [practice] => int [modattempts] => int [usepassword] => int [password] => string [dependency] => int [conditions] => string [grade] => int [custom] => int [ongoing] => int [usemaxgrade] => int [maxanswers] => int [maxattempts] => int [review] => int [nextpagedefault] => int [feedback] => int [minquestions] => int [maxpages] => int [timelimit] => int [retake] => int [activitylink] => int [mediafile] => string [mediaheight] => int [mediawidth] => int [mediaclose] => int [slideshow] => int [width] => int [height] => int [bgcolor] => string [displayleft] => int [displayleftif] => int [progressbar] => int [available] => int [deadline] => int [timemodified] => int [completionendreached] => int [completiontimespent] => int [allowofflineattempts] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [mediafiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="lessons"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="practice"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usepassword"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="password"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="conditions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="custom"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ongoing"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usemaxgrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="review"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpagedefault"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="minquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxpages"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timelimit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="retake"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="activitylink"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediafile"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediaheight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediawidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediaclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="slideshow"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="width"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="height"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="bgcolor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayleft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayleftif"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="progressbar"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="available"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="deadline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionendreached"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completiontimespent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowofflineattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="mediafiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given lesson.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int

General structure
object {
canmanage int //Whether the user can manage the lesson or not.
cangrade int //Whether the user can grade the lesson or not.
canviewreports int //Whether the user can view the lesson reports or not.
reviewmode int //Whether the lesson is in review mode for the current user.
attemptscount int //The number of attempts done by the user.
lastpageseen int //The last page seen id.
leftduringtimedsession int //Whether the user left during a timed session.
firstpageid int //The lesson first page id.
preventaccessreasons list of (
//The reasons why the user cannot attempt the lesson
object {
reason string //Reason lang string code
data string //Additional data
message string //Complete html message
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [canmanage] => int [cangrade] => int [canviewreports] => int [reviewmode] => int [attemptscount] => int [lastpageseen] => int [leftduringtimedsession] => int [firstpageid] => int [preventaccessreasons] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [reason] => string [data] => string [message] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cangrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewreports"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastpageseen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="leftduringtimedsession"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preventaccessreasons"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="reason"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="data"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the list of pages in a lesson (based on the user permissions).

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
password (Default to "")
        optional password (the lesson may be protected)

General structure
string Default to "" //optional password (the lesson may be protected)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string

General structure
object {
pages list of (
//The lesson pages
object {
page //Page fields
object {
id int //The id of this lesson page
lessonid int //The id of the lesson this page belongs to
prevpageid int //The id of the page before this one
nextpageid int //The id of the next page in the page sequence
qtype int //Identifies the page type of this page
qoption int //Used to record page type specific options
layout int //Used to record page specific layout selections
display int //Used to record page specific display selections
timecreated int //Timestamp for when the page was created
timemodified int //Timestamp for when the page was last modified
title string Optional //The title of this page
contents string Optional //The contents of this page
contentsformat int Optional //contents format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
displayinmenublock int //Toggles display in the left menu block
type int //The type of the page [question | structure]
typeid int //The unique identifier for the page type
typestring string //The string that describes this page type
answerids //List of answers ids (empty for content pages in Moodle 1.9)
list of (
int //Answer id
)jumps //List of possible page jumps
list of (
int //Page to jump id
)filescount int //The total number of files attached to the page
filessizetotal int //The total size of the files
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [page] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [prevpageid] => int [nextpageid] => int [qtype] => int [qoption] => int [layout] => int [display] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [title] => string [contents] => string [contentsformat] => int [displayinmenublock] => int [type] => int [typeid] => int [typestring] => string ) [answerids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [jumps] => Array ( [0] => int ) [filescount] => int [filessizetotal] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="page"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="prevpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qtype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qoption"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentsformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayinmenublock"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typeid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typestring"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="jumps"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="filescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filessizetotal"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return all the possible jumps for the pages in a given lesson.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int

General structure
object {
jumps list of (
//Jump for a page answer
object {
pageid int //The page id
answerid int //The answer id
jumpto int //The jump (page id or type of jump)
calculatedjump int //The real page id (or EOL) to jump
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [jumps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [pageid] => int [answerid] => int [jumpto] => int [calculatedjump] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="jumps"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="jumpto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="calculatedjump"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return information of a given page, including its contents.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
pageid (Required)
        the page id

General structure
int //the page id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
password (Default to "")
        optional password (the lesson may be protected)

General structure
string Default to "" //optional password (the lesson may be protected)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
review (Default to "")
        if we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin)

General structure
int Default to "" //if we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[review] => int
REST (POST parameters)
review= int
returncontents (Default to "")
        if we must return the complete page contents once rendered

General structure
int Default to "" //if we must return the complete page contents once rendered
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[returncontents] => int
REST (POST parameters)
returncontents= int

General structure
object {
page Optional //Page fields
object {
id int //The id of this lesson page
lessonid int //The id of the lesson this page belongs to
prevpageid int //The id of the page before this one
nextpageid int //The id of the next page in the page sequence
qtype int //Identifies the page type of this page
qoption int //Used to record page type specific options
layout int //Used to record page specific layout selections
display int //Used to record page specific display selections
timecreated int //Timestamp for when the page was created
timemodified int //Timestamp for when the page was last modified
title string Optional //The title of this page
contents string Optional //The contents of this page
contentsformat int Optional //contents format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
displayinmenublock int //Toggles display in the left menu block
type int //The type of the page [question | structure]
typeid int //The unique identifier for the page type
typestring string //The string that describes this page type
newpageid int //New page id (if a jump was made)
pagecontent string Optional //Page html content
ongoingscore string //The ongoing score message
progress int //Progress percentage in the lesson
contentfiles //List of files.
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)answers list of (
//The page answers
object {
id int //The ID of this answer in the database
answerfiles //List of files.
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)responsefiles //List of files.
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)jumpto int Optional //Identifies where the user goes upon completing a page with this answer
grade int Optional //The grade this answer is worth
score int Optional //The score this answer will give
flags int Optional //Used to store options for the answer
timecreated int Optional //A timestamp of when the answer was created
timemodified int Optional //A timestamp of when the answer was modified
answer string Optional //Possible answer text
answerformat int Optional //answer format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
response string Optional //Response text for the answer
responseformat int Optional //response format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
)messages list of (
//The lesson generated messages
object {
message string //Message.
type string //Message type: usually a CSS identifier like: success, info, warning, error, notifyproblem, notifyerror, notifytiny, notifysuccess
)displaymenu int //Whether we should display the menu or not in this page.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [page] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [prevpageid] => int [nextpageid] => int [qtype] => int [qoption] => int [layout] => int [display] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [title] => string [contents] => string [contentsformat] => int [displayinmenublock] => int [type] => int [typeid] => int [typestring] => string ) [newpageid] => int [pagecontent] => string [ongoingscore] => string [progress] => int [contentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [answers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [answerfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [responsefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [jumpto] => int [grade] => int [score] => int [flags] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [answer] => string [answerformat] => int [response] => string [responseformat] => int ) ) [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => string [type] => string ) ) [displaymenu] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="page"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="prevpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qtype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qoption"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentsformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayinmenublock"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typeid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typestring"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="newpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ongoingscore"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="progress"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="answers"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="responsefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="jumpto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flags"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="response"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="responseformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaymenu"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the list of questions attempts in a given lesson.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
attempt (Required)
        lesson attempt number

General structure
int //lesson attempt number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attempt= int
correct (Default to "")
        only fetch correct attempts

General structure
int Default to "" //only fetch correct attempts
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[correct] => int
REST (POST parameters)
correct= int
pageid (Default to "null")
        only fetch attempts at the given page

General structure
int Default to "null" //only fetch attempts at the given page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
userid (Default to "null")
        only fetch attempts of the given user

General structure
int Default to "null" //only fetch attempts of the given user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
attempts list of (
//The question page attempts
object {
id int //The attempt id
lessonid int //The attempt lessonid
pageid int //The attempt pageid
userid int //The user who did the attempt
answerid int //The attempt answerid
retry int //The lesson attempt number
correct int //If it was the correct answer
useranswer string //The complete user answer
timeseen int //The time the question was seen
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [pageid] => int [userid] => int [answerid] => int [retry] => int [correct] => int [useranswer] => string [timeseen] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="retry"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="correct"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useranswer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeseen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return information about the given user attempt (including answers).

lessonid (Required)
        Lesson instance id.

General structure
int //Lesson instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id. 0 for current user.

General structure
int //The user id. 0 for current user.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
lessonattempt (Required)
        The attempt number.

General structure
int //The attempt number.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonattempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonattempt= int

General structure
object {
answerpages list of (
object {
page Optional //Page fields
object {
id int //The id of this lesson page
lessonid int //The id of the lesson this page belongs to
prevpageid int //The id of the page before this one
nextpageid int //The id of the next page in the page sequence
qtype int //Identifies the page type of this page
qoption int //Used to record page type specific options
layout int //Used to record page specific layout selections
display int //Used to record page specific display selections
timecreated int //Timestamp for when the page was created
timemodified int //Timestamp for when the page was last modified
title string Optional //The title of this page
contents string Optional //The contents of this page
contentsformat int Optional //contents format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
displayinmenublock int //Toggles display in the left menu block
type int //The type of the page [question | structure]
typeid int //The unique identifier for the page type
typestring string //The string that describes this page type
title string //Page title.
contents string //Page contents.
qtype string //Identifies the page type of this page.
grayout int //If is required to apply a grayout.
answerdata Optional //Answer data (empty in content pages created in Moodle 1.x).
object {
score string //The score (text version).
response string //The response text.
responseformat int //response. format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
answers Optional //User answers
list of (
list of (
string //Possible answers and info.
)userstats object {
grade double //Attempt final grade.
completed int //Time completed.
timetotake int //Time taken.
gradeinfo Optional //Attempt grade
object {
nquestions int //Number of questions answered
attempts int //Number of question attempts
total double //Max points possible
earned double //Points earned by student
grade double //Calculated percentage grade
nmanual int //Number of manually graded questions
manualpoints double //Point value for manually graded questions
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [answerpages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [page] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [prevpageid] => int [nextpageid] => int [qtype] => int [qoption] => int [layout] => int [display] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [title] => string [contents] => string [contentsformat] => int [displayinmenublock] => int [type] => int [typeid] => int [typestring] => string ) [title] => string [contents] => string [qtype] => string [grayout] => int [answerdata] => Array ( [score] => string [response] => string [responseformat] => int [answers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) ) ) ) [userstats] => Array ( [grade] => double [completed] => int [timetotake] => int [gradeinfo] => Array ( [nquestions] => int [attempts] => int [total] => double [earned] => double [grade] => double [nmanual] => int [manualpoints] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="answerpages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="page"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="prevpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qtype"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qoption"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentsformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayinmenublock"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typeid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typestring"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contents"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="qtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grayout"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answerdata"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="score"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="response"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="responseformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="answers"> <MULTIPLE> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="userstats"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timetotake"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeinfo"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="nquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="total"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="earned"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nmanual"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="manualpoints"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return grade information in the attempt for a given user.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
lessonattempt (Required)
        lesson attempt number

General structure
int //lesson attempt number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonattempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonattempt= int
userid (Default to "null")
        the user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "null" //the user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
grade //Attempt grade
object {
nquestions int //Number of questions answered
attempts int //Number of question attempts
total double //Max points possible
earned double //Points earned by student
grade double //Calculated percentage grade
nmanual int //Number of manually graded questions
manualpoints double //Point value for manually graded questions
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [grade] => Array ( [nquestions] => int [attempts] => int [total] => double [earned] => double [grade] => double [nmanual] => int [manualpoints] => double ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grade"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="nquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="total"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="earned"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nmanual"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="manualpoints"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the final grade in the lesson for the given user.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
userid (Default to "null")
        the user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "null" //the user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
grade double //The lesson final raw grade
formattedgrade string //The lesson final grade formatted
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [grade] => double [formattedgrade] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedgrade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the timers in the current lesson for the given user.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
userid (Default to "null")
        the user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "null" //the user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
timers list of (
//The timers
object {
id int //The attempt id
lessonid int //The lesson id
userid int //The user id
starttime int //First access time for a new timer session
lessontime int //Last access time to the lesson during the timer session
completed int //If the lesson for this timer was completed
timemodifiedoffline int //Last modified time via webservices.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [timers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [lessonid] => int [userid] => int [starttime] => int [lessontime] => int [completed] => int [timemodifiedoffline] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="timers"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessonid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="starttime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lessontime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedoffline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Starts a new attempt or continues an existing one.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
password (Default to "")
        optional password (the lesson may be protected)

General structure
string Default to "" //optional password (the lesson may be protected)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
pageid (Default to "0")
        page id to continue from (only when continuing an attempt)

General structure
int Default to "0" //page id to continue from (only when continuing an attempt)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
review (Default to "")
        if we want to review just after finishing

General structure
int Default to "" //if we want to review just after finishing
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[review] => int
REST (POST parameters)
review= int

General structure
object {
messages list of (
//The lesson generated messages
object {
message string //Message.
type string //Message type: usually a CSS identifier like: success, info, warning, error, notifyproblem, notifyerror, notifytiny, notifysuccess
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => string [type] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Processes page responses.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
pageid (Required)
        the page id

General structure
int //the page id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
data (Required)
        the data to be saved

General structure
//the data to be saved
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][name]= string data[0][value]= string
password (Default to "")
        optional password (the lesson may be protected)

General structure
string Default to "" //optional password (the lesson may be protected)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string
review (Default to "")
        if we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin)

General structure
int Default to "" //if we want to review just after finishing (1 hour margin)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[review] => int
REST (POST parameters)
review= int

General structure
object {
newpageid int //New page id (if a jump was made).
inmediatejump int //Whether the page processing redirect directly to anoter page.
nodefaultresponse int //Whether there is not a default response.
feedback string //The response feedback.
attemptsremaining int //Number of attempts remaining.
correctanswer int //Whether the answer is correct.
noanswer int //Whether there aren't answers.
isessayquestion int //Whether is a essay question.
maxattemptsreached int //Whether we reachered the max number of attempts.
response string //The response.
studentanswer string //The student answer.
userresponse string //The user response.
reviewmode int //Whether the user is reviewing.
ongoingscore string //The ongoing message.
progress int //Progress percentage in the lesson.
displaymenu int //Whether we should display the menu or not in this page.
messages list of (
//The lesson generated messages
object {
message string //Message.
type string //Message type: usually a CSS identifier like: success, info, warning, error, notifyproblem, notifyerror, notifytiny, notifysuccess
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [newpageid] => int [inmediatejump] => int [nodefaultresponse] => int [feedback] => string [attemptsremaining] => int [correctanswer] => int [noanswer] => int [isessayquestion] => int [maxattemptsreached] => int [response] => string [studentanswer] => string [userresponse] => string [reviewmode] => int [ongoingscore] => string [progress] => int [displaymenu] => int [messages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => string [type] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="newpageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="inmediatejump"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nodefaultresponse"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedback"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptsremaining"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="correctanswer"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="noanswer"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isessayquestion"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattemptsreached"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="response"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="studentanswer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userresponse"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ongoingscore"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="progress"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaymenu"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

lessonid (Required)
        lesson instance id

General structure
int //lesson instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lessonid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lessonid= int
password (Default to "")
        lesson password

General structure
string Default to "" //lesson password
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[password] => string
REST (POST parameters)
password= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create a tool proxy

name (Default to "")
        Tool proxy name

General structure
string Default to "" //Tool proxy name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string
regurl (Required)
        Tool proxy registration URL

General structure
string //Tool proxy registration URL
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[regurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
regurl= string
capabilityoffered (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of capabilities

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of capabilities
list of (
string //Tool proxy capabilities offered
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[capabilityoffered] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
capabilityoffered[0]= string
serviceoffered (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of services

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of services
list of (
string //Tool proxy services offered
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[serviceoffered] => Array ( [0] => string )
REST (POST parameters)
serviceoffered[0]= string

General structure
object {
id int //Tool proxy id
name string //Tool proxy name
regurl string //Tool proxy registration URL
state int //Tool proxy state
guid string //Tool proxy globally unique identifier
secret string //Tool proxy shared secret
vendorcode string //Tool proxy consumer code
capabilityoffered string //Tool proxy capabilities offered
serviceoffered string //Tool proxy services offered
toolproxy string //Tool proxy
timecreated int //Tool proxy time created
timemodified int //Tool proxy modified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [regurl] => string [state] => int [guid] => string [secret] => string [vendorcode] => string [capabilityoffered] => string [serviceoffered] => string [toolproxy] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="regurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="secret"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="vendorcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilityoffered"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="serviceoffered"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="toolproxy"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create a tool type

cartridgeurl (Default to "")
        URL to cardridge to load tool information

General structure
string Default to "" //URL to cardridge to load tool information
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[cartridgeurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
cartridgeurl= string
key (Default to "")
        Consumer key

General structure
string Default to "" //Consumer key
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[key] => string
REST (POST parameters)
key= string
secret (Default to "")
        Shared secret

General structure
string Default to "" //Shared secret
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[secret] => string
REST (POST parameters)
secret= string


General structure
object {
id int //Tool type id
name string //Tool type name
description string //Tool type description
urls object {
icon string //Tool type icon URL
edit string //Tool type edit URL
course string Optional //Tool type edit URL
state object {
text string //Tool type state name string
pending int //Is the state pending
configured int //Is the state configured
rejected int //Is the state rejected
unknown int //Is the state unknown
hascapabilitygroups int //Indicate if capabilitygroups is populated
capabilitygroups Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of capability groups
list of (
string //Tool type capability groups enabled
)courseid int Default to "0" //Tool type course
instanceids Default to "Array ( ) " //IDs for the LTI instances using this type
list of (
int //LTI instance ID
)instancecount int //The number of times this tool is being used
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [urls] => Array ( [icon] => string [edit] => string [course] => string ) [state] => Array ( [text] => string [pending] => int [configured] => int [rejected] => int [unknown] => int ) [hascapabilitygroups] => int [capabilitygroups] => Array ( [0] => string ) [courseid] => int [instanceids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [instancecount] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urls"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="edit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pending"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rejected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unknown"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascapabilitygroups"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilitygroups"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instanceids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instancecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a tool proxy

id (Required)
        Tool proxy id

General structure
int //Tool proxy id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
id int //Tool proxy id
name string //Tool proxy name
regurl string //Tool proxy registration URL
state int //Tool proxy state
guid string //Tool proxy globally unique identifier
secret string //Tool proxy shared secret
vendorcode string //Tool proxy consumer code
capabilityoffered string //Tool proxy capabilities offered
serviceoffered string //Tool proxy services offered
toolproxy string //Tool proxy
timecreated int //Tool proxy time created
timemodified int //Tool proxy modified
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [regurl] => string [state] => int [guid] => string [secret] => string [vendorcode] => string [capabilityoffered] => string [serviceoffered] => string [toolproxy] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="regurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="secret"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="vendorcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilityoffered"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="serviceoffered"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="toolproxy"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Delete a tool type

id (Required)
        Tool type id

General structure
int //Tool type id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
id int //Tool type id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of external tool instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the external tool instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
ltis list of (
object {
id int //External tool id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //LTI name
intro string Optional //The LTI intro
introformat int Optional //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int Optional //Time of creation
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification
typeid int Optional //Type id
toolurl string Optional //Tool url
securetoolurl string Optional //Secure tool url
instructorchoicesendname string Optional //Instructor choice send name
instructorchoicesendemailaddr int Optional //instructor choice send mail address
instructorchoiceallowroster int Optional //Instructor choice allow roster
instructorchoiceallowsetting int Optional //Instructor choice allow setting
instructorcustomparameters string Optional //instructor custom parameters
instructorchoiceacceptgrades int Optional //instructor choice accept grades
grade int Optional //Enable grades
launchcontainer int Optional //Launch container mode
resourcekey string Optional //Resource key
password string Optional //Shared secret
debuglaunch int Optional //Debug launch
showtitlelaunch int Optional //Show title launch
showdescriptionlaunch int Optional //Show description launch
servicesalt string Optional //Service salt
icon string Optional //Alternative icon URL
secureicon string Optional //Secure icon URL
section int Optional //course section id
visible int Optional //visible
groupmode int Optional //group mode
groupingid int Optional //group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [ltis] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [typeid] => int [toolurl] => string [securetoolurl] => string [instructorchoicesendname] => string [instructorchoicesendemailaddr] => int [instructorchoiceallowroster] => int [instructorchoiceallowsetting] => int [instructorcustomparameters] => string [instructorchoiceacceptgrades] => int [grade] => int [launchcontainer] => int [resourcekey] => string [password] => string [debuglaunch] => int [showtitlelaunch] => int [showdescriptionlaunch] => int [servicesalt] => string [icon] => string [secureicon] => string [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ltis"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typeid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="toolurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="securetoolurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorchoicesendname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorchoicesendemailaddr"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorchoiceallowroster"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorchoiceallowsetting"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorcustomparameters"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructorchoiceacceptgrades"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="launchcontainer"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="resourcekey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="password"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="debuglaunch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showtitlelaunch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showdescriptionlaunch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="servicesalt"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="secureicon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the launch data for a given external tool.

toolid (Required)
        external tool instance id

General structure
int //external tool instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[toolid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
toolid= int

General structure
object {
endpoint string //Endpoint URL
parameters list of (
object {
name string //Parameter name
value string //Parameter value
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [endpoint] => string [parameters] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="endpoint"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parameters"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a list of the tool proxies

orphanedonly (Default to "0")
        Orphaned tool types only

General structure
int Default to "0" //Orphaned tool types only
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[orphanedonly] => int
REST (POST parameters)
orphanedonly= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //Tool type id
name string //Tool type name
description string //Tool type description
urls object {
icon string //Tool type icon URL
edit string //Tool type edit URL
course string Optional //Tool type edit URL
state object {
text string //Tool type state name string
pending int //Is the state pending
configured int //Is the state configured
rejected int //Is the state rejected
unknown int //Is the state unknown
hascapabilitygroups int //Indicate if capabilitygroups is populated
capabilitygroups Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of capability groups
list of (
string //Tool type capability groups enabled
)courseid int Default to "0" //Tool type course
instanceids Default to "Array ( ) " //IDs for the LTI instances using this type
list of (
int //LTI instance ID
)instancecount int //The number of times this tool is being used
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [urls] => Array ( [icon] => string [edit] => string [course] => string ) [state] => Array ( [text] => string [pending] => int [configured] => int [rejected] => int [unknown] => int ) [hascapabilitygroups] => int [capabilitygroups] => Array ( [0] => string ) [courseid] => int [instanceids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [instancecount] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urls"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="edit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pending"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rejected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unknown"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascapabilitygroups"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilitygroups"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instanceids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instancecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a registration request for a tool proxy

id (Required)
        Tool proxy id

General structure
int //Tool proxy id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
lti_message_type string //LTI message type
lti_version string //LTI version
reg_key string //Tool proxy registration key
reg_password string //Tool proxy registration password
reg_url string //Tool proxy registration url
tc_profile_url string //Tool consumers profile URL
launch_presentation_return_url string //URL to redirect on registration completion
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [lti_message_type] => string [lti_version] => string [reg_key] => string [reg_password] => string [reg_url] => string [tc_profile_url] => string [launch_presentation_return_url] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="lti_message_type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lti_version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reg_key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reg_password"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reg_url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tc_profile_url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="launch_presentation_return_url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get a list of the tool types

toolproxyid (Default to "0")
        Tool proxy id

General structure
int Default to "0" //Tool proxy id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[toolproxyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
toolproxyid= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //Tool type id
name string //Tool type name
description string //Tool type description
urls object {
icon string //Tool type icon URL
edit string //Tool type edit URL
course string Optional //Tool type edit URL
state object {
text string //Tool type state name string
pending int //Is the state pending
configured int //Is the state configured
rejected int //Is the state rejected
unknown int //Is the state unknown
hascapabilitygroups int //Indicate if capabilitygroups is populated
capabilitygroups Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of capability groups
list of (
string //Tool type capability groups enabled
)courseid int Default to "0" //Tool type course
instanceids Default to "Array ( ) " //IDs for the LTI instances using this type
list of (
int //LTI instance ID
)instancecount int //The number of times this tool is being used
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [urls] => Array ( [icon] => string [edit] => string [course] => string ) [state] => Array ( [text] => string [pending] => int [configured] => int [rejected] => int [unknown] => int ) [hascapabilitygroups] => int [capabilitygroups] => Array ( [0] => string ) [courseid] => int [instanceids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [instancecount] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urls"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="edit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pending"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rejected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unknown"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascapabilitygroups"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilitygroups"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instanceids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instancecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Determine if the given url is for a cartridge

url (Required)
        Tool url

General structure
string //Tool url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[url] => string
REST (POST parameters)
url= string

General structure
object {
iscartridge int //True if the URL is a cartridge
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [iscartridge] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="iscartridge"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update a tool type

id (Required)
        Tool type id

General structure
int //Tool type id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int
name (Default to "null")
        Tool type name

General structure
string Default to "null" //Tool type name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[name] => string
REST (POST parameters)
name= string
description (Default to "null")
        Tool type description

General structure
string Default to "null" //Tool type description
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[description] => string
REST (POST parameters)
description= string
state (Default to "null")
        Tool type state

General structure
int Default to "null" //Tool type state
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[state] => int
REST (POST parameters)
state= int


General structure
object {
id int //Tool type id
name string //Tool type name
description string //Tool type description
urls object {
icon string //Tool type icon URL
edit string //Tool type edit URL
course string Optional //Tool type edit URL
state object {
text string //Tool type state name string
pending int //Is the state pending
configured int //Is the state configured
rejected int //Is the state rejected
unknown int //Is the state unknown
hascapabilitygroups int //Indicate if capabilitygroups is populated
capabilitygroups Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of capability groups
list of (
string //Tool type capability groups enabled
)courseid int Default to "0" //Tool type course
instanceids Default to "Array ( ) " //IDs for the LTI instances using this type
list of (
int //LTI instance ID
)instancecount int //The number of times this tool is being used
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [description] => string [urls] => Array ( [icon] => string [edit] => string [course] => string ) [state] => Array ( [text] => string [pending] => int [configured] => int [rejected] => int [unknown] => int ) [hascapabilitygroups] => int [capabilitygroups] => Array ( [0] => string ) [courseid] => int [instanceids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [instancecount] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urls"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="edit"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pending"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="configured"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rejected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unknown"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascapabilitygroups"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="capabilitygroups"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instanceids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instancecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

ltiid (Required)
        lti instance id

General structure
int //lti instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ltiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
ltiid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of pages in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all pages that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
pages list of (
object {
id int //Module id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Page name
intro string //Summary
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)content string //Page content
contentformat int Default to "1" //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
contentfiles //Files in the content
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)legacyfiles int //Legacy files flag
legacyfileslast int //Legacy files last control flag
display int //How to display the page
displayoptions string //Display options (width, height)
revision int //Incremented when after each file changes, to avoid cache
timemodified int //Last time the page was modified
section int //Course section id
visible int //Module visibility
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [content] => string [contentformat] => int [contentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [legacyfiles] => int [legacyfileslast] => int [display] => int [displayoptions] => string [revision] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="legacyfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="legacyfileslast"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayoptions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface page: trigger events, completion, etc...

pageid (Required)
        page instance id

General structure
int //page instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given attempt in a quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
attemptid (Default to "0")
        attempt id, 0 for the user last attempt if exists

General structure
int Default to "0" //attempt id, 0 for the user last attempt if exists
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int

General structure
object {
endtime int Optional //When the attempt must be submitted (determined by rules).
isfinished int //Whether there is no way the user will ever be allowed to attempt.
ispreflightcheckrequired int Optional //whether a check is required before the user starts/continues his attempt.
preventnewattemptreasons //list of reasons
list of (
string //access restriction description
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [endtime] => int [isfinished] => int [ispreflightcheckrequired] => int [preventnewattemptreasons] => Array ( [0] => string ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="endtime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isfinished"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ispreflightcheckrequired"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preventnewattemptreasons"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns information for the given attempt page for a quiz attempt in progress.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
page (Required)
        page number

General structure
int //page number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
attempt object {
id int Optional //Attempt id.
quiz int Optional //Foreign key reference to the quiz that was attempted.
userid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the user whose attempt this is.
attempt int Optional //Sequentially numbers this students attempts at this quiz.
uniqueid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the question_usage that holds the details of the the question_attempts that make up this quiz attempt.
layout string Optional //Attempt layout.
currentpage int Optional //Attempt current page.
preview int Optional //Whether is a preview attempt or not.
state string Optional //The current state of the attempts. 'inprogress', 'overdue', 'finished' or 'abandoned'.
timestart int Optional //Time when the attempt was started.
timefinish int Optional //Time when the attempt was submitted. 0 if the attempt has not been submitted yet.
timemodified int Optional //Last modified time.
timemodifiedoffline int Optional //Last modified time via webservices.
timecheckstate int Optional //Next time quiz cron should check attempt for state changes. NULL means never check.
sumgrades double Optional //Total marks for this attempt.
messages //access messages, will only be returned for users with mod/quiz:preview capability, for other users this method will throw an exception if there are messages
list of (
string //access message
)nextpage int //next page number
questions list of (
//The question data. Some fields may not be returned depending on the quiz display settings.
object {
slot int //slot number
type string //question type, i.e: multichoice
page int //page of the quiz this question appears on
html string //the question rendered
sequencecheck int Optional //the number of real steps in this attempt
lastactiontime int Optional //the timestamp of the most recent step in this question attempt
hasautosavedstep int Optional //whether this question attempt has autosaved data
flagged int //whether the question is flagged or not
number int Optional //question ordering number in the quiz
state string Optional //the state where the question is in. It will not be returned if the user cannot see it due to the quiz display correctness settings.
status string Optional //current formatted state of the question
blockedbyprevious int Optional //whether the question is blocked by the previous question
mark string Optional //the mark awarded. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
maxmark double Optional //the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attempt] => Array ( [id] => int [quiz] => int [userid] => int [attempt] => int [uniqueid] => int [layout] => string [currentpage] => int [preview] => int [state] => string [timestart] => int [timefinish] => int [timemodified] => int [timemodifiedoffline] => int [timecheckstate] => int [sumgrades] => double ) [messages] => Array ( [0] => string ) [nextpage] => int [questions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [slot] => int [type] => string [page] => int [html] => string [sequencecheck] => int [lastactiontime] => int [hasautosavedstep] => int [flagged] => int [number] => int [state] => string [status] => string [blockedbyprevious] => int [mark] => string [maxmark] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempt"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="quiz"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uniqueid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="currentpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedoffline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecheckstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sumgrades"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="messages"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="nextpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="questions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="slot"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="page"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="html"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sequencecheck"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastactiontime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasautosavedstep"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flagged"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="number"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blockedbyprevious"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mark"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxmark"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns review information for the given finished attempt, can be used by users or teachers.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
page (Default to "-1")
        page number, empty for all the questions in all the pages

General structure
int Default to "-1" //page number, empty for all the questions in all the pages
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int

General structure
object {
grade string //grade for the quiz (or empty or "notyetgraded")
attempt object {
id int Optional //Attempt id.
quiz int Optional //Foreign key reference to the quiz that was attempted.
userid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the user whose attempt this is.
attempt int Optional //Sequentially numbers this students attempts at this quiz.
uniqueid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the question_usage that holds the details of the the question_attempts that make up this quiz attempt.
layout string Optional //Attempt layout.
currentpage int Optional //Attempt current page.
preview int Optional //Whether is a preview attempt or not.
state string Optional //The current state of the attempts. 'inprogress', 'overdue', 'finished' or 'abandoned'.
timestart int Optional //Time when the attempt was started.
timefinish int Optional //Time when the attempt was submitted. 0 if the attempt has not been submitted yet.
timemodified int Optional //Last modified time.
timemodifiedoffline int Optional //Last modified time via webservices.
timecheckstate int Optional //Next time quiz cron should check attempt for state changes. NULL means never check.
sumgrades double Optional //Total marks for this attempt.
additionaldata list of (
object {
id string //id of the data
title string //data title
content string //data content
)questions list of (
//The question data. Some fields may not be returned depending on the quiz display settings.
object {
slot int //slot number
type string //question type, i.e: multichoice
page int //page of the quiz this question appears on
html string //the question rendered
sequencecheck int Optional //the number of real steps in this attempt
lastactiontime int Optional //the timestamp of the most recent step in this question attempt
hasautosavedstep int Optional //whether this question attempt has autosaved data
flagged int //whether the question is flagged or not
number int Optional //question ordering number in the quiz
state string Optional //the state where the question is in. It will not be returned if the user cannot see it due to the quiz display correctness settings.
status string Optional //current formatted state of the question
blockedbyprevious int Optional //whether the question is blocked by the previous question
mark string Optional //the mark awarded. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
maxmark double Optional //the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [grade] => string [attempt] => Array ( [id] => int [quiz] => int [userid] => int [attempt] => int [uniqueid] => int [layout] => string [currentpage] => int [preview] => int [state] => string [timestart] => int [timefinish] => int [timemodified] => int [timemodifiedoffline] => int [timecheckstate] => int [sumgrades] => double ) [additionaldata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => string [title] => string [content] => string ) ) [questions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [slot] => int [type] => string [page] => int [html] => string [sequencecheck] => int [lastactiontime] => int [hasautosavedstep] => int [flagged] => int [number] => int [state] => string [status] => string [blockedbyprevious] => int [mark] => string [maxmark] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempt"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="quiz"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uniqueid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="currentpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedoffline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecheckstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sumgrades"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="additionaldata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="questions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="slot"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="page"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="html"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sequencecheck"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastactiontime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasautosavedstep"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flagged"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="number"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blockedbyprevious"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mark"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxmark"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a summary of a quiz attempt before it is submitted.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
questions list of (
//The question data. Some fields may not be returned depending on the quiz display settings.
object {
slot int //slot number
type string //question type, i.e: multichoice
page int //page of the quiz this question appears on
html string //the question rendered
sequencecheck int Optional //the number of real steps in this attempt
lastactiontime int Optional //the timestamp of the most recent step in this question attempt
hasautosavedstep int Optional //whether this question attempt has autosaved data
flagged int //whether the question is flagged or not
number int Optional //question ordering number in the quiz
state string Optional //the state where the question is in. It will not be returned if the user cannot see it due to the quiz display correctness settings.
status string Optional //current formatted state of the question
blockedbyprevious int Optional //whether the question is blocked by the previous question
mark string Optional //the mark awarded. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
maxmark double Optional //the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [questions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [slot] => int [type] => string [page] => int [html] => string [sequencecheck] => int [lastactiontime] => int [hasautosavedstep] => int [flagged] => int [number] => int [state] => string [status] => string [blockedbyprevious] => int [mark] => string [maxmark] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="questions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="slot"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="page"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="html"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sequencecheck"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastactiontime"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasautosavedstep"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="flagged"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="number"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="blockedbyprevious"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mark"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxmark"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Combines the review options from a number of different quiz attempts.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id (empty for current user)

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id (empty for current user)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
someoptions list of (
object {
name string //option name
value int //option value
)alloptions list of (
object {
name string //option name
value int //option value
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [someoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => int ) ) [alloptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="someoptions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="alloptions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of quizzes in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all quizzes that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
quizzes list of (
object {
id int //Standard Moodle primary key.
course int //Foreign key reference to the course this quiz is part of.
coursemodule int //Course module id.
name string //Quiz name.
intro string Optional //Quiz introduction text.
introformat int Optional //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timeopen int Optional //The time when this quiz opens. (0 = no restriction.)
timeclose int Optional //The time when this quiz closes. (0 = no restriction.)
timelimit int Optional //The time limit for quiz attempts, in seconds.
overduehandling string Optional //The method used to handle overdue attempts. 'autosubmit', 'graceperiod' or 'autoabandon'.
graceperiod int Optional //The amount of time (in seconds) after the time limit runs out during which attempts can still be submitted, if overduehandling is set to allow it.
preferredbehaviour string Optional //The behaviour to ask questions to use.
canredoquestions int Optional //Allows students to redo any completed question within a quiz attempt.
attempts int Optional //The maximum number of attempts a student is allowed.
attemptonlast int Optional //Whether subsequent attempts start from the answer to the previous attempt (1) or start blank (0).
decimalpoints int Optional //Number of decimal points to use when displaying grades.
questiondecimalpoints int Optional //Number of decimal points to use when displaying question grades. (-1 means use decimalpoints.)
reviewattempt int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. This is a bit field, decoded by the mod_quiz_display_options class. It is formed by ORing together the constants defined there.
reviewcorrectness int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
reviewmarks int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
reviewspecificfeedback int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
reviewgeneralfeedback int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
reviewrightanswer int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
reviewoverallfeedback int Optional //Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.
questionsperpage int Optional //How often to insert a page break when editing the quiz, or when shuffling the question order.
navmethod string Optional //Any constraints on how the user is allowed to navigate around the quiz. Currently recognised values are 'free' and 'seq'.
shuffleanswers int Optional //Whether the parts of the question should be shuffled, in those question types that support it.
sumgrades double Optional //The total of all the question instance maxmarks.
grade double Optional //The total that the quiz overall grade is scaled to be out of.
timecreated int Optional //The time when the quiz was added to the course.
timemodified int Optional //Last modified time.
password string Optional //A password that the student must enter before starting or continuing a quiz attempt.
subnet string Optional //Used to restrict the IP addresses from which this quiz can be attempted. The format is as requried by the address_in_subnet function.
browsersecurity string Optional //Restriciton on the browser the student must use. E.g. 'securewindow'.
delay1 int Optional //Delay that must be left between the first and second attempt, in seconds.
delay2 int Optional //Delay that must be left between the second and subsequent attempt, in seconds.
showuserpicture int Optional //Option to show the user's picture during the attempt and on the review page.
showblocks int Optional //Whether blocks should be shown on the attempt.php and review.php pages.
completionattemptsexhausted int Optional //Mark quiz complete when the student has exhausted the maximum number of attempts
completionpass int Optional //Whether to require passing grade
allowofflineattempts int Optional //Whether to allow the quiz to be attempted offline in the mobile app
autosaveperiod int Optional //Auto-save delay
hasfeedback int Optional //Whether the quiz has any non-blank feedback text
hasquestions int Optional //Whether the quiz has questions
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //Module visibility
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [quizzes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [coursemodule] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timeopen] => int [timeclose] => int [timelimit] => int [overduehandling] => string [graceperiod] => int [preferredbehaviour] => string [canredoquestions] => int [attempts] => int [attemptonlast] => int [grademethod] => int [decimalpoints] => int [questiondecimalpoints] => int [reviewattempt] => int [reviewcorrectness] => int [reviewmarks] => int [reviewspecificfeedback] => int [reviewgeneralfeedback] => int [reviewrightanswer] => int [reviewoverallfeedback] => int [questionsperpage] => int [navmethod] => string [shuffleanswers] => int [sumgrades] => double [grade] => double [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [password] => string [subnet] => string [browsersecurity] => string [delay1] => int [delay2] => int [showuserpicture] => int [showblocks] => int [completionattemptsexhausted] => int [completionpass] => int [allowofflineattempts] => int [autosaveperiod] => int [hasfeedback] => int [hasquestions] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="quizzes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeopen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timelimit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overduehandling"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="graceperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preferredbehaviour"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canredoquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attemptonlast"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademethod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="decimalpoints"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="questiondecimalpoints"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewattempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewcorrectness"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewmarks"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewspecificfeedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewgeneralfeedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewrightanswer"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewoverallfeedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="questionsperpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navmethod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shuffleanswers"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sumgrades"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="password"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subnet"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="browsersecurity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="delay1"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="delay2"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showuserpicture"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="showblocks"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionattemptsexhausted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionpass"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="allowofflineattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autosaveperiod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasfeedback"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasquestions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int

General structure
object {
canattempt int //Whether the user can do the quiz or not.
canmanage int //Whether the user can edit the quiz settings or not.
canpreview int //Whether the user can preview the quiz or not.
canreviewmyattempts int //Whether the users can review their previous attempts or not.
canviewreports int //Whether the user can view the quiz reports or not.
accessrules //list of rules
list of (
string //rule description
)activerulenames //list of active rules
list of (
string //rule plugin names
)preventaccessreasons //list of reasons
list of (
string //access restriction description
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [canattempt] => int [canmanage] => int [canpreview] => int [canreviewmyattempts] => int [canviewreports] => int [accessrules] => Array ( [0] => string ) [activerulenames] => Array ( [0] => string ) [preventaccessreasons] => Array ( [0] => string ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="canattempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreviewmyattempts"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewreports"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="accessrules"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="activerulenames"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="preventaccessreasons"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the feedback text that should be show to a student who got the given grade in the given quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
grade (Required)
        the grade to check

General structure
double //the grade to check
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[grade] => double
REST (POST parameters)
grade= double

General structure
object {
feedbacktext string //the comment that corresponds to this grade (empty for none)
feedbacktextformat int Optional //feedbacktext format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackinlinefiles Optional //feedback inline files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [feedbacktext] => string [feedbacktextformat] => int [feedbackinlinefiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="feedbacktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbacktextformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackinlinefiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the potential question types that would be required for a given quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int

General structure
object {
questiontypes //list of question types used in the quiz
list of (
string //question type
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [questiontypes] => Array ( [0] => string ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="questiontypes"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return a list of attempts for the given quiz and user.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id, empty for current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id, empty for current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
status (Default to "finished")
        quiz status: all, finished or unfinished

General structure
string Default to "finished" //quiz status: all, finished or unfinished
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[status] => string
REST (POST parameters)
status= string
includepreviews (Default to "")
        whether to include previews or not

General structure
int Default to "" //whether to include previews or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includepreviews] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includepreviews= int

General structure
object {
attempts list of (
object {
id int Optional //Attempt id.
quiz int Optional //Foreign key reference to the quiz that was attempted.
userid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the user whose attempt this is.
attempt int Optional //Sequentially numbers this students attempts at this quiz.
uniqueid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the question_usage that holds the details of the the question_attempts that make up this quiz attempt.
layout string Optional //Attempt layout.
currentpage int Optional //Attempt current page.
preview int Optional //Whether is a preview attempt or not.
state string Optional //The current state of the attempts. 'inprogress', 'overdue', 'finished' or 'abandoned'.
timestart int Optional //Time when the attempt was started.
timefinish int Optional //Time when the attempt was submitted. 0 if the attempt has not been submitted yet.
timemodified int Optional //Last modified time.
timemodifiedoffline int Optional //Last modified time via webservices.
timecheckstate int Optional //Next time quiz cron should check attempt for state changes. NULL means never check.
sumgrades double Optional //Total marks for this attempt.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attempts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [quiz] => int [userid] => int [attempt] => int [uniqueid] => int [layout] => string [currentpage] => int [preview] => int [state] => string [timestart] => int [timefinish] => int [timemodified] => int [timemodifiedoffline] => int [timecheckstate] => int [sumgrades] => double ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="quiz"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uniqueid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="currentpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedoffline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecheckstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sumgrades"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the best current grade for the given user on a quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        user id

General structure
int Default to "0" //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
hasgrade int //Whether the user has a grade on the given quiz.
grade double Optional //The grade (only if the user has a grade).
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [hasgrade] => int [grade] => double [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="hasgrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Process responses during an attempt at a quiz and also deals with attempts finishing.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
data (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        the data to be saved

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //the data to be saved
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][name]= string data[0][value]= string
finishattempt (Default to "")
        whether to finish or not the attempt

General structure
int Default to "" //whether to finish or not the attempt
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[finishattempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
finishattempt= int
timeup (Default to "")
        whether the WS was called by a timer when the time is up

General structure
int Default to "" //whether the WS was called by a timer when the time is up
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timeup] => int
REST (POST parameters)
timeup= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
state string //state: the new attempt state: inprogress, finished, overdue, abandoned
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [state] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Processes save requests during the quiz. This function is intended for the quiz auto-save feature.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
data (Required)
        the data to be saved

General structure
//the data to be saved
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][name]= string data[0][value]= string
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Starts a new attempt at a quiz.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string
forcenew (Default to "")
        Whether to force a new attempt or not.

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to force a new attempt or not.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[forcenew] => int
REST (POST parameters)
forcenew= int

General structure
object {
attempt object {
id int Optional //Attempt id.
quiz int Optional //Foreign key reference to the quiz that was attempted.
userid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the user whose attempt this is.
attempt int Optional //Sequentially numbers this students attempts at this quiz.
uniqueid int Optional //Foreign key reference to the question_usage that holds the details of the the question_attempts that make up this quiz attempt.
layout string Optional //Attempt layout.
currentpage int Optional //Attempt current page.
preview int Optional //Whether is a preview attempt or not.
state string Optional //The current state of the attempts. 'inprogress', 'overdue', 'finished' or 'abandoned'.
timestart int Optional //Time when the attempt was started.
timefinish int Optional //Time when the attempt was submitted. 0 if the attempt has not been submitted yet.
timemodified int Optional //Last modified time.
timemodifiedoffline int Optional //Last modified time via webservices.
timecheckstate int Optional //Next time quiz cron should check attempt for state changes. NULL means never check.
sumgrades double Optional //Total marks for this attempt.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attempt] => Array ( [id] => int [quiz] => int [userid] => int [attempt] => int [uniqueid] => int [layout] => string [currentpage] => int [preview] => int [state] => string [timestart] => int [timefinish] => int [timemodified] => int [timemodifiedoffline] => int [timecheckstate] => int [sumgrades] => double ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempt"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="quiz"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="uniqueid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="layout"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="currentpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="preview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="state"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timestart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timefinish"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedoffline"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecheckstate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sumgrades"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the attempt viewed event.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
page (Required)
        page number

General structure
int //page number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the attempt reviewed event.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the attempt summary viewed event.

attemptid (Required)
        attempt id

General structure
int //attempt id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attemptid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attemptid= int
preflightdata (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Preflight required data (like passwords)

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Preflight required data (like passwords)
list of (
object {
name string //data name
value string //data value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[preflightdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
preflightdata[0][name]= string preflightdata[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

quizid (Required)
        quiz instance id

General structure
int //quiz instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[quizid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
quizid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve time and place clashes.

courseid (Required)
        Course id

General structure
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
place (Required)
        Location string

General structure
string //Location string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[place] => string
REST (POST parameters)
place= string
timestart (Required)
        Timestamp of event start time

General structure
string //Timestamp of event start time
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timestart] => string
REST (POST parameters)
timestart= string
timeend (Required)
        Timestamp of event end time

General structure
string //Timestamp of event end time
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[timeend] => string
REST (POST parameters)
timeend= string
reservationid (Required)
        Reservation id

General structure
int //Reservation id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[reservationid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
reservationid= int

Clashes table or messages

General structure
string //Clashes table or messages
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve values from users profile given field.

courseid (Required)
        Course id

General structure
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
fieldname (Required)
        Field name

General structure
string //Field name
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[fieldname] => string
REST (POST parameters)
fieldname= string

General structure
list of (
string //User field value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieve users ids for given requests ids.

reservationid (Required)
        Reservation id

General structure
int //Reservation id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[reservationid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
reservationid= int
requestids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //Request ids
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
requestids[0]= int

General structure
list of (
int //User id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of files in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all files that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
resources list of (
object {
id int //Module id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Page name
intro string //Summary
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)contentfiles //Files in the content
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)tobemigrated int //Whether this resource was migrated
legacyfiles int //Legacy files flag
legacyfileslast int //Legacy files last control flag
display int //How to display the resource
displayoptions string //Display options (width, height)
filterfiles int //If filters should be applied to the resource content
revision int //Incremented when after each file changes, to avoid cache
timemodified int //Last time the resource was modified
section int //Course section id
visible int //Module visibility
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [resources] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [contentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [tobemigrated] => int [legacyfiles] => int [legacyfileslast] => int [display] => int [displayoptions] => string [filterfiles] => int [revision] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="resources"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="tobemigrated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="legacyfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="legacyfileslast"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayoptions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filterfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Simulate the view.php web interface resource: trigger events, completion, etc...

resourceid (Required)
        resource instance id

General structure
int //resource instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[resourceid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
resourceid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of scorm instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the scorm instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
scorms list of (
object {
id int //SCORM id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //SCORM name
intro string //The SCORM intro
introformat int //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)packagesize int Optional //SCORM zip package size
packageurl string Optional //SCORM zip package URL
version string Optional //SCORM version (SCORM_12, SCORM_13, SCORM_AICC)
maxgrade int Optional //Max grade
grademethod int Optional //Grade method
whatgrade int Optional //What grade
maxattempt int Optional //Maximum number of attemtps
forcecompleted int Optional //Status current attempt is forced to "completed"
forcenewattempt int Optional //Controls re-entry behaviour
lastattemptlock int Optional //Prevents to launch new attempts once finished
displayattemptstatus int Optional //How to display attempt status
displaycoursestructure int Optional //Display contents structure
sha1hash string Optional //Package content or ext path hash
md5hash string Optional //MD5 Hash of package file
revision int Optional //Revison number
launch int Optional //First content to launch
skipview int Optional //How to skip the content structure page
hidebrowse int Optional //Disable preview mode?
hidetoc int Optional //How to display the SCORM structure in player
nav int Optional //Show navigation buttons
navpositionleft int Optional //Navigation position left
navpositiontop int Optional //Navigation position top
auto int Optional //Auto continue?
popup int Optional //Display in current or new window
width int Optional //Frame width
height int Optional //Frame height
timeopen int Optional //Available from
timeclose int Optional //Available to
displayactivityname int Optional //Display the activity name above the player?
scormtype string Optional //SCORM type
reference string Optional //Reference to the package
protectpackagedownloads int Optional //Protect package downloads?
updatefreq int Optional //Auto-update frequency for remote packages
options string Optional //Additional options
completionstatusrequired int Optional //Status passed/completed required?
completionscorerequired int Optional //Minimum score required
completionstatusallscos int Optional //Require all scos to return completion status
autocommit int Optional //Save track data automatically?
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //Visible
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [scorms] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [packagesize] => int [packageurl] => string [version] => string [maxgrade] => int [grademethod] => int [whatgrade] => int [maxattempt] => int [forcecompleted] => int [forcenewattempt] => int [lastattemptlock] => int [displayattemptstatus] => int [displaycoursestructure] => int [sha1hash] => string [md5hash] => string [revision] => int [launch] => int [skipview] => int [hidebrowse] => int [hidetoc] => int [nav] => int [navpositionleft] => int [navpositiontop] => int [auto] => int [popup] => int [width] => int [height] => int [timeopen] => int [timeclose] => int [displayactivityname] => int [scormtype] => string [reference] => string [protectpackagedownloads] => int [updatefreq] => int [options] => string [completionstatusrequired] => int [completionscorerequired] => int [completionstatusallscos] => int [autocommit] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="scorms"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="packagesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="packageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxgrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grademethod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="whatgrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxattempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forcecompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forcenewattempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lastattemptlock"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayattemptstatus"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycoursestructure"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sha1hash"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="md5hash"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="revision"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="launch"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="skipview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidebrowse"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hidetoc"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nav"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navpositionleft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navpositiontop"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="auto"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="popup"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="width"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="height"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeopen"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timeclose"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayactivityname"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scormtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reference"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="protectpackagedownloads"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="updatefreq"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionstatusrequired"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionscorerequired"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completionstatusallscos"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autocommit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the number of attempts done by a user in the given SCORM.

scormid (Required)
        SCORM instance id

General structure
int //SCORM instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scormid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scormid= int
userid (Required)
        User id

General structure
int //User id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
ignoremissingcompletion (Default to "")
        Ignores attempts that haven't reported a grade/completion

General structure
int Default to "" //Ignores attempts that haven't reported a grade/completion
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ignoremissingcompletion] => int
REST (POST parameters)
ignoremissingcompletion= int

General structure
object {
attemptscount int //Attempts count
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [attemptscount] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attemptscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list containing all the scoes data related to the given scorm id

scormid (Required)
        scorm instance id

General structure
int //scorm instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scormid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scormid= int
organization (Default to "")
        organization id

General structure
string Default to "" //organization id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[organization] => string
REST (POST parameters)
organization= string

General structure
object {
scoes list of (
//SCORM SCO data
object {
id int //sco id
scorm int //scorm id
manifest string //manifest id
organization string //organization id
parent string //parent
identifier string //identifier
launch string //launch file
scormtype string //scorm type (asset, sco)
title string //sco title
sortorder int //sort order
extradata Optional //Additional SCO data
list of (
object {
element string //element name
value string //element value
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [scoes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [scorm] => int [manifest] => string [organization] => string [parent] => string [identifier] => string [launch] => string [scormtype] => string [title] => string [sortorder] => int [extradata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [element] => string [value] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="scoes"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scorm"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="manifest"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="organization"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="launch"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scormtype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="extradata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="element"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves SCO tracking data for the given user id and attempt number

scoid (Required)
        sco id

General structure
int //sco id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scoid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scoid= int
userid (Required)
        user id

General structure
int //user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
attempt (Default to "0")
        attempt number (0 for last attempt)

General structure
int Default to "0" //attempt number (0 for last attempt)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attempt= int

General structure
object {
data //SCO data
object {
attempt int //Attempt number
tracks list of (
//Tracks data
object {
element string //Element name
value string //Element value
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [data] => Array ( [attempt] => int [tracks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [element] => string [value] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="data"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="attempt"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tracks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="element"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves user tracking and SCO data and default SCORM values

scormid (Required)
        scorm instance id

General structure
int //scorm instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scormid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scormid= int
attempt (Required)
        attempt number

General structure
int //attempt number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attempt= int

General structure
object {
data list of (
//SCO data
object {
scoid int //sco id
userdata list of (
object {
element string //element name
value string //element value
)defaultdata list of (
object {
element string //element name
value string //element value
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [scoid] => int [userdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [element] => string [value] => string ) ) [defaultdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [element] => string [value] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="data"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="scoid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="element"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultdata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="element"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Saves a scorm tracking record. It will overwrite any existing tracking data for this attempt. Validation should be performed before running the function to ensure the user will not lose any existing attempt data.

scoid (Required)
        SCO id

General structure
int //SCO id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scoid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scoid= int
attempt (Required)
        attempt number

General structure
int //attempt number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attempt] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attempt= int
tracks (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
element string //element name
value string //element value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tracks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [element] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
tracks[0][element]= string tracks[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
trackids list of (
int //track id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [trackids] => Array ( [0] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="trackids"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the SCO launched event.

scormid (Required)
        SCORM instance id

General structure
int //SCORM instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scormid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scormid= int
scoid (Default to "0")
        SCO id (empty for launching the first SCO)

General structure
int Default to "0" //SCO id (empty for launching the first SCO)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scoid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scoid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event.

scormid (Required)
        scorm instance id

General structure
int //scorm instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[scormid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
scormid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Get the complete list of questions for the survey, including subquestions.

surveyid (Required)
        survey instance id

General structure
int //survey instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[surveyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
surveyid= int

General structure
object {
questions list of (
object {
id int //Question id
text string //Question text
shorttext string //Question short text
multi string //Subquestions ids
intro string //The question intro
type int //Question type
options string //Question options
parent int //Parent question (for subquestions)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [questions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [text] => string [shorttext] => string [multi] => string [intro] => string [type] => int [options] => string [parent] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="questions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shorttext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="multi"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parent"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of survey instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the survey instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
surveys list of (
object {
id int //Survey id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //Survey name
intro string Optional //The Survey intro
introformat int Optional //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)template int Optional //Survey type
days int Optional //Days
questions string Optional //Question ids
surveydone int Optional //Did I finish the survey?
timecreated int Optional //Time of creation
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification
section int Optional //Course section id
visible int Optional //Visible
groupmode int Optional //Group mode
groupingid int Optional //Group id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [surveys] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [template] => int [days] => int [questions] => string [surveydone] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="surveys"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="days"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="questions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="surveydone"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Submit the answers for a given survey.

surveyid (Required)
        Survey id

General structure
int //Survey id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[surveyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
surveyid= int
answers (Required)

General structure
list of (
object {
key string //Answer key
value string //Answer value
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[answers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
answers[0][key]= string answers[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

surveyid (Required)
        survey instance id

General structure
int //survey instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[surveyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
surveyid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of urls in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all urls that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
urls list of (
object {
id int //Module id
coursemodule int //Course module id
course int //Course id
name string //URL name
intro string //Summary
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)externalurl string //External URL
display int //How to display the url
displayoptions string //Display options (width, height)
parameters string //Parameters to append to the URL
timemodified int //Last time the url was modified
section int //Course section id
visible int //Module visibility
groupmode int //Group mode
groupingid int //Grouping id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [urls] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [externalurl] => string [display] => int [displayoptions] => string [parameters] => string [timemodified] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="urls"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="externalurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="display"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayoptions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parameters"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

urlid (Required)
        url instance id

General structure
int //url instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[urlid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
urlid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Save the contents of a page.

pageid (Required)
        Page ID.

General structure
int //Page ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
content (Required)
        Page contents.

General structure
string //Page contents.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[content] => string
REST (POST parameters)
content= string
section (Default to "null")
        Section page title.

General structure
string Default to "null" //Section page title.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[section] => string
REST (POST parameters)
section= string

General structure
object {
pageid int //Edited page id.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pageid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the contents of a page.

pageid (Required)
        Page ID.

General structure
int //Page ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int

General structure
object {
page //Page
object {
id int //Page ID.
wikiid int //Page's wiki ID.
subwikiid int //Page's subwiki ID.
groupid int //Page's group ID.
userid int //Page's user ID.
title string //Page title.
cachedcontent string //Page contents.
contentformat int Optional //cachedcontent format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
caneditpage int //True if user can edit the page.
version int Optional //Latest version of the page.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [page] => Array ( [id] => int [wikiid] => int [subwikiid] => int [groupid] => int [userid] => int [title] => string [cachedcontent] => string [contentformat] => int [caneditpage] => int [version] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="page"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wikiid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subwikiid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cachedcontent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="caneditpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Locks and retrieves info of page-section to be edited.

pageid (Required)
        Page ID to edit.

General structure
int //Page ID to edit.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int
section (Default to "null")
        Section page title.

General structure
string Default to "null" //Section page title.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[section] => string
REST (POST parameters)
section= string
lockonly (Default to "")
        Just renew lock and not return content.

General structure
int Default to "" //Just renew lock and not return content.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[lockonly] => int
REST (POST parameters)
lockonly= int

General structure
object {
pagesection object {
content string Optional //The contents of the page-section to be edited.
contentformat string Optional //Format of the original content of the page.
version int //Latest version of the page.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pagesection] => Array ( [content] => string [contentformat] => string [version] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pagesection"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the list of subwikis the user can see in a specific wiki.

wikiid (Required)
        Wiki instance ID.

General structure
int //Wiki instance ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[wikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
wikiid= int

General structure
object {
subwikis list of (
object {
id int //Subwiki ID.
wikiid int //Wiki ID.
groupid string //Group ID.
userid int //User ID.
canedit int //True if user can edit the subwiki.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [subwikis] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [wikiid] => int [groupid] => string [userid] => int [canedit] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="subwikis"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wikiid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canedit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the list of files for a specific subwiki.

wikiid (Required)
        Wiki instance ID.

General structure
int //Wiki instance ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[wikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
wikiid= int
groupid (Default to "-1")
        Subwiki's group ID, -1 means current group. It will be ignored if the wiki doesn't use groups.

General structure
int Default to "-1" //Subwiki's group ID, -1 means current group. It will be ignored if the wiki doesn't use groups.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Subwiki's user ID, 0 means current user. It will be ignored in collaborative wikis.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Subwiki's user ID, 0 means current user. It will be ignored in collaborative wikis.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
files //Files
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the list of pages for a specific subwiki.

wikiid (Required)
        Wiki instance ID.

General structure
int //Wiki instance ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[wikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
wikiid= int
groupid (Default to "-1")
        Subwiki's group ID, -1 means current group. It will be ignored if the wiki doesn't use groups.

General structure
int Default to "-1" //Subwiki's group ID, -1 means current group. It will be ignored if the wiki doesn't use groups.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Subwiki's user ID, 0 means current user. It will be ignored in collaborative wikis.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Subwiki's user ID, 0 means current user. It will be ignored in collaborative wikis.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
options (Default to "Array ( ) ")

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Options
object {
sortby string Default to "title" //Field to sort by (id, title, ...).
sortdirection string Default to "ASC" //Sort direction: ASC or DESC.
includecontent int Default to "1" //Include each page contents or just the contents size.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[options] => Array ( [sortby] => string [sortdirection] => string [includecontent] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
options[sortby]= string options[sortdirection]= string options[includecontent]= int

General structure
object {
pages list of (
object {
id int //Page ID.
subwikiid int //Page's subwiki ID.
title string //Page title.
timecreated int //Time of creation.
timemodified int //Time of last modification.
timerendered int //Time of last renderization.
userid int //ID of the user that last modified the page.
pageviews int //Number of times the page has been viewed.
readonly int //1 if readonly, 0 otherwise.
caneditpage int //True if user can edit the page.
firstpage int //True if it's the first page.
cachedcontent string Optional //Page contents.
contentformat int Optional //cachedcontent format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
contentsize int Optional //Size of page contents in bytes (doesn't include size of attached files).
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [subwikiid] => int [title] => string [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [timerendered] => int [userid] => int [pageviews] => int [readonly] => int [caneditpage] => int [firstpage] => int [cachedcontent] => string [contentformat] => int [contentsize] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pages"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="subwikiid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timerendered"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pageviews"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="readonly"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="caneditpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstpage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cachedcontent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentsize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of wiki instances in a provided set of courses, if no courses are provided then all the wiki instances the user has access to will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids.

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids.
list of (
int //Course ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
wikis list of (
object {
id int //Wiki ID.
coursemodule int //Course module ID.
course int //Course ID.
name string //Wiki name.
intro string Optional //Wiki intro.
introformat int Optional //Wiki intro format. format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
introfiles Optional //Files in the introduction text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)timecreated int Optional //Time of creation.
timemodified int Optional //Time of last modification.
firstpagetitle string Optional //First page title.
wikimode string Optional //Wiki mode (individual, collaborative).
defaultformat string Optional //Wiki's default format (html, creole, nwiki).
forceformat int Optional //1 if format is forced, 0 otherwise.
editbegin int Optional //Edit begin.
editend int Optional //Edit end.
section int Optional //Course section ID.
visible int Optional //1 if visible, 0 otherwise.
groupmode int Optional //Group mode.
groupingid int Optional //Group ID.
cancreatepages int //True if user can create pages.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [wikis] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [coursemodule] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [firstpagetitle] => string [wikimode] => string [defaultformat] => string [forceformat] => int [editbegin] => int [editend] => int [section] => int [visible] => int [groupmode] => int [groupingid] => int [cancreatepages] => int ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="wikis"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="firstpagetitle"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="wikimode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="defaultformat"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forceformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editbegin"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="editend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="section"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="groupingid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cancreatepages"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Create a new page in a subwiki.

title (Required)
        New page title.

General structure
string //New page title.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[title] => string
REST (POST parameters)
title= string
content (Required)
        Page contents.

General structure
string //Page contents.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[content] => string
REST (POST parameters)
content= string
contentformat (Default to "null")
        Page contents format. If an invalid format is provided, default wiki format is used.

General structure
string Default to "null" //Page contents format. If an invalid format is provided, default wiki format is used.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contentformat] => string
REST (POST parameters)
contentformat= string
subwikiid (Default to "null")
        Page's subwiki ID.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Page's subwiki ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[subwikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
subwikiid= int
wikiid (Default to "null")
        Page's wiki ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Page's wiki ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[wikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
wikiid= int
userid (Default to "null")
        Subwiki's user ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Subwiki's user ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupid (Default to "null")
        Subwiki's group ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.

General structure
int Default to "null" //Subwiki's group ID. Used if subwiki does not exists.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int

General structure
object {
pageid int //New page id.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [pageid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="pageid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the page viewed event and update the module completion status.

pageid (Required)
        Wiki page ID.

General structure
int //Wiki page ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
pageid= int

General structure
object {
status int //Status: true if success.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

wikiid (Required)
        Wiki instance ID.

General structure
int //Wiki instance ID.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[wikiid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
wikiid= int

General structure
object {
status int //Status: true if success.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add a new submission to a given workshop.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop id

General structure
int //Workshop id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
title (Required)
        Submission title

General structure
string //Submission title
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[title] => string
REST (POST parameters)
title= string
content (Default to "")
        Submission text content

General structure
string Default to "" //Submission text content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[content] => string
REST (POST parameters)
content= string
contentformat (Default to "0")
        The format used for the content

General structure
int Default to "0" //The format used for the content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contentformat] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contentformat= int
inlineattachmentsid (Default to "0")
        The draft file area id for inline attachments in the content

General structure
int Default to "0" //The draft file area id for inline attachments in the content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[inlineattachmentsid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
inlineattachmentsid= int
attachmentsid (Default to "0")
        The draft file area id for attachments

General structure
int Default to "0" //The draft file area id for attachments
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attachmentsid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attachmentsid= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the submission was created false otherwise.
submissionid int Optional //New workshop submission id.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [submissionid] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes the given submission.

submissionid (Required)
        Submission id

General structure
int //Submission id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the submission was deleted.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Evaluates an assessment (used by teachers for provide feedback to the reviewer).

assessmentid (Required)
        Assessment id.

General structure
int //Assessment id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assessmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assessmentid= int
feedbacktext (Default to "")
        The feedback for the reviewer.

General structure
string Default to "" //The feedback for the reviewer.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbacktext] => string
REST (POST parameters)
feedbacktext= string
feedbackformat (Default to "0")
        The feedback format for text.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The feedback format for text.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackformat] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackformat= int
weight (Default to "1")
        The new weight for the assessment.

General structure
int Default to "1" //The new weight for the assessment.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[weight] => int
REST (POST parameters)
weight= int
gradinggradeover (Default to "")
        The new grading grade.

General structure
string Default to "" //The new grading grade.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[gradinggradeover] => string
REST (POST parameters)
gradinggradeover= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if the assessment was evaluated, false otherwise.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Evaluates a submission (used by teachers for provide feedback or override the submission grade).

submissionid (Required)
        submission id.

General structure
int //submission id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int
feedbacktext (Default to "")
        The feedback for the author.

General structure
string Default to "" //The feedback for the author.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbacktext] => string
REST (POST parameters)
feedbacktext= string
feedbackformat (Default to "0")
        The feedback format for text.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The feedback format for text.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[feedbackformat] => int
REST (POST parameters)
feedbackformat= int
published (Default to "")
        Publish the submission for others?.

General structure
int Default to "" //Publish the submission for others?.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[published] => int
REST (POST parameters)
published= int
gradeover (Default to "")
        The new submission grade.

General structure
string Default to "" //The new submission grade.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[gradeover] => string
REST (POST parameters)
gradeover= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if the submission was evaluated, false otherwise.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the given assessment.

assessmentid (Required)
        Assessment id

General structure
int //Assessment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assessmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assessmentid= int

General structure
object {
assessment object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
submissionid int //The id of the assessed submission
reviewerid int //The id of the reviewer who makes this assessment
weight int //The weight of the assessment for the purposes of aggregation
timecreated int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the first time
timemodified int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the last time
grade double //The aggregated grade for submission suggested by the reviewer. The grade 0..100 is computed from the values assigned to the assessment dimensions fields. If NULL then it has not been aggregated yet.
gradinggrade double //The computed grade 0..100 for this assessment. If NULL then it has not been computed yet.
gradinggradeover double //Grade for the assessment manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.
gradinggradeoverby int //The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.
feedbackauthor string //The comment/feedback from the reviewer for the author.
feedbackauthorformat int Default to "1" //feedbackauthor format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackauthorattachment int //Are there some files attached to the feedbackauthor field? Sets to 1 by file_postupdate_standard_filemanager().
feedbackreviewer string Optional //The comment/feedback from the teacher for the reviewer. For example the reason why the grade for assessment was overridden
feedbackreviewerformat int Default to "1" //feedbackreviewer format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackcontentfiles //feedbackcontentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)feedbackattachmentfiles //feedbackattachmentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assessment] => Array ( [id] => int [submissionid] => int [reviewerid] => int [weight] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [gradinggradeover] => double [gradinggradeoverby] => int [feedbackauthor] => string [feedbackauthorformat] => int [feedbackauthorattachment] => int [feedbackreviewer] => string [feedbackreviewerformat] => int [feedbackcontentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [feedbackattachmentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assessment"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorattachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewerformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackcontentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackattachmentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the assessment form definition.

assessmentid (Required)
        Assessment id

General structure
int //Assessment id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assessmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assessmentid= int
mode (Default to "assessment")
        The form mode (assessment or preview)

General structure
string Default to "assessment" //The form mode (assessment or preview)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[mode] => string
REST (POST parameters)
mode= string

General structure
object {
dimenssionscount int //The number of dimenssions used by the form.
descriptionfiles //Files in the description text
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)options //The form options.
list of (
object {
name string //Option name.
value string //Option value.
)fields //The form fields.
list of (
object {
name string //Field name.
value string //Field default value.
)current //The current field values.
list of (
object {
name string //Field name.
value string //Current field value.
)dimensionsinfo //The dimensions general information.
list of (
object {
id int //Dimension id.
min double //Minimum grade for the dimension.
max double //Maximum grade for the dimension.
weight string //The weight of the dimension.
scale string Optional //Scale items (if used).
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [dimenssionscount] => int [descriptionfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [current] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [dimensionsinfo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [min] => double [max] => double [weight] => string [scale] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="dimenssionscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="fields"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="current"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="dimensionsinfo"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="min"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="max"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns the assessment and submission grade for the given user.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        User id (empty or 0 for current user).

General structure
int Default to "0" //User id (empty or 0 for current user).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
assessmentrawgrade double Optional //The assessment raw (numeric) grade.
assessmentlongstrgrade string Optional //The assessment string grade.
assessmentgradehidden int Optional //Whether the grade is hidden or not.
submissionrawgrade double Optional //The submission raw (numeric) grade.
submissionlongstrgrade string Optional //The submission string grade.
submissiongradehidden int Optional //Whether the grade is hidden or not.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assessmentrawgrade] => double [assessmentlongstrgrade] => string [assessmentgradehidden] => int [submissionrawgrade] => double [submissionlongstrgrade] => string [submissiongradehidden] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assessmentrawgrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentlongstrgrade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentgradehidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionrawgrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionlongstrgrade"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongradehidden"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the assessment grades report.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
sortby (Default to "lastname")
        sort by this element: lastname, firstname, submissiontitle, submissionmodified, submissiongrade, gradinggrade.

General structure
string Default to "lastname" //sort by this element: lastname, firstname, submissiontitle, submissionmodified, submissiongrade, gradinggrade.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortby] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortby= string
sortdirection (Default to "ASC")
        sort direction: ASC or DESC

General structure
string Default to "ASC" //sort direction: ASC or DESC
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[sortdirection] => string
REST (POST parameters)
sortdirection= string
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
report object {
grades list of (
object {
userid int //The id of the user being displayed in the report.
submissionid int //Submission id.
submissiontitle string //Submission title.
submissionmodified int //Timestamp submission was updated.
submissiongrade double Optional //Aggregated grade for the submission.
gradinggrade double Optional //Computed grade for the assessment.
submissiongradeover double Optional //Grade for the assessment overrided by the teacher.
submissiongradeoverby int Optional //The id of the user who overrided the grade.
submissionpublished int Optional //Whether is a submission published.
reviewedby Optional //The users who reviewed the user submission.
list of (
object {
userid int //The id of the user (0 when is configured to do not display names).
assessmentid int //The id of the assessment.
submissionid int //The id of the submission assessed.
grade double //The grade for submission.
gradinggrade double //The grade for assessment.
gradinggradeover double //The aggregated grade overrided.
weight int //The weight of the assessment for aggregation.
)reviewerof Optional //The assessments the user reviewed.
list of (
object {
userid int //The id of the user (0 when is configured to do not display names).
assessmentid int //The id of the assessment.
submissionid int //The id of the submission assessed.
grade double //The grade for submission.
gradinggrade double //The grade for assessment.
gradinggradeover double //The aggregated grade overrided.
weight int //The weight of the assessment for aggregation.
)totalcount int //Number of total submissions.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [report] => Array ( [grades] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [submissionid] => int [submissiontitle] => string [submissionmodified] => int [submissiongrade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [submissiongradeover] => double [submissiongradeoverby] => int [submissionpublished] => int [reviewedby] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [assessmentid] => int [submissionid] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [gradinggradeover] => double [weight] => int ) ) [reviewerof] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [assessmentid] => int [submissionid] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [gradinggradeover] => double [weight] => int ) ) ) ) [totalcount] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="report"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="grades"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiontitle"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionmodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissiongradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionpublished"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewedby"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerof"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves all the assessments reviewed by the given user.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        User id who did the assessment review (empty or 0 for current user).

General structure
int Default to "0" //User id who did the assessment review (empty or 0 for current user).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
assessments list of (
object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
submissionid int //The id of the assessed submission
reviewerid int //The id of the reviewer who makes this assessment
weight int //The weight of the assessment for the purposes of aggregation
timecreated int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the first time
timemodified int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the last time
grade double //The aggregated grade for submission suggested by the reviewer. The grade 0..100 is computed from the values assigned to the assessment dimensions fields. If NULL then it has not been aggregated yet.
gradinggrade double //The computed grade 0..100 for this assessment. If NULL then it has not been computed yet.
gradinggradeover double //Grade for the assessment manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.
gradinggradeoverby int //The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.
feedbackauthor string //The comment/feedback from the reviewer for the author.
feedbackauthorformat int Default to "1" //feedbackauthor format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackauthorattachment int //Are there some files attached to the feedbackauthor field? Sets to 1 by file_postupdate_standard_filemanager().
feedbackreviewer string Optional //The comment/feedback from the teacher for the reviewer. For example the reason why the grade for assessment was overridden
feedbackreviewerformat int Default to "1" //feedbackreviewer format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackcontentfiles //feedbackcontentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)feedbackattachmentfiles //feedbackattachmentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assessments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [submissionid] => int [reviewerid] => int [weight] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [gradinggradeover] => double [gradinggradeoverby] => int [feedbackauthor] => string [feedbackauthorformat] => int [feedbackauthorattachment] => int [feedbackreviewer] => string [feedbackreviewerformat] => int [feedbackcontentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [feedbackattachmentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assessments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorattachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewerformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackcontentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackattachmentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves the given submission.

submissionid (Required)
        Submission id

General structure
int //Submission id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int

General structure
object {
submission object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
workshopid int //The id of the workshop instance.
example int //Is this submission an example from teacher.
authorid int //The author of the submission.
timecreated int //Timestamp when the work was submitted for the first time.
timemodified int //Timestamp when the submission has been updated.
title string //The submission title.
content string //Submission text.
contentformat int Default to "1" //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
contenttrust int //The trust mode of the data.
attachment int //Used by File API file_postupdate_standard_filemanager.
grade double Optional //Aggregated grade for the submission. The grade is a decimal number from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade for submission has not been aggregated yet.
gradeover double Optional //Grade for the submission manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.
gradeoverby int Optional //The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.
feedbackauthor string Optional //Teacher comment/feedback for the author of the submission, for example describing the reasons for the grade overriding.
feedbackauthorformat int Default to "1" //feedbackauthor format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
timegraded int Optional //The timestamp when grade or gradeover was recently modified.
published int //Shall the submission be available to other when the workshop is closed.
late int //Has this submission been submitted after the deadline or during the assessment phase?
contentfiles Optional //contentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)attachmentfiles Optional //attachmentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [submission] => Array ( [id] => int [workshopid] => int [example] => int [authorid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [title] => string [content] => string [contentformat] => int [contenttrust] => int [attachment] => int [grade] => double [gradeover] => double [gradeoverby] => int [feedbackauthor] => string [feedbackauthorformat] => int [timegraded] => int [published] => int [late] => int [contentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachmentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="submission"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="workshopid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="example"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authorid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contenttrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timegraded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="published"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="late"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachmentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves all the workshop submissions or the one done by the given user (except example submissions).

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        Get submissions done by this user. Use 0 or empty for the current user

General structure
int Default to "0" //Get submissions done by this user. Use 0 or empty for the current user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
groupid (Default to "0")
        Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group. It will return submissions done by users in the given group.

General structure
int Default to "0" //Group id, 0 means that the function will determine the user group. It will return submissions done by users in the given group.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[groupid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
groupid= int
page (Default to "0")
        The page of records to return.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The page of records to return.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[page] => int
REST (POST parameters)
page= int
perpage (Default to "0")
        The number of records to return per page.

General structure
int Default to "0" //The number of records to return per page.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[perpage] => int
REST (POST parameters)
perpage= int

General structure
object {
submissions list of (
object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
workshopid int //The id of the workshop instance.
example int //Is this submission an example from teacher.
authorid int //The author of the submission.
timecreated int //Timestamp when the work was submitted for the first time.
timemodified int //Timestamp when the submission has been updated.
title string //The submission title.
content string //Submission text.
contentformat int Default to "1" //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
contenttrust int //The trust mode of the data.
attachment int //Used by File API file_postupdate_standard_filemanager.
grade double Optional //Aggregated grade for the submission. The grade is a decimal number from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade for submission has not been aggregated yet.
gradeover double Optional //Grade for the submission manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.
gradeoverby int Optional //The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.
feedbackauthor string Optional //Teacher comment/feedback for the author of the submission, for example describing the reasons for the grade overriding.
feedbackauthorformat int Default to "1" //feedbackauthor format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
timegraded int Optional //The timestamp when grade or gradeover was recently modified.
published int //Shall the submission be available to other when the workshop is closed.
late int //Has this submission been submitted after the deadline or during the assessment phase?
contentfiles Optional //contentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)attachmentfiles Optional //attachmentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)totalcount int //Total count of submissions.
totalfilesize int //Total size (bytes) of the files attached to all the submissions (even the ones not returned due to pagination).
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [submissions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [workshopid] => int [example] => int [authorid] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [title] => string [content] => string [contentformat] => int [contenttrust] => int [attachment] => int [grade] => double [gradeover] => double [gradeoverby] => int [feedbackauthor] => string [feedbackauthorformat] => int [timegraded] => int [published] => int [late] => int [contentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [attachmentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [totalcount] => int [totalfilesize] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="submissions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="workshopid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="example"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authorid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contenttrust"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timegraded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="published"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="late"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="attachmentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="totalfilesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Retrieves all the assessments of the given submission.

submissionid (Required)
        Submission id

General structure
int //Submission id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int

General structure
object {
assessments list of (
object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
submissionid int //The id of the assessed submission
reviewerid int //The id of the reviewer who makes this assessment
weight int //The weight of the assessment for the purposes of aggregation
timecreated int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the first time
timemodified int //If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the last time
grade double //The aggregated grade for submission suggested by the reviewer. The grade 0..100 is computed from the values assigned to the assessment dimensions fields. If NULL then it has not been aggregated yet.
gradinggrade double //The computed grade 0..100 for this assessment. If NULL then it has not been computed yet.
gradinggradeover double //Grade for the assessment manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.
gradinggradeoverby int //The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.
feedbackauthor string //The comment/feedback from the reviewer for the author.
feedbackauthorformat int Default to "1" //feedbackauthor format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackauthorattachment int //Are there some files attached to the feedbackauthor field? Sets to 1 by file_postupdate_standard_filemanager().
feedbackreviewer string Optional //The comment/feedback from the teacher for the reviewer. For example the reason why the grade for assessment was overridden
feedbackreviewerformat int Default to "1" //feedbackreviewer format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
feedbackcontentfiles //feedbackcontentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)feedbackattachmentfiles //feedbackattachmentfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [assessments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [submissionid] => int [reviewerid] => int [weight] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [gradinggradeover] => double [gradinggradeoverby] => int [feedbackauthor] => string [feedbackauthorformat] => int [feedbackauthorattachment] => int [feedbackreviewer] => string [feedbackreviewerformat] => int [feedbackcontentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [feedbackattachmentfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="assessments"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="weight"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeover"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggradeoverby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthor"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackauthorattachment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewer"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackreviewerformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackcontentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="feedbackattachmentfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return the planner information for the given user.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int
userid (Default to "0")
        User id (empty or 0 for current user).

General structure
int Default to "0" //User id (empty or 0 for current user).
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
userplan object {
phases list of (
object {
code int //Phase code.
title string //Phase title.
active int //Whether is the active task.
tasks list of (
object {
code string //Task code.
title string //Task title.
link string //Link to task.
details string Optional //Task details.
completed string //Completion information (maybe empty, maybe a boolean or generic info.
)actions list of (
object {
type string Optional //Action type.
label string Optional //Action label.
url string //Link to action.
method string Optional //Get or post.
)examples list of (
object {
id int //Example submission id.
title string //Example submission title.
assessmentid int //Example submission assessment id.
grade double //The submission grade.
gradinggrade double //The assessment grade.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userplan] => Array ( [phases] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [code] => int [title] => string [active] => int [tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [code] => string [title] => string [link] => string [details] => string [completed] => string ) ) [actions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => string [label] => string [url] => string [method] => string ) ) ) ) [examples] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [title] => string [assessmentid] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="phases"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="code"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="active"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tasks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="code"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="link"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="details"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completed"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="actions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="label"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="method"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="examples"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of workshops in a provided list of courses, if no list is provided all workshops that the user can view will be returned.

courseids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of course ids

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of course ids
list of (
int //Course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
courseids[0]= int

General structure
object {
workshops list of (
object {
id int //The primary key of the record.
course int //Course id this workshop is part of.
name string //Workshop name.
intro string //Workshop introduction text.
introformat int Default to "1" //intro format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
instructauthors string Optional //Instructions for the submission phase.
instructauthorsformat int Default to "1" //instructauthors format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
instructreviewers string Optional //Instructions for the assessment phase.
instructreviewersformat int Default to "1" //instructreviewers format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
timemodified int Optional //The timestamp when the module was modified.
phase int Optional //The current phase of workshop (0 = not available, 1 = submission, 2 = assessment, 3 = closed).
useexamples int Optional //Optional feature: students practise evaluating on example submissions from teacher.
usepeerassessment int Optional //Optional feature: students perform peer assessment of others' work.
useselfassessment int Optional //Optional feature: students perform self assessment of their own work.
grade double Optional //The maximum grade for submission.
gradinggrade double Optional //The maximum grade for assessment.
strategy string Optional //The type of the current grading strategy used in this workshop.
evaluation string Optional //The recently used grading evaluation method.
gradedecimals int Optional //Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point when displaying grades.
nattachments int Optional //Number of required submission attachments.
submissionfiletypes string Optional //Comma separated list of file extensions.
latesubmissions int Optional //Allow submitting the work after the deadline.
maxbytes int Optional //Maximum size of the one attached file.
examplesmode int Optional //0 = example assessments are voluntary, 1 = examples must be assessed before submission, 2 = examples are available after own submission and must be assessed before peer/self assessment phase.
submissionstart int Optional //0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the submission phase.
submissionend int Optional //0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the submission phase.
assessmentstart int Optional //0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the assessment phase.
assessmentend int Optional //0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the assessment phase.
phaseswitchassessment int Optional //Automatically switch to the assessment phase after the submissions deadline.
conclusion string Optional //A text to be displayed at the end of the workshop.
conclusionformat int Default to "1" //conclusion format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
overallfeedbackmode int Optional //Mode of the overall feedback support.
overallfeedbackfiles int Optional //Number of allowed attachments to the overall feedback.
overallfeedbackfiletypes string Optional //Comma separated list of file extensions.
overallfeedbackmaxbytes int Optional //Maximum size of one file attached to the overall feedback.
coursemodule int //coursemodule
introfiles //introfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)instructauthorsfiles Optional //instructauthorsfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)instructreviewersfiles Optional //instructreviewersfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)conclusionfiles Optional //conclusionfiles
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for the external files.
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [workshops] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [course] => int [name] => string [intro] => string [introformat] => int [instructauthors] => string [instructauthorsformat] => int [instructreviewers] => string [instructreviewersformat] => int [timemodified] => int [phase] => int [useexamples] => int [usepeerassessment] => int [useselfassessment] => int [grade] => double [gradinggrade] => double [strategy] => string [evaluation] => string [gradedecimals] => int [nattachments] => int [submissionfiletypes] => string [latesubmissions] => int [maxbytes] => int [examplesmode] => int [submissionstart] => int [submissionend] => int [assessmentstart] => int [assessmentend] => int [phaseswitchassessment] => int [conclusion] => string [conclusionformat] => int [overallfeedbackmode] => int [overallfeedbackfiles] => int [overallfeedbackfiletypes] => string [overallfeedbackmaxbytes] => int [coursemodule] => int [introfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [instructauthorsfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [instructreviewersfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [conclusionfiles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="workshops"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="intro"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructauthors"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructauthorsformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructreviewers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructreviewersformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phase"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useexamples"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usepeerassessment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="useselfassessment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradinggrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="strategy"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="evaluation"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradedecimals"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="nattachments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionfiletypes"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="latesubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maxbytes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="examplesmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionstart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="submissionend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentstart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessmentend"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phaseswitchassessment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="conclusion"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="conclusionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overallfeedbackmode"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overallfeedbackfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overallfeedbackfiletypes"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="overallfeedbackmaxbytes"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodule"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="introfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructauthorsfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="instructreviewersfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="conclusionfiles"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return access information for a given workshop.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id.

General structure
int //Workshop instance id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int

General structure
object {
creatingsubmissionallowed int //Is the given user allowed to create their submission?
modifyingsubmissionallowed int //Is the user allowed to modify his existing submission?
assessingallowed int //Is the user allowed to create/edit his assessments?
assessingexamplesallowed int //Are reviewers allowed to create/edit their assessments of the example submissions?.
examplesassessedbeforesubmission int //Whether the given user has assessed all his required examples before submission (always true if there are not examples to assess or not configured to check before submission).
examplesassessedbeforeassessment int //Whether the given user has assessed all his required examples before assessment (always true if there are not examples to assessor not configured to check before assessment).
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
)canview int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:view allowed.
canaddinstance int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:addinstance allowed.
canswitchphase int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:switchphase allowed.
caneditdimensions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:editdimensions allowed.
cansubmit int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:submit allowed.
canpeerassess int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:peerassess allowed.
canmanageexamples int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:manageexamples allowed.
canallocate int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:allocate allowed.
canpublishsubmissions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:publishsubmissions allowed.
canviewauthornames int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewauthornames allowed.
canviewreviewernames int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewreviewernames allowed.
canviewallsubmissions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewallsubmissions allowed.
canviewpublishedsubmissions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewpublishedsubmissions allowed.
canviewauthorpublished int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewauthorpublished allowed.
canviewallassessments int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:viewallassessments allowed.
canoverridegrades int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:overridegrades allowed.
canignoredeadlines int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines allowed.
candeletesubmissions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:deletesubmissions allowed.
canexportsubmissions int //Whether the user has the capability mod/workshop:exportsubmissions allowed.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [creatingsubmissionallowed] => int [modifyingsubmissionallowed] => int [assessingallowed] => int [assessingexamplesallowed] => int [examplesassessedbeforesubmission] => int [examplesassessedbeforeassessment] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) [canview] => int [canaddinstance] => int [canswitchphase] => int [caneditdimensions] => int [cansubmit] => int [canpeerassess] => int [canmanageexamples] => int [canallocate] => int [canpublishsubmissions] => int [canviewauthornames] => int [canviewreviewernames] => int [canviewallsubmissions] => int [canviewpublishedsubmissions] => int [canviewauthorpublished] => int [canviewallassessments] => int [canoverridegrades] => int [canignoredeadlines] => int [candeletesubmissions] => int [canexportsubmissions] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="creatingsubmissionallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="modifyingsubmissionallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessingallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="assessingexamplesallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="examplesassessedbeforesubmission"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="examplesassessedbeforeassessment"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canaddinstance"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canswitchphase"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="caneditdimensions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cansubmit"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpeerassess"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageexamples"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canallocate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpublishsubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewauthornames"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewreviewernames"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewallsubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewpublishedsubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewauthorpublished"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canviewallassessments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canoverridegrades"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canignoredeadlines"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candeletesubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canexportsubmissions"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Add information to an allocated assessment.

assessmentid (Required)
        Assessment id.

General structure
int //Assessment id.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[assessmentid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
assessmentid= int
data (Required)
        Assessment data

General structure
//Assessment data
list of (
object {
name string //The assessment data (use WS get_assessment_form_definition for obtaining the data to sent). Apart from that data, you can optionally send: feedbackauthor (str); the feedback for the submission author feedbackauthorformat (int); the format of the feedbackauthor feedbackauthorinlineattachmentsid (int); the draft file area for the editor attachments feedbackauthorattachmentsid (int); the draft file area id for the feedback attachments
value string //The value of the option.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][name]= string data[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if the assessment was added or updated false otherwise.
rawgrade double Optional //Raw percentual grade (0.00000 to 100.00000) for submission.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [rawgrade] => double [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rawgrade"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Update the given submission.

submissionid (Required)
        Submission id

General structure
int //Submission id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int
title (Required)
        Submission title

General structure
string //Submission title
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[title] => string
REST (POST parameters)
title= string
content (Default to "")
        Submission text content

General structure
string Default to "" //Submission text content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[content] => string
REST (POST parameters)
content= string
contentformat (Default to "0")
        The format used for the content

General structure
int Default to "0" //The format used for the content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contentformat] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contentformat= int
inlineattachmentsid (Default to "0")
        The draft file area id for inline attachments in the content

General structure
int Default to "0" //The draft file area id for inline attachments in the content
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[inlineattachmentsid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
inlineattachmentsid= int
attachmentsid (Default to "0")
        The draft file area id for attachments

General structure
int Default to "0" //The draft file area id for attachments
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[attachmentsid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
attachmentsid= int

General structure
object {
status int //True if the submission was updated false otherwise.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the submission viewed event.

submissionid (Required)
        Submission id

General structure
int //Submission id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[submissionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
submissionid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Trigger the course module viewed event and update the module completion status.

workshopid (Required)
        Workshop instance id

General structure
int //Workshop instance id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[workshopid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
workshopid= int

General structure
object {
status int //status: true if success
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [status] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the competency report in a course.

courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int
userid (Required)
        The user id

General structure
int //The user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
courseid int //Course id
user object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
usercompetencies list of (
object {
usercompetencycourse object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
competency object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
)pushratingstouserplans int //True if rating is push to user plans
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courseid] => int [user] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [usercompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [usercompetencycourse] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [competency] => Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) ) ) [pushratingstouserplans] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="user"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencycourse"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pushratingstouserplans"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Flags a prediction as fixed.

predictionid (Required)
        The prediction id

General structure
int //The prediction id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[predictionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
predictionid= int

General structure
object {
success int //True if the prediction was successfully flagged as fixed.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Flags the prediction as not useful.

predictionid (Required)
        The prediction id

General structure
int //The prediction id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[predictionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
predictionid= int

General structure
object {
success int //True if the prediction was successfully flagged as not useful.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [success] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="success"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Approve a data request

requestid (Required)
        The request ID

General structure
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
requestid= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Bulk approve data requests

requestids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
requestids[0]= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Bulk deny data requests

requestids (Required)

General structure
list of (
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
requestids[0]= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Cancel the data request made by the user

requestid (Required)
        The request ID

General structure
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
requestid= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark the selected expired contexts as confirmed for deletion

ids (Default to "Array ( ) ")
        Array of expired context record IDs

General structure
Default to "Array ( ) " //Array of expired context record IDs
list of (
int //Expired context record ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[ids] => Array ( [0] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
ids[0]= int

General structure
object {
result int //Whether the record was properly marked for deletion or not
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Contact the site Data Protection Officer(s)

message (Required)
        The user's message to the Data Protection Officer(s)

General structure
string //The user's message to the Data Protection Officer(s)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[message] => string
REST (POST parameters)
message= string

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds a data category

jsonformdata (Required)
        The data to create the category, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The data to create the category, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string

General structure
object {
category object {
name string //The category name.
description string //The category description.
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
validationerrors int //Were there validation errors
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [category] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [validationerrors] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="category"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="validationerrors"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Adds a data purpose

jsonformdata (Required)
        The data to create the purpose, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The data to create the purpose, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string

General structure
object {
purpose object {
name string //The purpose name.
description string //The purpose description.
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
lawfulbases string //Comma-separated IDs matching records in tool_dataprivacy_lawfulbasis.
sensitivedatareasons string //Comma-separated IDs matching records in tool_dataprivacy_sensitive
retentionperiod string //Retention period. ISO_8601 durations format (as in DateInterval format).
protected int //Data retention with higher precedent over user's request to be forgotten.
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
formattedretentionperiod string //formattedretentionperiod
formattedlawfulbases //formattedlawfulbases
list of (
object {
name string //name
description string //description
)formattedsensitivedatareasons Optional //formattedsensitivedatareasons
list of (
object {
name string //name
description string //description
)roleoverrides string //roleoverrides
validationerrors int //Were there validation errors
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [purpose] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [lawfulbases] => string [sensitivedatareasons] => string [retentionperiod] => string [protected] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [formattedretentionperiod] => string [formattedlawfulbases] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string ) ) [formattedsensitivedatareasons] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string ) ) [roleoverrides] => string ) [validationerrors] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="purpose"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lawfulbases"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sensitivedatareasons"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="retentionperiod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="protected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedretentionperiod"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedlawfulbases"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="formattedsensitivedatareasons"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="roleoverrides"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="validationerrors"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes an existing data category

id (Required)
        The category ID

General structure
int //The category ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deletes an existing data purpose

id (Required)
        The purpose ID

General structure
int //The purpose ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Deny a data request

requestid (Required)
        The request ID

General structure
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
requestid= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetches a list of activity options

nodefaults (Default to "")
        Whether to fetch all activities or only those without defaults

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to fetch all activities or only those without defaults
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[nodefaults] => int
REST (POST parameters)
nodefaults= int

General structure
object {
options list of (
object {
name string //The plugin name of the activity
displayname string //The display name of the activity
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [displayname] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displayname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetches a list of data category options

includeinherit (Default to "1")
        Include option "Inherit"

General structure
int Default to "1" //Include option "Inherit"
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includeinherit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includeinherit= int
includenotset (Default to "")
        Include option "Not set"

General structure
int Default to "" //Include option "Not set"
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includenotset] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includenotset= int

General structure
object {
options list of (
object {
id int //The category ID
name string //The category name
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the details of a user's data request

requestid (Required)
        The request ID

General structure
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
requestid= int

General structure
object {
result object {
type int //type
comments string //comments
commentsformat int //commentsformat
userid int //userid
requestedby int //requestedby
status int //status
dpo int //dpo
dpocomment string //dpocomment
dpocommentformat int //dpocommentformat
creationmethod int //creationmethod
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
foruser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
requestedbyuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
dpouser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
messagehtml string Optional //messagehtml
typename string //typename
typenameshort string //typenameshort
statuslabel string //statuslabel
statuslabelclass string //statuslabelclass
canreview int Optional //canreview
approvedeny int Optional //approvedeny
canmarkcomplete int Optional //canmarkcomplete
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => Array ( [type] => int [comments] => string [commentsformat] => int [userid] => int [requestedby] => int [status] => int [dpo] => int [dpocomment] => string [dpocommentformat] => int [creationmethod] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [foruser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [requestedbyuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [dpouser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [messagehtml] => string [typename] => string [typenameshort] => string [statuslabel] => string [statuslabelclass] => string [canreview] => int [approvedeny] => int [canmarkcomplete] => int ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="type"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comments"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentsformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="requestedby"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dpo"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dpocomment"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dpocommentformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="creationmethod"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="foruser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="requestedbyuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="dpouser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="messagehtml"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statuslabel"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statuslabelclass"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="approvedeny"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmarkcomplete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetches a list of data storage purpose options

includeinherit (Default to "1")
        Include option "Inherit"

General structure
int Default to "1" //Include option "Inherit"
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includeinherit] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includeinherit= int
includenotset (Default to "")
        Include option "Not set"

General structure
int Default to "" //Include option "Not set"
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includenotset] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includenotset= int

General structure
object {
options list of (
object {
id int //The purpose ID
name string //The purpose name
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="options"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetches a list of users

query (Required)
        The search query

General structure
string //The search query
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //ID of the user
fullname string //The fullname of the user
email string Optional //The user's email address
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [email] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark a user's general enquiry as complete

requestid (Required)
        The request ID

General structure
int //The request ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[requestid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
requestid= int

General structure
object {
result int //The processing result
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Sets purpose and category across a context level

jsonformdata (Required)
        The context level data, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The context level data, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string

General structure
object {
result int //Whether the data was properly set or not
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Updates the default category and purpose for a given context level (and optionally, a plugin)

contextlevel (Required)
        The context level

General structure
int //The context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextlevel] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextlevel= int
category (Required)
        The default category for the given context level

General structure
int //The default category for the given context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[category] => int
REST (POST parameters)
category= int
purpose (Required)
        The default purpose for the given context level

General structure
int //The default purpose for the given context level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[purpose] => int
REST (POST parameters)
purpose= int
activity (Default to "null")
        The plugin name of the activity

General structure
string Default to "null" //The plugin name of the activity
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[activity] => string
REST (POST parameters)
activity= string
override (Default to "")
        Whether to override existing instances with the defaults

General structure
int Default to "" //Whether to override existing instances with the defaults
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[override] => int
REST (POST parameters)
override= int

General structure
object {
result int //Whether the context defaults were successfully set or not
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Sets purpose and category for a specific context

jsonformdata (Required)
        The context level data, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The context level data, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string

General structure
object {
result int //Whether the data was properly set or not
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => int [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Return branches for the context tree

contextid (Required)
        The context id to expand

General structure
int //The context id to expand
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[contextid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
contextid= int
element (Required)
        The element we are interested on

General structure
string //The element we are interested on
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[element] => string
REST (POST parameters)
element= string

General structure
object {
branches list of (
Optional //Node structure
object {
text string //The node text
expandcontextid int //The contextid this node expands
expandelement string //What element is this node expanded to
contextid int //The node contextid
contextlevel int //The node contextlevel
expanded int //Is it expanded
branches Optional //Children node structure
list of (
Optional //Node structure
object {
text string //The node text
expandcontextid int //The contextid this node expands
expandelement string //What element is this node expanded to
contextid int //The node contextid
contextlevel int //The node contextlevel
expanded int //Is it expanded
branches list of (
string Optional //Nothing really, it will always be an empty array
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [text] => string [expandcontextid] => int [expandelement] => string [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => int [expanded] => int [branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [text] => string [expandcontextid] => int [expandelement] => string [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => int [expanded] => int [branches] => Array ( [0] => string ) ) ) ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="branches"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expandcontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expandelement"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextlevel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expanded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="branches"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expandcontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expandelement"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextlevel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="expanded"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="branches"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the competencies manage page template

competencyframeworkid (Required)
        The competency framework id

General structure
int //The competency framework id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyframeworkid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyframeworkid= int
search (Default to "")
        A search string

General structure
string Default to "" //A search string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string

General structure
object {
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
canmanage int //True if this user has permission to manage competency frameworks
pagecontextid int //Context id for the framework
search string //Current search string
rulesmodules string //JSON encoded data for rules
pluginbaseurl string //Plugin base url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [canmanage] => int [pagecontextid] => int [search] => string [rulesmodules] => string [pluginbaseurl] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="search"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rulesmodules"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the competency frameworks manage page template

pagecontext (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pagecontext] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
pagecontext[contextid]= int pagecontext[contextlevel]= string pagecontext[instanceid]= int

General structure
object {
competencyframeworks list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
)pluginbaseurl string //Url to the tool_lp plugin folder on this Moodle site
navigation list of (
string //HTML for a navigation item that should be on this page
)pagecontextid int //The page context id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [competencyframeworks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [navigation] => Array ( [0] => string ) [pagecontextid] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competencyframeworks"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navigation"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load competency data for summary template.

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
includerelated (Default to "")
        Include or not related competencies

General structure
int Default to "" //Include or not related competencies
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includerelated] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includerelated= int
includecourses (Default to "")
        Include or not competency courses

General structure
int Default to "" //Include or not competency courses
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includecourses] => int
REST (POST parameters)
includecourses= int

General structure
object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the course competencies page template.

courseid (Required)
        The course id

General structure
int //The course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
courseid int //The current course id
pagecontextid int //The current page context ID.
gradableuserid int Optional //Current user id, if the user is a gradable user.
canmanagecompetencyframeworks int //User can manage competency frameworks
canmanagecoursecompetencies int //User can manage linked course competencies
canconfigurecoursecompetencies int //User can configure course competency settings
cangradecompetencies int //User can grade competencies.
settings object {
courseid int //courseid
pushratingstouserplans int //pushratingstouserplans
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statistics object {
competencycount int //competencycount
proficientcompetencycount int //proficientcompetencycount
proficientcompetencypercentage double //proficientcompetencypercentage
proficientcompetencypercentageformatted string //proficientcompetencypercentageformatted
leastproficient //leastproficient
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)leastproficientcount int //leastproficientcount
canbegradedincourse int //canbegradedincourse
canmanagecoursecompetencies int //canmanagecoursecompetencies
competencies list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
coursecompetency object {
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
sortorder int //sortorder
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
coursemodules list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
url string Optional //url
iconurl string //iconurl
)usercompetencycourse object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
ruleoutcomeoptions list of (
object {
value int //The option value
text string //The name of the option
selected int //If this is the currently selected option
)comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
)manageurl string //Url to the manage competencies page.
pluginbaseurl string //Url to the course competencies page.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [courseid] => int [pagecontextid] => int [gradableuserid] => int [canmanagecompetencyframeworks] => int [canmanagecoursecompetencies] => int [canconfigurecoursecompetencies] => int [cangradecompetencies] => int [settings] => Array ( [courseid] => int [pushratingstouserplans] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [statistics] => Array ( [competencycount] => int [proficientcompetencycount] => int [proficientcompetencypercentage] => double [proficientcompetencypercentageformatted] => string [leastproficient] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [leastproficientcount] => int [canbegradedincourse] => int [canmanagecoursecompetencies] => int ) [competencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [coursecompetency] => Array ( [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [sortorder] => int [ruleoutcome] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [coursemodules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [url] => string [iconurl] => string ) ) [usercompetencycourse] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [ruleoutcomeoptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => int [text] => string [selected] => int ) ) [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) ) [manageurl] => string [pluginbaseurl] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradableuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanagecompetencyframeworks"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanagecoursecompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canconfigurecoursecompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cangradecompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="settings"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pushratingstouserplans"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statistics"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencypercentage"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencypercentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="leastproficient"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="leastproficientcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbegradedincourse"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanagecoursecompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursecompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodules"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iconurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencycourse"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcomeoptions"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="text"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="selected"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="manageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the plans page template

userid (Required)
        The user id

General structure
int //The user id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
userid int //The learning plan user id
plans list of (
object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
)pluginbaseurl string //Url to the tool_lp plugin folder on this Moodle site
navigation list of (
string //HTML for a navigation item that should be on this page
)canreaduserevidence int //Can the current user view the user's evidence
canmanageuserplans int //Can the current user manage the user's plans
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userid] => int [plans] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string ) ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [navigation] => Array ( [0] => string ) [canreaduserevidence] => int [canmanageuserplans] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plans"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navigation"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreaduserevidence"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanageuserplans"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the plan page template.

planid (Required)
        The plan id

General structure
int //The plan id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

General structure
object {
plan object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
contextid int //Context ID.
pluginbaseurl string //Plugin base URL.
competencies list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
usercompetencyplan object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
planid int //planid
sortorder int //sortorder
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
)competencycount int //Count of competencies
proficientcompetencycount int //Count of proficientcompetencies
proficientcompetencypercentage double //Percentage of competencies proficient
proficientcompetencypercentageformatted string //Displayable percentage
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [plan] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string ) [contextid] => int [pluginbaseurl] => string [competencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) [usercompetencyplan] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [planid] => int [sortorder] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) ) ) [competencycount] => int [proficientcompetencycount] => int [proficientcompetencypercentage] => double [proficientcompetencypercentageformatted] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="plan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencypercentage"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientcompetencypercentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the related competencies template.

competencyid (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

General structure
object {
relatedcompetencies list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)showdeleterelatedaction int //Whether to show the delete relation link or not
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [showdeleterelatedaction] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="showdeleterelatedaction"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the learning plan templates manage page template

pagecontext (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pagecontext] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
pagecontext[contextid]= int pagecontext[contextlevel]= string pagecontext[instanceid]= int

General structure
object {
templates list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
)pluginbaseurl string //Url to the tool_lp plugin folder on this Moodle site
navigation list of (
string //HTML for a navigation item that should be on this page
)pagecontextid int //The page context id
canmanage int //Whether the user manage the templates
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [templates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [navigation] => Array ( [0] => string ) [pagecontextid] => int [canmanage] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="templates"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="navigation"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the template competencies page template.

templateid (Required)
        The template id

General structure
int //The template id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[templateid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
templateid= int
pagecontext (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pagecontext] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
pagecontext[contextid]= int pagecontext[contextlevel]= string pagecontext[instanceid]= int

General structure
object {
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
pagecontextid int //Context ID
canmanagecompetencyframeworks int //User can manage competency frameworks
canmanagetemplatecompetencies int //User can manage learning plan templates
competencies list of (
object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
)manageurl string //Url to the manage competencies page.
pluginbaseurl string //Base URL of the plugin.
statistics object {
competencycount int //competencycount
unlinkedcompetencycount int //unlinkedcompetencycount
plancount int //plancount
completedplancount int //completedplancount
usercompetencyplancount int //usercompetencyplancount
proficientusercompetencyplancount int //proficientusercompetencyplancount
linkedcompetencypercentage double //linkedcompetencypercentage
linkedcompetencypercentageformatted string //linkedcompetencypercentageformatted
linkedcompetencycount int //linkedcompetencycount
completedplanpercentage double //completedplanpercentage
completedplanpercentageformatted string //completedplanpercentageformatted
proficientusercompetencyplanpercentage double //proficientusercompetencyplanpercentage
proficientusercompetencyplanpercentageformatted string //proficientusercompetencyplanpercentageformatted
leastproficient //leastproficient
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)leastproficientcount int //leastproficientcount
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [pagecontextid] => int [canmanagecompetencyframeworks] => int [canmanagetemplatecompetencies] => int [competencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) ) [manageurl] => string [pluginbaseurl] => string [statistics] => Array ( [competencycount] => int [unlinkedcompetencycount] => int [plancount] => int [completedplancount] => int [usercompetencyplancount] => int [proficientusercompetencyplancount] => int [linkedcompetencypercentage] => double [linkedcompetencypercentageformatted] => string [linkedcompetencycount] => int [completedplanpercentage] => double [completedplanpercentageformatted] => string [proficientusercompetencyplanpercentage] => double [proficientusercompetencyplanpercentageformatted] => string [leastproficient] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [leastproficientcount] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanagecompetencyframeworks"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanagetemplatecompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="manageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statistics"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="unlinkedcompetencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="plancount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completedplancount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplancount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientusercompetencyplancount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linkedcompetencypercentage"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linkedcompetencypercentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linkedcompetencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completedplanpercentage"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="completedplanpercentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientusercompetencyplanpercentage"> <VALUE>double</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficientusercompetencyplanpercentageformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="leastproficient"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="leastproficientcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a user competency.

userid (Required)
        Data base record id for the user

General structure
int //Data base record id for the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        Data base record id for the competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int

General structure
object {
showrelatedcompetencies int //showrelatedcompetencies
cangrade int //cangrade
competency object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
user object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
usercompetencyplan object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
planid int //planid
sortorder int //sortorder
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
usercompetencycourse object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
evidence //evidence
list of (
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
)commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [showrelatedcompetencies] => int [cangrade] => int [competency] => Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) [user] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) [usercompetencyplan] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [planid] => int [sortorder] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [usercompetencycourse] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [evidence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int ) ) [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="showrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cangrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="user"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencycourse"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="evidence"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a user competency.

userid (Required)
        Data base record id for the user

General structure
int //Data base record id for the user
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int
competencyid (Required)
        Data base record id for the competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
courseid (Required)
        Data base record id for the course

General structure
int //Data base record id for the course
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[courseid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
courseid= int

General structure
object {
usercompetencysummary object {
showrelatedcompetencies int //showrelatedcompetencies
cangrade int //cangrade
competency object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
user object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
usercompetencyplan object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
planid int //planid
sortorder int //sortorder
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
usercompetencycourse object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
evidence //evidence
list of (
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
)commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
course object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
coursemodules //coursemodules
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
url string Optional //url
iconurl string //iconurl
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usercompetencysummary] => Array ( [showrelatedcompetencies] => int [cangrade] => int [competency] => Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) [user] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) [usercompetencyplan] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [planid] => int [sortorder] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [usercompetencycourse] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [evidence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int ) ) [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) ) [course] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) [coursemodules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [url] => string [iconurl] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencysummary"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="showrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cangrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="user"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencycourse"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="evidence"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="course"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="coursemodules"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iconurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a summary of a user competency.

competencyid (Required)
        Data base record id for the competency

General structure
int //Data base record id for the competency
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[competencyid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
competencyid= int
planid (Required)
        Data base record id for the plan

General structure
int //Data base record id for the plan
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[planid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
planid= int

General structure
object {
usercompetencysummary object {
showrelatedcompetencies int //showrelatedcompetencies
cangrade int //cangrade
competency object {
linkedcourses //linkedcourses
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
)relatedcompetencies //relatedcompetencies
list of (
object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
)competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
framework object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //visible
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
contextid int //contextid
taxonomies string //taxonomies
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
competenciescount int //competenciescount
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
hascourses int //hascourses
hasrelatedcompetencies int //hasrelatedcompetencies
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
taxonomyterm string //taxonomyterm
comppath object {
ancestors //ancestors
list of (
object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
)framework object {
id int //id
name string //name
first int //first
last int //last
position int //position
pluginbaseurl string //pluginbaseurl
pagecontextid int //pagecontextid
user object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
usercompetencyplan object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
planid int //planid
sortorder int //sortorder
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
usercompetencycourse object {
userid int //userid
courseid int //courseid
competencyid int //competencyid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
gradename string //gradename
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
evidence //evidence
list of (
object {
usercompetencyid int //usercompetencyid
contextid int //contextid
action int //action
actionuserid int //actionuserid
descidentifier string //descidentifier
desccomponent string //desccomponent
desca string //desca
url string //url
grade int //grade
note string //note
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
actionuser object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
description string //description
gradename string //gradename
userdate string //userdate
candelete int //candelete
)commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
plan object {
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
userid int //userid
templateid int //templateid
origtemplateid int //origtemplateid
status int //status
duedate int //duedate
reviewerid int //reviewerid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
statusname string //statusname
isbasedontemplate int //isbasedontemplate
canmanage int //canmanage
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
canbeedited int //canbeedited
isactive int //isactive
isdraft int //isdraft
iscompleted int //iscompleted
isinreview int //isinreview
iswaitingforreview int //iswaitingforreview
isreopenallowed int //isreopenallowed
iscompleteallowed int //iscompleteallowed
isunlinkallowed int //isunlinkallowed
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isapproveallowed int //isapproveallowed
isunapproveallowed int //isunapproveallowed
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
commentarea object {
component string //component
commentarea string //commentarea
itemid int //itemid
courseid int //courseid
contextid int //contextid
cid string //cid
autostart int //autostart
canpost int //canpost
canview int //canview
count int //count
collapsediconkey string //collapsediconkey
displaytotalcount int //displaytotalcount
displaycancel int //displaycancel
fullwidth int //fullwidth
linktext string //linktext
notoggle int //notoggle
template string //template
canpostorhascomments int //canpostorhascomments
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
template object {
shortname string //shortname
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
duedate int //duedate
visible int //visible
contextid int //contextid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
duedateformatted string //duedateformatted
cohortscount int //cohortscount
planscount int //planscount
canmanage int //canmanage
canread int //canread
contextname string //contextname
contextnamenoprefix string //contextnamenoprefix
url string //url
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [usercompetencysummary] => Array ( [showrelatedcompetencies] => int [cangrade] => int [competency] => Array ( [linkedcourses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) ) [relatedcompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) ) [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [framework] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [contextid] => int [taxonomies] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [competenciescount] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [hascourses] => int [hasrelatedcompetencies] => int [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [taxonomyterm] => string [comppath] => Array ( [ancestors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) ) [framework] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [first] => int [last] => int [position] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string [pagecontextid] => int ) ) [user] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) [usercompetencyplan] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [planid] => int [sortorder] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [usercompetencycourse] => Array ( [userid] => int [courseid] => int [competencyid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [gradename] => string [proficiencyname] => string ) [evidence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [usercompetencyid] => int [contextid] => int [action] => int [actionuserid] => int [descidentifier] => string [desccomponent] => string [desca] => string [url] => string [grade] => int [note] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [actionuser] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [description] => string [gradename] => string [userdate] => string [candelete] => int ) ) [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) ) [plan] => Array ( [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [userid] => int [templateid] => int [origtemplateid] => int [status] => int [duedate] => int [reviewerid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [statusname] => string [isbasedontemplate] => int [canmanage] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [canbeedited] => int [isactive] => int [isdraft] => int [iscompleted] => int [isinreview] => int [iswaitingforreview] => int [isreopenallowed] => int [iscompleteallowed] => int [isunlinkallowed] => int [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isapproveallowed] => int [isunapproveallowed] => int [duedateformatted] => string [commentarea] => Array ( [component] => string [commentarea] => string [itemid] => int [courseid] => int [contextid] => int [cid] => string [autostart] => int [canpost] => int [canview] => int [count] => int [collapsediconkey] => string [displaytotalcount] => int [displaycancel] => int [fullwidth] => int [linktext] => string [notoggle] => int [template] => string [canpostorhascomments] => int ) [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [template] => Array ( [shortname] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [duedate] => int [visible] => int [contextid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [duedateformatted] => string [cohortscount] => int [planscount] => int [canmanage] => int [canread] => int [contextname] => string [contextnamenoprefix] => string ) [url] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencysummary"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="showrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cangrade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="linkedcourses"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="relatedcompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomies"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competenciescount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hascourses"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasrelatedcompetencies"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="taxonomyterm"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="comppath"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="ancestors"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="framework"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="first"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="last"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="position"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pagecontextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="user"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencyplan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencycourse"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="evidence"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="usercompetencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="action"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuserid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descidentifier"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desccomponent"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="desca"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="note"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="actionuser"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userdate"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="candelete"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="plan"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="templateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="origtemplateid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isbasedontemplate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canbeedited"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isactive"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdraft"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleted"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isreopenallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscompleteallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunlinkallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isunapproveallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="commentarea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="courseid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cid"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autostart"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpost"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="collapsediconkey"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaytotalcount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="displaycancel"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullwidth"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="linktext"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="notoggle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canpostorhascomments"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="template"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="duedateformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="cohortscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="planscount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canread"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="contextnamenoprefix"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the user evidence list page template

userid (Required)
        The user ID

General structure
int //The user ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[userid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
userid= int

General structure
object {
canmanage int //Can the current user manage the user's evidence
userid int //The user ID
pluginbaseurl string //Url to the tool_lp plugin folder on this Moodle site
evidence list of (
object {
userid int //userid
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
url string //url
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
filecount int //filecount
files //files
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)hasurlorfiles int //hasurlorfiles
urlshort string //urlshort
competencycount int //competencycount
usercompetencies Optional //usercompetencies
list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
)userhasplan int //userhasplan
)navigation list of (
string //HTML for a navigation item that should be on this page
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [canmanage] => int [userid] => int [pluginbaseurl] => string [evidence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [userid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [url] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [filecount] => int [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [hasurlorfiles] => int [urlshort] => string [competencycount] => int [usercompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) ) ) [userhasplan] => int ) ) [navigation] => Array ( [0] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="evidence"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasurlorfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urlshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="userhasplan"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="navigation"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load the data for the user evidence page template

id (Required)
        The user evidence ID

General structure
int //The user evidence ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
object {
userevidence object {
userid int //userid
name string //name
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
url string //url
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canmanage int //canmanage
filecount int //filecount
files //files
list of (
object {
contextid int //contextid
component string //component
filearea string //filearea
itemid int //itemid
filepath string //filepath
filename string //filename
isdir int //isdir
timemodified int //timemodified
timecreated int //timecreated
filesize int //filesize
author string //author
license string //license
filenameshort string //filenameshort
filesizeformatted string //filesizeformatted
icon string //icon
timecreatedformatted string //timecreatedformatted
timemodifiedformatted string //timemodifiedformatted
url string //url
)hasurlorfiles int //hasurlorfiles
urlshort string //urlshort
competencycount int //competencycount
usercompetencies Optional //usercompetencies
list of (
object {
competency object {
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
description string //description
descriptionformat int Default to "1" //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
sortorder int //sortorder
parentid int //parentid
path string //path
ruleoutcome int //ruleoutcome
ruletype string //ruletype
ruleconfig string //ruleconfig
scaleid int //scaleid
scaleconfiguration string //scaleconfiguration
competencyframeworkid int //competencyframeworkid
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
usercompetency object {
userid int //userid
competencyid int //competencyid
status int //status
reviewerid int //reviewerid
proficiency int //proficiency
grade int //grade
id int //id
timecreated int //timecreated
timemodified int //timemodified
usermodified int //usermodified
canrequestreview int //canrequestreview
canreview int //canreview
gradename string //gradename
isrequestreviewallowed int //isrequestreviewallowed
iscancelreviewrequestallowed int //iscancelreviewrequestallowed
isstartreviewallowed int //isstartreviewallowed
isstopreviewallowed int //isstopreviewallowed
isstatusidle int //isstatusidle
isstatusinreview int //isstatusinreview
isstatuswaitingforreview int //isstatuswaitingforreview
proficiencyname string //proficiencyname
reviewer object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
statusname string //statusname
url string //url
)userhasplan int //userhasplan
pluginbaseurl string //Url to the tool_lp plugin folder on this Moodle site
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [userevidence] => Array ( [userid] => int [name] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [url] => string [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canmanage] => int [filecount] => int [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contextid] => int [component] => string [filearea] => string [itemid] => int [filepath] => string [filename] => string [isdir] => int [timemodified] => int [timecreated] => int [filesize] => int [author] => string [license] => string [filenameshort] => string [filesizeformatted] => string [icon] => string [timecreatedformatted] => string [timemodifiedformatted] => string [url] => string ) ) [hasurlorfiles] => int [urlshort] => string [competencycount] => int [usercompetencies] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [competency] => Array ( [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [sortorder] => int [parentid] => int [path] => string [ruleoutcome] => int [ruletype] => string [ruleconfig] => string [scaleid] => int [scaleconfiguration] => string [competencyframeworkid] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int ) [usercompetency] => Array ( [userid] => int [competencyid] => int [status] => int [reviewerid] => int [proficiency] => int [grade] => int [id] => int [timecreated] => int [timemodified] => int [usermodified] => int [canrequestreview] => int [canreview] => int [gradename] => string [isrequestreviewallowed] => int [iscancelreviewrequestallowed] => int [isstartreviewallowed] => int [isstopreviewallowed] => int [isstatusidle] => int [isstatusinreview] => int [isstatuswaitingforreview] => int [proficiencyname] => string [reviewer] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) [statusname] => string [url] => string ) ) ) [userhasplan] => int ) [pluginbaseurl] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userevidence"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canmanage"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filecount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="contextid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filearea"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isdir"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="author"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="license"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filenameshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesizeformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="icon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreatedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodifiedformatted"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="hasurlorfiles"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="urlshort"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencycount"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetencies"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="competency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sortorder"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="parentid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="path"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleoutcome"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruletype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="ruleconfig"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="scaleconfiguration"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyframeworkid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="usercompetency"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="userid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="competencyid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="status"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewerid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiency"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="grade"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timecreated"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="usermodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canrequestreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="canreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="gradename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isrequestreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iscancelreviewrequestallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstartreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstopreviewallowed"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusidle"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatusinreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isstatuswaitingforreview"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="proficiencyname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reviewer"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="statusname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="userhasplan"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="pluginbaseurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List the courses using a competency

id (Required)
        The competency id

General structure
int //The competency id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[id] => int
REST (POST parameters)
id= int

General structure
list of (
object {
id int //id
fullname string //fullname
shortname string //shortname
idnumber string //idnumber
summary string //summary
summaryformat int //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
startdate int //startdate
enddate int //enddate
fullnamedisplay string //fullnamedisplay
viewurl string //viewurl
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [fullname] => string [shortname] => string [idnumber] => string [summary] => string [summaryformat] => int [startdate] => int [enddate] => int [fullnamedisplay] => string [viewurl] => string ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="shortname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summary"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="summaryformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="startdate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enddate"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullnamedisplay"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="viewurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search for cohorts.

query (Required)
        Query string

General structure
string //Query string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string
context (Required)

General structure
object {
contextid int Default to "0" //Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.
contextlevel string Default to "" //Context level. To be used with instanceid.
instanceid int Default to "0" //Context instance ID. To be used with level
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => Array ( [contextid] => int [contextlevel] => string [instanceid] => int )
REST (POST parameters)
context[contextid]= int context[contextlevel]= string context[instanceid]= int
includes (Default to "parents")
        What other contexts to fetch the frameworks from. (all, parents, self)

General structure
string Default to "parents" //What other contexts to fetch the frameworks from. (all, parents, self)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[includes] => string
REST (POST parameters)
includes= string
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        limitfrom we are fetching the records from

General structure
int Default to "0" //limitfrom we are fetching the records from
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "25")
        Number of records to fetch

General structure
int Default to "25" //Number of records to fetch
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= int

General structure
object {
cohorts list of (
object {
id int //ID of the cohort
name string //cohort name
idnumber string //cohort idnumber
description string //cohort description
descriptionformat int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
visible int //cohort visible
theme string Optional //cohort theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [cohorts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [name] => string [idnumber] => string [description] => string [descriptionformat] => int [visible] => int [theme] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="cohorts"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="description"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="descriptionformat"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="visible"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="theme"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Search for users.

query (Required)
        Query string

General structure
string //Query string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[query] => string
REST (POST parameters)
query= string
capability (Required)
        Required capability

General structure
string //Required capability
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[capability] => string
REST (POST parameters)
capability= string
limitfrom (Default to "0")
        Number of records to skip

General structure
int Default to "0" //Number of records to skip
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitfrom] => int
REST (POST parameters)
limitfrom= int
limitnum (Default to "100")
        Number of records to fetch

General structure
string Default to "100" //Number of records to fetch
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[limitnum] => string
REST (POST parameters)
limitnum= string

General structure
object {
users list of (
object {
id int //id
email string //email
idnumber string //idnumber
phone1 string //phone1
phone2 string //phone2
department string //department
institution string //institution
fullname string //fullname
identity string //identity
profileurl string //profileurl
profileimageurl string //profileimageurl
profileimageurlsmall string //profileimageurlsmall
)count int //Total number of results.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => int [email] => string [idnumber] => string [phone1] => string [phone2] => string [department] => string [institution] => string [fullname] => string [identity] => string [profileurl] => string [profileimageurl] => string [profileimageurlsmall] => string ) ) [count] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="email"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="idnumber"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone1"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="phone2"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="department"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="institution"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fullname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identity"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="profileimageurlsmall"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="count"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Creates an auto-login key for the current user. Is created only in https sites and is restricted by time and ip address.

privatetoken (Required)
        Private token, usually generated by login/token.php

General structure
string //Private token, usually generated by login/token.php
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[privatetoken] => string
REST (POST parameters)
privatetoken= string

General structure
object {
key string //Auto-login key for a single usage with time expiration.
autologinurl string //Auto-login URL.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [key] => string [autologinurl] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="key"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autologinurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of the site configurations, filtering by section.

section (Default to "")
        Settings section name.

General structure
string Default to "" //Settings section name.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[section] => string
REST (POST parameters)
section= string

General structure
object {
settings //Settings
list of (
object {
name string //The name of the setting
value string //The value of the setting
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [settings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="settings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a piece of content to be displayed in the Mobile app.

component (Required)
        Component where the class is e.g. mod_assign.

General structure
string //Component where the class is e.g. mod_assign.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
method (Required)
        Method to execute in class \$component\output\mobile.

General structure
string //Method to execute in class \$component\output\mobile.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[method] => string
REST (POST parameters)
method= string
args (Optional)
        Args for the method are optional.

General structure
Optional //Args for the method are optional.
list of (
object {
name string //Param name.
value string //Param value.
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) )
REST (POST parameters)
args[0][name]= string args[0][value]= string

General structure
object {
templates //Templates required by the generated content.
list of (
object {
id string //ID of the template.
html string //HTML code.
)javascript string //JavaScript code.
otherdata //Other data that can be used or manipulated by the template via 2-way data-binding.
list of (
object {
name string //Field name.
value string //Field value.
)files //Files in the content.
list of (
object {
filename string Optional //File name.
filepath string Optional //File path.
filesize int Optional //File size.
fileurl string Optional //Downloadable file url.
timemodified int Optional //Time modified.
mimetype string Optional //File mime type.
isexternalfile int Optional //Whether is an external file.
repositorytype string Optional //The repository type for external files.
)restrict //Restrict this content to certain users or courses.
object {
users Optional //List of allowed users.
list of (
int //user id
)courses Optional //List of allowed courses.
list of (
int //course id
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [templates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => string [html] => string ) ) [javascript] => string [otherdata] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [value] => string ) ) [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => string [filepath] => string [filesize] => int [fileurl] => string [timemodified] => int [mimetype] => string [isexternalfile] => int [repositorytype] => string ) ) [restrict] => Array ( [users] => Array ( [0] => int ) [courses] => Array ( [0] => int ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="templates"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="id"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="html"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="javascript"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="otherdata"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="value"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="files"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="filename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filepath"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="timemodified"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mimetype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="isexternalfile"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="repositorytype"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="restrict"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="users"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="courses"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of Moodle plugins supporting the mobile app.


General structure
object {
plugins list of (
object {
component string //The plugin component name.
version string //The plugin version number.
addon string //The Mobile addon (package) name.
dependencies //The list of Mobile addons this addon depends on.
list of (
string //Mobile addon name.
)fileurl string //The addon package url for download or empty if it doesn't exist.
filehash string //The addon package hash or empty if it doesn't exist.
filesize int //The addon package size or empty if it doesn't exist.
handlers string Optional //Handlers definition (JSON)
lang string Optional //Language strings used by the handlers (JSON)
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [plugins] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [component] => string [version] => string [addon] => string [dependencies] => Array ( [0] => string ) [fileurl] => string [filehash] => string [filesize] => int [handlers] => string [lang] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="plugins"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="component"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="version"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="addon"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="dependencies"> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="fileurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filehash"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="filesize"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="handlers"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Returns a list of the site public settings, those not requiring authentication.


General structure
object {
wwwroot string //Site URL.
httpswwwroot string //Site https URL (if httpslogin is enabled).
sitename string //Site name.
guestlogin int //Whether guest login is enabled.
rememberusername int //Values: 0 for No, 1 for Yes, 2 for optional.
authloginviaemail int //Whether log in via email is enabled.
registerauth string //Authentication method for user registration.
forgottenpasswordurl string //Forgotten password URL.
authinstructions string //Authentication instructions.
authnoneenabled int //Whether auth none is enabled.
enablewebservices int //Whether Web Services are enabled.
enablemobilewebservice int //Whether the Mobile service is enabled.
maintenanceenabled int //Whether site maintenance is enabled.
maintenancemessage string //Maintenance message.
logourl string Optional //The site logo URL
compactlogourl string Optional //The site compact logo URL
typeoflogin int //The type of login. 1 for app, 2 for browser, 3 for embedded.
launchurl string Optional //SSO login launch URL.
mobilecssurl string Optional //Mobile custom CSS theme
tool_mobile_disabledfeatures string Optional //Disabled features in the app
identityproviders Optional //Identity providers
list of (
object {
name string //The identity provider name.
iconurl string //The icon URL for the provider.
url string //The URL of the provider.
)country string Optional //Default site country
agedigitalconsentverification int Optional //Whether age digital consent verification is enabled.
supportname string Optional //Site support contact name (only if age verification is enabled).
supportemail string Optional //Site support contact email (only if age verification is enabled).
autolang int Optional //Whether to detect default language from browser setting.
lang string Optional //Default language for the site.
langmenu int Optional //Whether the language menu should be displayed.
langlist string Optional //Languages on language menu.
locale string Optional //Sitewide locale.
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [wwwroot] => string [httpswwwroot] => string [sitename] => string [guestlogin] => int [rememberusername] => int [authloginviaemail] => int [registerauth] => string [forgottenpasswordurl] => string [authinstructions] => string [authnoneenabled] => int [enablewebservices] => int [enablemobilewebservice] => int [maintenanceenabled] => int [maintenancemessage] => string [logourl] => string [compactlogourl] => string [typeoflogin] => int [launchurl] => string [mobilecssurl] => string [tool_mobile_disabledfeatures] => string [identityproviders] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => string [iconurl] => string [url] => string ) ) [country] => string [agedigitalconsentverification] => int [supportname] => string [supportemail] => string [autolang] => int [lang] => string [langmenu] => int [langlist] => string [locale] => string [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="wwwroot"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="httpswwwroot"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="sitename"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="guestlogin"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="rememberusername"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authloginviaemail"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="registerauth"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="forgottenpasswordurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authinstructions"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="authnoneenabled"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enablewebservices"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="enablemobilewebservice"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maintenanceenabled"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="maintenancemessage"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="logourl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="compactlogourl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="typeoflogin"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="launchurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="mobilecssurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="tool_mobile_disabledfeatures"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="identityproviders"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="iconurl"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="url"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> <KEY name="country"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="agedigitalconsentverification"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="supportname"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="supportemail"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="autolang"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="lang"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="langmenu"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="langlist"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="locale"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the details of a policy version

versionid (Required)
        The policy version ID

General structure
int //The policy version ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[versionid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
versionid= int
behalfid (Default to "0")
        The id of user on whose behalf the user is viewing the policy

General structure
int Default to "0" //The id of user on whose behalf the user is viewing the policy
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[behalfid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
behalfid= int

General structure
object {
result object {
policy Optional //Policy information
object {
name string Optional //The policy version name
versionid int Optional //The policy version id
content string Optional //The policy version content
warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [result] => Array ( [policy] => Array ( [name] => string [versionid] => int [content] => string ) ) [warnings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [item] => string [itemid] => int [warningcode] => string [message] => string ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="result"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="policy"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="versionid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> <KEY name="warnings"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="item"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="itemid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="warningcode"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="message"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Accept policies on behalf of other users

jsonformdata (Required)
        The data from the create group form, encoded as a json array

General structure
string //The data from the create group form, encoded as a json array
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[jsonformdata] => string
REST (POST parameters)
jsonformdata= string


General structure
int //success
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


List/search templates by component.

component (Default to "")
        The component to search

General structure
string Default to "" //The component to search
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
search (Default to "")
        The search string

General structure
string Default to "" //The search string
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[search] => string
REST (POST parameters)
search= string
themename (Default to "")
        The current theme

General structure
string Default to "" //The current theme
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[themename] => string
REST (POST parameters)
themename= string

General structure
list of (
string //The template name (format is component/templatename)
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [0] => string )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <MULTIPLE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </MULTIPLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Load a canonical template by name (not the theme overidden one).

component (Required)
        component containing the template

General structure
string //component containing the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[component] => string
REST (POST parameters)
component= string
template (Required)
        name of the template

General structure
string //name of the template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[template] => string
REST (POST parameters)
template= string


General structure
string //template
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark the specified tour as completed for the current user

tourid (Required)
        Tour ID

General structure
int //Tour ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tourid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
tourid= int
context (Required)
        Context ID

General structure
int //Context ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => int
REST (POST parameters)
context= int
pageurl (Required)
        Page URL

General structure
string //Page URL
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
pageurl= string
stepid (Required)
        Step ID

General structure
int //Step ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stepid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
stepid= int
stepindex (Required)
        Step Number

General structure
int //Step Number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stepindex] => int
REST (POST parameters)
stepindex= int

General structure
object {
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Fetch the specified tour

tourid (Required)
        Tour ID

General structure
int //Tour ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tourid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
tourid= int
context (Required)
        Context ID

General structure
int //Context ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => int
REST (POST parameters)
context= int
pageurl (Required)
        Page URL

General structure
string //Page URL
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
pageurl= string

General structure
object {
tourconfig object {
name string //Tour Name
steps list of (
object {
title string //Step Title
content string //Step Content
element string //Step Target
placement string //Step Placement
delay int Optional //Delay before showing the step (ms)
backdrop int Optional //Whether a backdrop should be used
reflex int Optional //Whether to move to the next step when the target element is clicked
orphan int Optional //Whether to display the step even if it could not be found
stepid int Optional //The actual ID of the step
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [tourconfig] => Array ( [name] => string [steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => string [content] => string [element] => string [placement] => string [delay] => int [backdrop] => int [reflex] => int [orphan] => int [stepid] => int ) ) ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="tourconfig"> <SINGLE> <KEY name="name"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="steps"> <MULTIPLE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="title"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="content"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="element"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="placement"> <VALUE>string</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="delay"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="backdrop"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="reflex"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="orphan"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> <KEY name="stepid"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </MULTIPLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Remove the specified tour

tourid (Required)
        Tour ID

General structure
int //Tour ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tourid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
tourid= int
context (Required)
        Context ID

General structure
int //Context ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => int
REST (POST parameters)
context= int
pageurl (Required)
        Current page location

General structure
string //Current page location
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
pageurl= string

General structure
object {
startTour int Optional //Tour ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( [startTour] => int )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> <KEY name="startTour"> <VALUE>int</VALUE> </KEY> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX


Mark the specified step as completed for the current user

tourid (Required)
        Tour ID

General structure
int //Tour ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[tourid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
tourid= int
context (Required)
        Context ID

General structure
int //Context ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[context] => int
REST (POST parameters)
context= int
pageurl (Required)
        Page URL

General structure
string //Page URL
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[pageurl] => string
REST (POST parameters)
pageurl= string
stepid (Required)
        Step ID

General structure
int //Step ID
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stepid] => int
REST (POST parameters)
stepid= int
stepindex (Required)
        Step Number

General structure
int //Step Number
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
[stepindex] => int
REST (POST parameters)
stepindex= int

General structure
object {
XML-RPC (PHP structure)
Array ( )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <SINGLE> </SINGLE> </RESPONSE>

Error message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EXCEPTION class="invalid_parameter_exception"> <MESSAGE>Invalid parameter value detected</MESSAGE> <DEBUGINFO></DEBUGINFO> </EXCEPTION>

Restricted to logged-in users

Callable from AJAX